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Need Diplomacy

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Out of curiosity what faction and server are you? 

PVP2 France, I really don't think we're that small but still obviously not the size of the others like pirates and U.S. If diplomacy was in place and we were able to ally with the dutch or swedes officially to block out these other guys swarming us we'd probably wouldn't be losing so badly, also yes I think we lack coordination and dedicated players but that only furthers the need.

Edited by Lefort
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Frances current problem is its getting screwed over by the decisions of a couple guys instead of France as a whole. You guys need to band together and make group decisions about allies and stuff.

you can't rely on a bunch of random people to stick to a few peoples supposed "alliance" on both sides we need something more solid, i do admit leadership here but that's also up to players. Slamz seems decent but he's in the south and plays with a group of friends which is probably why they're so effective I'm contemplating of taking the painful task up of likeminded players and making a northern clan doubtful i would get anywheres, we just need diplomacy for the sake of all the lowbie nations. We got pirates all over us and dutch and french slapping at eachother with brits occasionally, soon it's going to be the U.S of A just alot of defeatism going around.

Edited by Lefort
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We got pirates all over us and dutch and french slapping at eachother with brits occasionally, soon it's going to be the U.S of A just alot of defeatism going around.



Don't worry my little frogs, while the Rats are messing with you, they are being mutilated by the US.


You're winning even though you're losing.


the U.S are coming for us sadly so we're very taxed about to lose the only place where we can reliably get crafting materials, i'm trying to drum up some people who don't think it's not worth while

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Political things shoudnt limit a whole nation. 

I agree there is a diplomacy system in need, but not something with vote's every clan need to have the right to atack anyone they want except own nation ofcourse.

except they don't they fight the nations enemy if they want unhindered pvp they should roll with the pirates, that's part of being a nation having protections and diplomacy will further that. We the weaker nations desperately need this before we're all pinned into our capitals taking one or two ports back just to get pushed right back in.

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NA really lacks of diplomacy, but the reason is not the interface or inexistence of political mechanic, but the players themselves and current economic model of the game.

Big nations like GB on PVP 1 EU are capable of expansion without borders and they will expand as long as possible till they face another big nation.

Smaller ones are fighting to each other instead of opposition against bigger ones. For example, France and Sweden are fighting against Denmark and the dutch. It is clear that sooner or later GB will decide to expand to the east due to american opposition on the west side. We see how good Britain is as ally with Spain, they simply captured all of their ports they could capture and did nothing to help RAE with american invasion. So obvoisly any treaty with the UK is not viable and Britain vs Denmark then Sweden and Dutch then France carnage is inevitable when SLRN will stuck on the west with the US. But France and Sweden both fail to understand this just as RAE did and they are willing to kill Denmark in any cost thinking that British fleet will ignore them or help them.

No mechanic will fix this until HRE and IKEA realise this situation. It is leadership issue, not the game-related one)

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NA really lacks of diplomacy, but the reason is not the interface or inexistence of political mechanic, but the players themselves and current economic model of the game.

Big nations like GB on PVP 1 EU are capable of expansion without borders and they will expand as long as possible till they face another big nation.

Smaller ones are fighting to each other instead of opposition against bigger ones. For example, France and Sweden are fighting against Denmark and the dutch. It is clear that sooner or later GB will decide to expand to the east due to american opposition on the west side. We see how good Britain is as ally with Spain, they simply captured all of their ports they could capture and did nothing to help RAE with american invasion. So obvoisly any treaty with the UK is not viable and Britain vs Denmark then Sweden and Dutch then France carnage is inevitable when SLRN will stuck on the west with the US. But France and Sweden both fail to understand this just as RAE did and they are willing to kill Denmark in any cost thinking that British fleet will ignore them or help them.

No mechanic will fix this until HRE and IKEA realise this situation. It is leadership issue, not the game-related one)

it's not a leader ship issue these guilds cannot properly enforce people to listen to them there is no real rules, it's not that complicated. We need a built in alliance system to enforce the large mobs of people and various clans to focus, I don't understand how it's a "leadership problem" if you get swarmed by 4 different nations cause they don't care about a couple of players supposed alliance that sounds like roleplay nonsense.

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NA really lacks of diplomacy, but the reason is not the interface or inexistence of political mechanic, but the players themselves and current economic model of the game.

Big nations like GB on PVP 1 EU are capable of expansion without borders and they will expand as long as possible till they face another big nation.

Smaller ones are fighting to each other instead of opposition against bigger ones. For example, France and Sweden are fighting against Denmark and the dutch. It is clear that sooner or later GB will decide to expand to the east due to american opposition on the west side. We see how good Britain is as ally with Spain, they simply captured all of their ports they could capture and did nothing to help RAE with american invasion. So obvoisly any treaty with the UK is not viable and Britain vs Denmark then Sweden and Dutch then France carnage is inevitable when SLRN will stuck on the west with the US. But France and Sweden both fail to understand this just as RAE did and they are willing to kill Denmark in any cost thinking that British fleet will ignore them or help them.

No mechanic will fix this until HRE and IKEA realise this situation. It is leadership issue, not the game-related one)

Even the very limited political information I'm privy to is enough to know just how lacking your understanding of the situation on EU pvp 1 is. Salty and uninformed spanish player I'm guessing, painting a picture of doom and gloom rather than one that's accurate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

yes currently 1 clan can decide to start a war on a natational ally. how is this a good thing?


i am all for clans haveing some inderpentance but not at the cost of the entire nation..


if that clan then decides to reroll another faction because the going gets tought then suddenly the rest are left holding off all the enmies.


actualy thats a good tactic.. re roll another natation then attack all there suprosed allies to get them in a gobal war then reroll back to your own nation now why did i not think of that before...


because if the game is gonna allow it why not right????


no i feel a proper deplomacy system is best. get the nation to Vote on a  Governor for that nation who works out these things and maybe have 2 deputy   Governors as well for allowing if said governor is inactive or not on.


if he gets inactive or the nation feels he is doing the wrong thing then they can just vote him out


this would work better then just letting the fate of the nation be left in the hands of any 1 clan who is bored...

Edited by mandrake
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