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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Battlefield Britain | Part 4 | Spanish Armada | 1588AD Great history, ships and some info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8uyOFgmHIY @29.03 they are testing cannon sound/damage! Just what you need!
  2. ah, you are right, I like these too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUbnMDckkSE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbhSAyjeA74 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4EJLaHDHlc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaPMODiGRWk also check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcRCQ8mhVNE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqnANzzHcLE&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLF9D20BB62CC1833A
  3. Here is a scenario for a map "Dead Man's Cove" 1. Destroy Fort 2. Sink All Enemy Fleet 3. Invade Town (Optional) Save Friendly NPC for a bonus reward. Feel free to give any other ideas for this map!
  4. Problem: cannon shots are not real at all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0KE-Vo0I0E Guys try assassin creed black flag game, they have really nice sounds,crewman talking orders and screaming, shouts. we need man talking, singing during sailing. Overall sound is good, maybe add more Wind sound.)) Also, a dd distant explosions and shots like in BF4.
  5. Ok, here is a map I call "Trinity Islands" with 2 islands and a landmass.
  6. Are you guys working on a first game trailer? When can we see it? Do you plan to use cinematic or in game mode? Do you plan to get a new nice looking webpage (similar to GW2)? Thanks.
  7. I will have more time this week and will work on some new maps and ideas.
  8. I hope you guys played Assassin Creed Black Flag, there is a lot of things you can take from that game. -Fort capture will control territory. -Ports that can be upgraded. -Ship upgrades. -Side missions/dynamic on the go events. -Fishing/Harpooning -Treasure maps/hidden ship upgrades. -Reputation damage as you sink ships. -Reputation restore. etc...
  9. You guys have this package? It is looking good... http://u3d.as/content/philipp-schmidt/big-environment-pack/2T9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsq1oWThCLY I hope such nature and textures will be in this game....
  10. желаю присоединиться к тесту. Я живу в США, Коннектикут.
  11. Автоматизированные торговые маршруты - игрок может создать автоматизирован маршрут, 2-4 портa. Игрок будет иметь возможность создать время в каждом порту, чтобы он / она может выгрузить / загрузить груза. Игрок может проверить конвой на специальной карте и выбрать корабль когда это необходимо для ручного управления. Все действия выполняются на автопилоте, в то время как игрок в основном боевом корабле в море.
  12. Battlefield 4, - great game, amazing graphics, great multiplayer. 10/10 Guild Wars 2, - great game, good graphics, good multiplayer. 9/10 Crysis 3 - ok game, amazing graphics, 7/10 Assassin Creed Black Flag - great game, amazing graphics. 9/10
  13. Will we be able to paint ships? customize sails/flags? ... similar to Potbs. Thanks.
  14. They use, Unity Engine - which is excellent for fast prototyping and testing.
  15. Ok, so I spent some time and created this map sample. (30 mins) I can put more details and objects any time. I can copy any real world maps and redesign it. I have endless ideas for maps. If you need any help you can contact me here : donmic21@yahoo.com I hope this link works: http://postimg.org/image/qz0z0pni9/ Btw, I speak Russian/Ukrainian/English
  16. Amazing work guys! Take my money, I want this game now))!!
  17. deck 1 (good) fleet (stern is cut off) fleet 2 (too chaotic/ ship is cut off) fleet 3 (good) raid (good) raid 10 (good) storm (good) storm 1 (good) victory 4 (good) victory 5 ( so so) victory 6 (good) Things I do not like: lighthouse textures, land textures, skies. (Potbs skies look way better in some maps). Blurry land textures ruin some of these images. I do not see coral reefs, sand beaches etc. Example: http://s21.postimg.org/mkx9of8gn/cimage_6b1579c04e_thumbb.jpg http://desktop.freewallpaper4.me/view/original/3625/distant-island.jpg http://www.privateislandsonline.com/content/listings/599/cimage_9bb38e2320-thumbb.jpg Get your hands on some high res skies images, example: http://www.patternhead.com/freebies/free-super-high-resolution-photos-caribbean-skies-set-1 Overall, Amazing images! Take a look at some of these I made for Potbs: http://potbsguides.wix.com/international Try to show: land, towns, islands, ship boarding ship, night cannon fire under moon and stars. Have sloop carry pirate flag! Big plus for pirate fans... Favorite websites: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/ http://www.battlefield.com/battlefield-4
  18. Hello, I would like to be a part of a testing team. Tested many games including Potbs. My system: AMD Phenom 1100T 3.8ghz (Six Core) 8 GB ddr3 1600 Radeon R9 280x 3GB Send me an email if you need me. Thanks.
  19. Desaturated, realistic, looking like a war footage.
  20. Photographer, Artist, Reader, Gamer, Designer.
  21. http://s7.postimg.org/ock4quviz/4453454.jpg Destroy enemy fleet (ship vs ships) Board a Leader Ship Destroy 2 gun emplacements. Start a town blockade.
  22. Suggestion: a whole brand new website for PR Campaign, this will show customers a professional and interesting look of your game/company. Take for example GW2.
  23. Great news! Good luck with your work! Can't wait to see more images and a game trailer.
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