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Everything posted by Pada

  1. Removing mods and giving us more options in crafting is worth trying, actually it's the best idea in ages. If done right this could motivate players to sail out of the safe zone and fight again.
  2. If you surrender you save your crew. It's not just a fast way to skip the battle.
  3. What if we limit it like double shot/charge and ammunition refresh after every battle by it's own. Like limit chain and grape shot to 10 broadsides for example, normal round shot should stay unlimited.
  4. The stuttering was driving me nuts. Then I realized it appeared because I had my internet browser running in the background usually with a video on Youtube. When only Naval Action was running the stuttering disappeared. I'm not sure if this will help you because I never had any fps drops like you but I thought I throw my 2 cents in.
  5. As a german I go for quality over quantity 6 sail hits, 3 masts.
  6. When you see someone is getting ganked, but you join the ganking side anyway.
  7. 49 parts Sailing, 1 part fighting.
  8. Yes that's how it was after they made it free. I'm talking about the system before that. Resetting costed a few levels when officers was introduced first.
  9. You want the old system back because the reset was free? You know that it was only free because of testing reasons. Before it was free you lost some ranks (can't remember how many, 3 maybe) when you reset the perks and then had to grind him back up to max rank.
  10. Because players avoid each other rather than sailing out and looking for fights. I'm one of the players that would die for a good pvp battle a day but I just can't find them and i don't want to waste 4 hours just to gank some people, so I stopped playing for now.
  11. Nice where is that? Please don't say at their capitol.
  12. Have not played in some time but I can remember in the short time I played after wipe, when one side was damaged 20% it used up almost all my repairs and forced me back to outpost which was 20 min away. My motivation to sail back was nearly 0 when I arrived at the outpots.
  13. Bring back signaling perk that allows entry of 1.3 or 1.5 times the BR for the inferior side. With this you can help and can get more ships in the battle then the attackers if they gank. Even or slightly uneven fights are the best thing about this game. With 1.3 or 1.5 times the BR all can have a nice fight that is not unfair for anyone. Good players still can defend themselves and win or escape or you die fighting. Everything is better then get crushed by a fleet you can't see waiting outside ready for you to come out. Revenge fleeting is just lame for all sides and it has to stop.
  14. Die meisten, wenn nicht alle, die ein Problem mit der momentanen Spielmechanik haben waren nie auf der anderen Seite. Revenge fleets sind das unfairste was es gibt im Spiel. Sie machen von chat und der schnelleren OW Geschwindigkeit gebrauch was man auch als "Science Fiction" bezeichnen kann. Also ist es nur gerecht das die PvP Spieler einen Vorteil nach einer Schlacht bekommt, wenn man sich schon nicht mehr ausloggen kann. Gegankt zu werden nur weil man aktiv nach PvP auf einem PvP Server sucht ist einfach nur BS. Mit den anfängern stimm ich dir aber zu. Warum die Dev's die rookie zone rausnahmen verstehe ich nicht. Das war meiner Meinung nach eine gute idee wie man Anfänger von den anderen trennen konnte.
  15. Let us bring together what belongs together.
  16. Yes, limiting the amount of shots for chain is the best way to stop the chain spam.
  17. And the game you like would only appeal to one person... yourself.
  18. lol you can do that with every frigate, that's not a special ability only the Surprise has. And the Surprise is very easy to counter if you know the weak spots.
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