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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Add a strategic map for each region/map, where people can connect to and draw/ discuss battle tactics and moves. Something like in Potbs port battle map table , but add ability to chat/ elect a strategist and allow him to draw and show players what are the plans and strategy for a current battle.
  2. 11:11 always see it...
  3. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Battle_of_Trafalgar,_Plate_1.jpg
  4. http://s23.postimg.org/8tp4b4s0b/ttt.jpg Split hull into sections. Lets say 350HP on each side (100/100/100/50). When ship is hit (canons, cargo and planking is lost from ship's side and that side gets lighter and will tilt). At 300HP when ship is hit, one side of the ship is starting to tilt and take water. (Water flow code/timer will need to be implemented, as it will slowly move the whole ship underwater) ... (Player can maneuver and switch to other side, and send man to plug the leaks or remain on the damaged side) If, player continues to stay on damaged side at 250HP ship is tilted even more and bottom deck cannons are disabled due to the water lvl and angle. Also, if player decides to flip sides and start fighting with an undamaged one (top deck cannons will be pointing up (will need to use a skill "move cargo" to balance the ship and even it up), overtime when HP points are even or close to even on both sides - ship will balance back to normal position. (cannons will be still damaged due to water and wet black powder) . ---Ship hull flooding. First holes in the ship (depends where hit), if above water line then ship sink timer is not triggered, if below water line - sink timer is triggered and ship very slowly goes underwater. Player will need to take risk and fight while sinking or use skills and send man to patch the holes (slow reload and maneuver for example). I think player must be aware of how badly damaged his ship is, water % inside ship's hull and angle that will disable cannons. (Repairing, balancing ship and maintaining normal water lvl inside hull) Just a rough imaginary concept from my head. I hope that link is working... Thanks.
  5. What can you say about ship destruction? What can we expect to see? a. Simple marks on ship textured hull/ sails. b. complex (Empire Total War) style, see through holes, planks explode on impact, debris floating around ships, crew jumping overboard, sails catch fire etc... Thanks.
  6. Hello, I am an old Potbs player and during my years of gameplay I have noticed one thing, poor and blurry land textures. Will you guys use HD textures for land/towns when player sailing on the open sea? or you will try to minimize details like Potbs? Please do not make land look like this:
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