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[PVP1] Agreement beetween Denmark and France


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To all Captains of Naval Action,


After the defeat of France against the Danes, both nations have come into an agreement of non agression pact :


The following things have been decided :


-French players of major guilds won't attack any danish ports or traders

-France will retake all of their ports except Aves and Terre de bas

-In two weeks, new negociations will come to talk about the situation of Terre de Bas


Some players will not agree with this and of course this is their right, but major French Guilds have done it to protect the interest of the whole French community, to keep them playing in a good atmosphear.


We are thankfull to the danes who accepted negociations.


French Guilds who accepted will be listed below :







Danish Guilds who accepted will be listed below :







EDR agrees

Edited by verseaux
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