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My two cents on,possible ways to improve game

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Patch is out and lots of changes to digest especially with regards to economy. It appears to me we already have a great naval combat game. So here goes

1) With regards to port capture and smaller nations. Propose that the flag cost be tied to the number of days the port would be under hostile control. This would be a maximum number of days, for example ten days for a 200k flag and one day for a 10k flag. I would also allow the original owner the opportunity to "pay down" the time period with matching gold donations, perhaps at a rate of 2x or 3x to one of the original flag cost. In real life nations conquered, pillaged and left. The losing nation expense could be rationalized as the hiring of mercenaries and privateers to recapture the town. A balance between game fun and real life. This will be important in combination with following suggestions. I also suggest that when returned all production be decreased somewhat, to mimic bring in and looting. The production would increase over time.

2) Buildings can be used in any town. However, those towns without the resource as a primary source would produce at a percentage less, say 50%. This would always allow smaller nations access to resources.

3) I like the discussion of the towns growing. Propose a system like this. All towns have needs for staples and merchandise. For example, food, salt and other items could be implemented and then delivered to the towns. The more items delivered the more the town grows. I also suggest a "manufacturing" tree similar to ships...think furniture, pots, pans, furnaces, cotton, cloth, silk, etc. These items could be built in a "factory". Factories could drop blue prints for more advanced good. Suggest five levels of cities each providing different costs and labor hours benefits. For example, the higher population means more labor hence lower shipbuilding and production building labor costs. Also, if captured the town could be downgraded meaning the nation has to build it up again. Talk about encouraging trading. Also, as part of the town needs, have critical shortages. Items that the town is in desperate need of and will pay extra for. Notices of port needs could be found at any port or perhaps in email. This would promote sailing goods from one port to another for a bigger profit. Items could be paid for in either gold or labor hours.

4) Make production building costs either gold or labor hours but not both. Labor hours are too few to allow for individuals to operate both production buildings and shipyards. Clans are great but a lot of people don't want to be stuck in a clan economy. Let's encourage the individual as well.

5) Create a global economy capability at Free towns. Think something along the lines of the WOW auction house. This allows smaller nations access to goods whenever needed, gives players an outlet for their goods, and if managed correctly could minimize inflation. Maybe as part of this the current port production could be cut in half. This would still leave resources available but encourage trading.

Just a few of my latest ideas. Start ripping now...

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