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Stormy Seas Battle Instance

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Not just storms, which I would have to agree, in battles are worth it. Very nice gameplay to be had with a good storm.


Also, the instances don't seem to be synchronized with what is happening in the OW. It could be pouring the rain in OW, but enter the instance, and now its calm, or even sunny. Plus, the "missions" are the worst! Every mission will start you out with wind from the port side at 90deg, and enemies right in front of you. No matter which way you were facing going into the battle..Heck, they got it very close when attacking a trader, but always the same on missions? A little more randomness if they can't sync. missions to the OW weather. But, seeing that they can with an "attack", means they should be able to do the same with a mission. Or you would think so... 


Another little peeve...Wind speed....I get why it would never be 0, or gale force. Fun over realistic any day! But, some fluctuation would be nice.


 I don't expect any suggestion to be instantly implemented. There is plenty of time for "quality" of gameplay. I just hope they don't ignore it till the very end....lol

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I agree with a lot of what is being said here. Storm instances would be great, and making the weather a real danger would be fantastic for depth and immersion. Wind fluctuation would be neat as well. Hopefully, these are all things the devs are working on, but they have so much on their plates that they haven't talked about it yet. :P

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Seconded. I know it wasn't a fan favorite, but I too miss the storm map.


I think one of the reasons people disliked it is that in the old battle lobby setting, there was no control as to whether or not it popped up. Tying to the OW weather would allow one to (somewhat) avoid it if its not their cup'o tea.

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ships wouldnt have fought in storm since they couldnt open the gun doors without running full of water

that would depend on the ship and how bad the storm is(well regarding the gun ports at least), ships of line would have an issue with water running right through the bottom gun deck, however the issue would be less prominent on a ship like the constitution where the gun ports are quite high above the sea level.

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They would be great, it makes sense not to engange an enemy fleet in stormy weather, yet if you are ambushed by a much larger force the stormy weather can give you a good chance to escape. 


Just make storms and fog very rare, it is way to common right now in the OW. having one stormy battle instance out of 30 odd is hardly going to become annoying. I think it would add to the game. 

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