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Keep crafting XP tied to account like combat XP

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Hello there,


I think it would be great to be able to keep the crafting XP we have on our character. Because of labor hours it takes a lot of time to train it back. I don't really understand why we can keep combat XP but not crafting XP.


If there is any change to the crafting system, then of course this can change as well.

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Oh yes of course, crafting XP tied mean of course that labor points are tied as well.


About low pop server, make ressources production scaling to server population, simple as that.

Edited by Azzak
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The reason why crafting XP isn't permanent is pretty simple, because it would distract people from testing the game. It would set up a situation where the best use of any gold you earn during early access is to buy materials to grind through so that when the actual game launches your craft XP is maxed out. By not retaining craft XP people will act a lot more naturally during the test phase and not funnel gold toward crafting in an attempt to shift as much value as possible to live. 

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Yes, but since combat XP is kept then people are just farming missions to grind ranks. Even worse people are abusing the damage system in PVP ! 


Crafting is even less enjoyable than grinding combat XP :

- you need gold and ressources, which is really time consuming

- you need labor hours, which makes crafting tedious to grind

- you need Blueprints;, which is 100% RNG. That would make people crazy to lose all their BP and having to farm again to get them.


If you want to balance at release, rise the crafting level needed to craft ships, but don't make players lose all their progress since it is incredibly tedious to get it bacl/

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If you think this iteration of crafting is close to final, for such use of a veement position towards the craft xp loss, then I suggest you rethink your position.

This is simply a very basic prototype. Actually I would expect the final version of this to be nothing like it we have now but way more intricate and cross system with the Nation, Admiralty, Production, Manufacturing ( all systems still being developed btw ) and overall all the actions across the map, players and AI alike.


Same goes for rank xp, which we won't get reset but with a total revamp and values change We will lose ranks. That is a fact.

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I keep seeing this 'exploitation of prices' argument... Some people exploit the grinding required to level up crafting and sell the goods needed for crafting at incredible prices.


Maybe exploiting different prices wouldn't be necessary if oak log wasn't sold at 450 gold at the capital.

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This is to easy to exploit as mentioned above, also do you think that like normal XP it shouldn't be wiped in a soft wipe?


That would be bad because everybody is able to craft frigate's (If you made it to lvl25 or above) from the start and that would destroy the arms race.

So no sorry I think this is good like the way it is now.

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But since people are keeping their combat XP, should a wipe occur they are just going to capture traders, sell them, buy better ships, capture better ships etc... people will have frigates and 3rd rates in no time since they already have the ranks to command  them.

On the contrary wiping crafter Xp will just make some abandon the game, and will change nothing to the fact that people will have really good ships nearly straight from the start. Ok they won't have 5 durability (but will player crafted 3rd rates have 5 dura anyway ?) and exceptional quality, does that really matter for balance ?


A newbie player will have to grind all combat XP anyway ! It will have to face captured frigates and 3rd rate few days after release.

So what's the point of keeping combat XP and not crafting XP ?


Second point, switching faction. Crafters will NEVER change their faction if it means grinding craft again. They will just go to pirates maybe. Is that good for testing and balance ?

Edited by Azzak
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Yea I agree crafting xp should not get wiped. And it is actually good that people test it out and get incentive to do so. This helps test the game with it's economy. Now the game needs open world pvp reasoms like trading. Or port battle to secure resources for crafting. Trading, politics and pvp make sense omly with crafting. If people do not want to test crafting because it gets wiped then we all miss out on finetuning of the game.

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They need to remove the link to player rank XP across servers, the only thing that should be linked is Steam with one character slot. These arguments are null and void if people didn't have linked characters across multiple servers. This also allows players to have a unique character per server and allow players to try a different nationality/pirate experience.

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