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Everything posted by Koltes

  1. @admin today we had one of the pirates clan warehouse robbed by one of the officer’s. They took everything. Now their clan mates pissed off. Some leaving to another nation. Some leaving the game altogether. Should there be more customization of the roles as proposed in OP this would have not happened that random people or officers on probation get access to clan warehouse. This need to look into asap. Please consider to give this a desired priority.
  2. @admin Can we please have a topic started by devs specifically discussing raids?
  3. Put my like and then hesitated because of this... its a mistake
  4. Roles management tools are actually pretty easy and requires basic level of programing. Just sayin
  5. We need more ranks and we need ability to adjust them. In fact, remove Diplomat and Officer ranks altogether. Allow us to make our own rank, name them and give them specific privileges/responsibilities. The abilities that we need to be able to assign to custom ranks are: - Recruit new players (send clan invite); - Promote to specific rank (for example recruiter can promote from recruit to member; - Give adjustable access to clan warehouse. Limits or restrictions are set for each rank. For example clan’s ship crafter may withdraw specific amount a day of some specific resources; - Clan warehouse access: View content (yes/no), withdraw limit (yes/no) if yes opens windows where you can set limit per time per resource; - Clan warehouse should have sections. We need ability to assign different sections to different player ranks, e.g. normal members gets access to specific sections where they can take anything they need without limit. There should be sorting section so all items that goes to warehouse at first go to sorting warehouse; - In such there will be warehouse manager role; - Ability to promote or demote ranks (recruiter may be able to give the recruit member rank, but cant give officer rank etc.) - Ability to set message of the day (pop up window that all clan members get on login); - Ability to take hostility mission. Yes because its clans politics etc, clan leader needs to be able to restrict that if he wants to specific officer rank. If thats not an issue then clan leader can set that anyone in clan may take hostility mission, but as clans grow, it would be good idea to restrict newcomers to potentially cause so political issue for the clan; - Ability to manage port etc; There are quite a few more that I have in mind and I’m sure other will comeup with more. Bottom line is, devs dont need to think on what ranks should be in the game. Just give us ability to make our own ranks and assign all the above parameters. This will make running the clan so much more immersive Thanks for your attention
  6. Agree with OP 100% I think the idea of original RvR is good, but not correctly implemented. Its just so logical that at first smaller towns need to be a “buffer” before the grand battle as well as the “reach” of hostilities decrease Eventually no matter how much buffer there is clans SHOULD lose their ports. This is always at risk. To make it lesser of an issue, port structures should remain in place so if later the clan returns its own port it gets all its buildings back.
  7. There are sell orders in Mortimer, so people do sell Rum, but you cant buy it. For some reason it shows that there is zero for sale and Buy is greyed out.
  8. Я тоже считаю, что захват должен начинаться с регионов, а не сразу со столицы. Нужно захватить по крайней мере половину региональных городов, чтобы открылась столица для захвата.
  9. Нет, все с ремками ништяк. Чего ломать, что работает???
  10. Thats not a mission mate. Its a passive reward for being active in OW. Mission is when you are given certain area where you go and kill some AI. Its predictable grind. You know how much time it takes and can make a decision if you are gonna do it or not at any given time. Search & Destroy (while probably best option of course) is just that. Go, dont know where. Look for some targets. You may complete in a day. Or may complete in a week. Is it doable? Yeah of course, but how much of my gaming time do I dedicate to that to even remotely call it a grind? Some say just take it and it will reward you. Then its not a mission. Its a passive "some day" reward
  11. Thats fine but my point is they complaining about newbs being hunted but lets for a second imagine actually being new and inexperienced. Players killing them outside capital. Upsetting? Maybe but not everyone. This kinda is understandable by most players who start on pvp server. But then what ELSE is there left for the new guy to do? Passenger delivery missions? Ok big deal - 40 hours week sailing. What else? He gets to cargo delivery missions? Oh wow, “same egg just from different viewing angle”. What is there for the new guy to hold on to? This game is about fighting. So eventually he will want to fight SOMETHING. Are we really sure that new guy will have an easy time killing AI? Ive met few actual newbs outside KPR (some of which ive let go btw) and they all complained loosing ships to AI. Missions? They gonna have just as hard time doing missions. Get sunk newb! Then back to deliveries! Repeat this circle couple more times and goodbye newb. No wonder they dont go above brig Put AI on previous damage dealing “incapability” just give it more HP and it will be fine. Grinding 1 middle level is fkn nightmare for those who have to work for living
  12. Yeah we can do it, but dude this is still insanely hard. 3 times more BR for the buffed up AI. They all feel like Raid Main Bosses from WOW lol. There are probably only handful of people on the server who can do these missions. They want to make hunting newbs impossible, while those same newbs cant even do the missions there lol Maybe there are all the other reasons why these newbs leave? 🤨
  13. Im fkn scared of this AI lol 😂 I mean what the heck are these missions? 3 players allowed max on 4th rate. When we get in there are x4 4th rates and x1 3rd rate. Almost double the BR. Considering what AI is doing right now is it actually doable?? I mean how hard does it needs to be? Its a grind already. Now its an impossible grind Maybe keep limit of ships rank, but allow 10 players in?
  14. Why such a limit? Its not logical. It would cripple the mechanic if those docks were accessible from anywhere. But the can only be 1 clan dock in 1 place. Definitely need more than 5. 10 is pretty small for the entire clan. But doable. At least 15 or ideally 25. Even if we have to invest to upgrade to 25 its fine
  15. I think its just logical that clan should be able to build clan docks in selected port. Only one like the warehouse. This is for crafters to dock clan's ships. We can have them unlocked by in-game money as well as DLC too. We need space to hold 25+ ships ready for PBs. Pleeeeeease ☺️
  16. Ok devs, what is the issue? New players get sunk straight after showing their nose outside the port? Here is beautiful solution that worked in every single PVP MMO game I played. When new character is created is giving a choice to start as PVE. Means all he can see is his own nation players. No other nation players can see him. Once he reaches next level, or earns 50k of Real he enters the wonderful world of PVP. Also on a character creation screen player needs to have a choice to skip that PVE BS altogether 🤣
  17. Actually why even do that? What IS the issue right now? That some afk alt players complained that their ships were ganked by pirates? Pfff, both of my trading alts were killed by my own pirate fellows. I just didnt want the to kow those were my trading alts as I do most of my econ afk. Whats the big deal? Trader ship loss needs to be included in his books as unavoidable expense. As for the new players, dangers like that PROMOTES them to look for help, interact with veterans players, join clans etc etc. Do we want our newbs to be totally independent and protected until they die from boredom and leave? Well thats basically what happened to me in 2016 when I started as a brit. I sailed for a month. Never saw any pvp action. Quit.
  18. This will have negative effect muchly outweighing anything positive about it. You cant hold players hands forever. Who said that newbs needs to be safe?? Where people got this idea from? There is peace server already if they want to learn the ropes peacefully. How are they going to learn the game otherwise? Its Ok to sink in pvp game. This teaches people. Danger makes people to communicate. Take action. Get involved. Interact with other players. Danger is what making the game fun, enjoyable, engaging. You can bring more mechanics to save traders or newbs and we will think on more ways to hunt them. Because you are gods, eventually you will succeed denying us any possibility to hunt them (yes just like before) and we will leave again (yes just like before). And with us leaving, newbs will get bored and game will die... rather fast. Again. I honestly don't want that. My old clan members start coming back to give it another go. We have 40+ in 4 days. Newbs MUST sink. Traders MUST sink. PVPers MUST sink. Everyone MUST sink for this game to work. And NOT from AI. From PVP. Bring on ganks, duels in OW capitals, balance hostility jumping issues (same BR balancing rules dont work for hostility?), bring on Flags as raid mechanic Let players find ways to survive, make friends etc. Yes some will leave because they dont like it being sunk. But those 5 snowflakes who left will be replaced by 50 new players who are green newbs and who were attracted by the dangers of the Caribbean waters. They will stay and create wonderful player base. I want to see Naval Action doing 20 fully maxed PVP servers. Isn't THAT should be the goal of the development? You have got a wonderful game. All it needs is the right mentality and few tweaks. As AI following me everywhere tagging me it will annoy the crap out of me. What, am I not gonna be able to sail across them map AFK anymore? The ONLY way to bring AI attacking players mechanic is through temporary Criminal tag. But thats opening another can of worms that you probably dont want to touch Also on another topic you have mention the strength of AI you said they are like that to make them challenging. Ok, but right now Im more afraid of AI than players lol. If you want them to be challenging, why not double their HP, but reduce their pen and gun accuracy, crazy angles and damage dealing. So they dont penetrate LO/WO like its a fir/fir ship. It will take longer to kill them (means you still have to grind for your XP), but not as dangerous as it is now. P.S. I still have positive steam review on this game because I really want it to succeed... Please! You have all the tools. Just do it. I offered back in the day to make Global server as PVP Hardcore test server. I mean hardcore. It is pitty we didnt have opportunity to try it. Server went down anyway, but it could make a very valuable point
  19. OMFG!!!! I found it. It WAS on my side. Somehow my controls switched from F1 to Left Mouse... I have never did that.. Jeeez. Please disregard this report
  20. Ok another 2 battles, this time PVP. Same thing. I didnt do anything. Not even fired a gun. Some decks switching off and most annoyingly the bow chasers so no tagging. Reported via F11 Gonna try to reboot, in case its something on my side
  21. Nope, definitely didnt press F1-F4 accidentally. I thought of that and tried clicking F1-F4 and nothing happened. Didnt look like gun damage (if it was from a pickle in first 15 seconds of the fight and the entire deck is gone and bow chasers all at the same time is definitely not normal It looked like it was disabled by F1-F4 buttons, but engaging those didnt do a thing
  22. shoot everything else, didnt press F11 😕
  23. Yeah I tried using F1-F4s and nothing
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