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France Declares Unrestricted Naval Warfare On Britain (PVP2)


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In light of the unchecked eastward expansion of british forces into the upper antilles under the guise of liberating former british colonies, multiple treaty violations and the occupation of  french colonies in haiti the free french government have decided to unleash its battle hardened forces. ALL ships sailing under the british banner are henceforth fair game for all french forces wherever they might be. May god have mercy upon you as no frenchmen will.

Vive Le France

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we don't really see you as french anyway, you guys are just pirates gone french with pirate attitude still helping the pirates and swedes, you don't represent france in the Caribbean



Eulogy doesn't speak for OMG when OMGs word is written it's written by me or Jackalope and our word is Law.

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No salt at all actually, last time i saw Sob they were all sinking and dead men cant talk so.....

i'm talking just fine buddy, remember that time you guys got kicked from your home town? and had to run all the way to the other side of the map? yeah i do.

You guys can have your silly little circljerk all you like, doesn't change the fact that you guys lost mort town, and changed faction because you were getting raped.


I enjoy seeing all you guys respond with your salty remarks, makes things more interesting.

Edited by Lord Roberts
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I remember distinctly when sob organised 3 factions against aves and still lost but hey keep thinking you are worth a damn roberts

all good, we had to chase you guys from Mort town to the other side of the map just to get some action because you guys ran, we tried and had some fun but in the end the british won because now you are french... funny how that works.

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i'm talking just fine buddy, remember that time you guys got kicked from your home town? and had to run all the way to the other side of the map? yeah i do.

You guys can have your silly little circljerk all you like, doesn't change the fact that you guys lost mort town, and changed faction because you were getting raped.


I enjoy seeing all you guys respond with your salty remarks, makes things more interesting.

You actually got your facts wrong.

1. We wanted to stay and fight at mort.

2. We went east to speed up the port capping to drag the rats back to mort.

3. They refused to return to mort to pvp.

4. We rerolled French and made them pvp.

5. The shit pirates rerolled Brits and are now your friends.

6. The others remained pirate

7. No 1 cares.

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i'm talking just fine buddy, remember that time you guys got kicked from your home town? and had to run all the way to the other side of the map? yeah i do.

You guys can have your silly little circljerk all you like, doesn't change the fact that you guys lost mort town, and changed faction because you were getting raped.


I enjoy seeing all you guys respond with your salty remarks, makes things more interesting.

Dont know where you are getting your information from but we are the reason the pirate coallition in the antilles (you know thew ones that raped you) fell, only took 48 hrs of non stop murder at camp du roy and that was after (and the reason why) we went french

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No kidding.  You seem to talk more than you play.

funny cause im almost admiral, sorta disproves your point.


Keep all the salt coming guys, this is amazing.


It's funny because y'all think I actually care about you and what you are doing, I am here to have fun and watch you guys get mad.

Edited by Lord Roberts
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funny cause im almost admiral, sorta disproves your point.


Keep all the salt coming guys, this is amazing.


It's funny because y'all think I actually care about you and what you are doing, I am here to have fun and watch you guys get mad.

You have never made us mad in anyway Roberts because the only way you could do that is actually beat us in an engagement which you have yet to do, the only emotion you invoke is pity

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