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Posts posted by Rouleur

  1. Recently finished a port battle at Cartagena on 9th July - I was not kicked during the battle as 6 others were but have received no Conquest Mark reward. I have screen shot of attendance. 

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  2. I don't think alts should be used to flip ports, however, this just exposes the underlying problem - the current conquest mark system.

    If you can't get them your game experience is compromised by game design. Some of the consequential impacts have also been perverse and the scramble for port battle spots unedifying. You should not have to attend a port battle or join a clan to be able to experience all the ships the game has to offer, although I would suggest clan membership adds a dimension to game play that many of us really enjoy.

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  3. Also 

    Remove both conquest marks and labour hour contracts. 

    The former has created all sorts of perverse game behaviours and limits the game play for those without conquest marks 

    The later allows a single crafter to build any number of ships instantly assuming they have the materials. Much better the reward all those with high crafting levels with a more signicant role than they now have. Both resources and hours would then limit production. 

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  4. This did not work until recently as you could not flip between 22:and 23:59 until they "fixed it" and created the new bug - we lost hostility as it did not work properly limiting the window to just 3 hours.

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  5. Having failed to get port battles after 20:00 previous and had the grind pretty much wasted this is not what we expected. We lost the coordination the new bug has created. You have to laugh though.

    Our esteemed enemy may wish to consider not ganking outside Belize throughout the night, during the hours its players are supposed to tucked up in bed.

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  6. Port Battle timer EU PVP

    What does  the conquest information in map stating that "Port battles can ONLY be set between .... 17.00 and 22.00 actually mean"?

    As far as I can tell there is a port battle window between 17.00 and 22.00 BUT this is not the case, but might be intended.

    We also have a statement that Port Battles are set 22 hours after 100% hostility occurs.

    This being the case we might expect that a port battle with a start time of up to 22.00 could be created by ensuring hostility reaches 100% by up to 24.00. However, this is not the case as we have seen hostility of 100% secured after 22.00 but before 24.00 resulting in no port battle being set.

    So I now assume that hostility of 100% can only result in a port battle being created 22.00 hours after the requisite hostility is created and 100% hostility must exist both after 17.00 and before 22.00 in order to set a port battle which can now only take place between 17.00 (assuming 100% hostility occurs at 17.00) and 20.00 assuming 100% secured at 22.00. This means the ACTUAL port battle window is only 3 hours long between 17.00 and 20.00.

    Is this really the intention or not as it seems an unreasonably small window for port battles to start even for the a server where a restricted window exists.

    Is this intended or have I got this wrong having secured hostility of over 100% at around 22.30 server time with no port battle being created at 20.30 the following day.







  7. Are you saying that every player choosing a British flag should have their game play nerfed by a few errors by clans - many of us did not play on the test bed and without the knowledge we spent a lot of time trying to figure out the changes at the start - I had no idea my masts were so vulnerable - they nerfed it since which was right but we have to live with the result. The all seeing analysis of our failures is much easier with the benefit of hindsight and we still needed longs to avoid the long range bombardment the next time and we had to attack a defended port with fewer ships knowing the odds are normally about 4 to 1 in favour of the attackers and getting worse. Yes we lost and could have done better - not really the point though.  

    Clearly players should be told some nations are harder or impossible compared to others before they choose and that you can't play without "ts" or "unified and dominant "clan" membership in a nation that already has resources if you want to enjoy all aspects of the game. 

    By the way how many alts do you think troll Brit ts? Its unusable for operations.

  8. Tried moving resources to warehouse to help with the personal warehouse "suffle" which is essential for crafters - its full - more time wasted doing "warehousing" now - more grinding for money to add warehouse slots - please can we have some fun!

  9. 2 minutes ago, admin said:

    You don't have to sail both ways if you build ships around the resources. And you still can tp with ships from outpost to outpost in your nation without any cool down or limitation. But resources have to be transported - not teleported.  Arranging convoys or sailing in fast traders still provide ability to transport required resources faster.


    You can't build a ship yard in any port you don't control - so we have to sail - I doubt the Spanish L'Ocean/Bellona/Aggy fleets are made of fir or oak so we need live oak and white oak etc - never very convenient. At the start we could not build shipyards in any coal port even if we had any. 

  10. The resource issue with coal from day one was decisive. We attack the nearest port with it and lost against longs, lost masts at max range and could not shoot back. We lost the pb although it was fun - still the only "proper" pb so far - all the others were fake, uncontested to flip or so imbalanced as to be useless. Naval "inaction" - PVE grinding to flip uncontested ports to create conquest marks and sailing for hours for coal etc.

    We have to spend the majority of play time trying to solve the resource problems and we can't even smuggle any more - forcing the use of alts.

    Now we have to sail both ways - so no time for port flipping fake hostility grind (oh joy) or genuine hostility. There is no PvP activity for ports as every port producing no conquest marks is nearly useless apart from the coal port and we have to fight L'Oceans in Indys. They rightly took away the OP Cutter bombing which was objectionable. There is no short sail from KPR so we sail whilst the blessed nations got on with flipping the map and generating conquest mark.

    Players get no fun = game gets no players.


  11. Balance and fair play

    Honour had some meaning in the age of sail and Captains should be expected demonstrate this in there treatment of other players - there are good examples in game but not enough.

    Not exhaustive but I would hope there was agreement for some or all of the general principles:

    • Every player should have the opportunity to enjoy all aspects of the game without necessarily being in a clan - why should they pay for content they don't get unless they choose not to - no conquest marks = no ships a player might reasonably expect to be able to acquire over time.
    • Every nation needs somewhere players can learn and progress without being subject to continuous ganks using OP game mechanics such as Cutter fire bombing. Defending this earns nothing and attacking costs nothing. Morally its pretty objectionable to suicide an entire crew time after time.  Maybe the fire bombers don't care but some of us live in a world where it appears strange that a game mechanic rewards suicide bombing in an era in which it did not happen and is now a part of life in many countries.
    • Every nation should expect a reasonable resources deal without having to employ alts or sail the entire map just to get almost anything useful at all - we can't even smuggle effectively without being able to place buy contracts.
    • Every player should expect clear exploits and cheating to be dealt with in the harshest way. Players earning conquest marks in multiple nations, which is now suspected, should fall into this category. Using alts to grind hostility to create uncontested or meaningless one sided port battles for the conquest marks falls into the category of being a clear exploit. Grinding hostility gives zero PvP and grinding simply to flip ports is a poor mechanic without meaningful action creates no fun.
    • If a player wishes to live stream they should be a legitimate target for summary justice by the nation subjected to the espionage this represents.
    • Remove labour hour contracts -  a single shipyard can turn out every ship requiring a permit almost instantly and they are turning the conquest marks into nuclear bombs at this point in the game.
    • Put the "action" back into the naval inaction game we currently have. So far we have seen one proper port battle, a fake one and the rest; uncontested or so unbalanced as to be a waste of time. We need better mechanisms to enable fleet actions at sea and not just in ports.

    No doubt there are others.

    I like many others love the game and have played more it than any other. I like much of the new content which provides many more choices but the basics need to work.






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