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Jack Feathersword

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Posts posted by Jack Feathersword

  1. As my day job I develop mapping software and related data applications, so I quickly created an OpenWorld mapping application.




    I am looking to add more content.  Ports, PVP areas, NPC areas, trade lanes etc..  I won't add any content unless someone offers or gives permission.


    Post your content here in the following format and I will add:

    • A location (lat,long or pic of location on a map),
    • Type of content (port, PVP area, trade lane etc), 
    • X, Z - OW map location, hit F11 to view the position
    • Comments

    All content is welcome, it will be up to others to verify or correct...


    ps. given time I will convert one of the classic West Indies maps to the base map.



    I am getting a user/pass prompt.


    Can we see the app?  Id settle for a map like the one "WIND" posted above with a 360o compass over way or route plotter



  2. One other thing i love about Gw2 is the ability to break down goods and loot that i don't want to sell or use myself. This is something that really gets to me in Elder scrolls online.


    Something like being able to breakdown loot into planking, sail part etc might be a good system.

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  3. Guild wars 2

    Hmm  can you elaborate why?



    I have played a lot of GW2 and i have traded the whole time.


    Some of the things i like about it.


    1) casual players can use it without too much drama or stress from anywhere to sell the proceeds and loot quickly. 

    2) It is quite big allowing for people to set up shop and play/corner small parts of the market.

    3) It has a good mix of consumables and gear to make sure that items keep rolling over.

    4) The stats and qualities are easy to find and understand.

    5) The API means that although the stats within the game are lacking anyone who wants to can access the raw data  to make their own tools.


    Things that it lacks.

    1) charts of the recent prices for buy/sell orders

    2) a good way to track your income/current money/future money.

    3) a way to save favorite searches and items.

    4) contracts or recurring buy orders.

  4. In a perfect world, i would have heavy frigates out in front doing "S" in front of the SOLS or hooking then into the wind. I would have our 3rd rates, santis and victories in that order in battle line. The long range/light frigates like the trincs would be off to our protected side firing over and through the gaps between the sols. The small support ships like the snows and brigs would be behind the sols to keep our sterns clear. 


    If speed is maintained this provides maximum firepower at the front of the enemy line and makes defense easier to manage. 


    We won a Trafalgar battle yesterday sinking the whole enemy side with only 3 or 4 losses.

  5. ^^ this guy gets it.


    The correct tactic depends on the situation at hand. 


    Sometimes i like leading the dance hitting angles on the front of the line with our whole line before tacking and switching broadsides. This leads to a higher ROF and balancing broadside damage. It also makes it hard the the enemy to focus down one of your ships. 


    The counter to this is for the front of the line to pull upwind and the SOLS to line fight while the tail/frigates go straight ahead and cut through the line to envelop and cut off the support ships. 


    In a line fight i will often target out weaker high damage ships like connies or trincs that are in range of a few sols. These ships do much higher damage compared to how much damage they can take. 

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