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Posts posted by graphite

  1. Data comparison for April/May








    Peak concurrent players yesterday: 1,379


    Data April: 





    keeping in mind the sales figures {up 8k from april} ....  I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to how well the game is progressing.


    cheers all

    • Like 1
  2. Firstly, respect to all of you for continuing this discussion in a civilised manner.


    I surely hope they can either increase the cap or keep another server. I most definitely hope more than 5% return. Its hard for me to put stock in numbers untill its a full game and has some sort of advertising, even on you tube etc.

    If your numbers will hold up then that is a scary thought because i think this game is already good and will be better but its gonna have to find a way to get the word out to niche players like us.

    Edit..just seen your edit. So with those peak numbers there isnt even enough room for everyone from both servers. That will not go well to que up....i acually quit the last game i played and really like because i cant spend 5 or 10 minutes just to get in every day.


    Sorry MrDoomed, Devs have stated that 3k players is the maximum cap per server, and you’re right about room for everyone … reading the posts after yours its apparent that PVP1 is already suffering from this very issue. Also keep in mind the issues that arise with having maxed out servers and queues, i.e. server de-synchronization, lag etc. and I will try and keep everyone informed with the user numbers as data becomes available.



    I just logged into PVP 2.


    PVP 2 is nearly empty, has 128 players online


    PVP 1 is full with a waiting queue.



    What a mess.


    This is exactly what I was fearful of with my original post Bert beard


    This is why I think we may be misreading Admin's statement.


    Hard to comment on slamz, as it’s ambiguous at best.


    Wow, I'm really amazed they actually sold that much. Is that including all the guys that bought before the steam release or not?

    Things are much worse than I thought.


    Hi clegg,


    Upon NA going early access I did look at some data {the exact figures were hard to determine} that GL had allowed maybe 6-8k in for early testing, and yes they are included in the graph.


    On the topic of those early adopters/numbers; just prior to the sea trials server being turned off 15 online at best, normally 6 or 7.


    After sea trials completed, we started testing OW, followed by map implementation, then economy/trade along with port battles. The week prior to EA there were only around 150 of us left. Disappointing numbers if you were to consider that this first influx of players were your hard-core/niche player base, but that’s how early alphas roll … apparently.


    Red flags should have been obvious to the devs at this point. To further compound the issue, I think the decisions to remove double shot, to be reworked after nearly two years of combat testing, and to also decrease XP earned just prior to EA was not in the best interest of player experience or the game.  I’ll let you draw your own conclusions as to why those decisions were made.


    What I find most disconcerting post EA is that same pattern continues. Since its release NA has bled players akin to a virtual haemophiliac, with 90-95% of its user base having moved on.


    I’ve had discussions with players, clans, and ex-streamers to try and analyse from their opinions why it’s gone this way, but that is a discussion for other time.


    In conclusion, I sincerely hope that GL have a clear and concise roadmap for the future, with the priority being a means for player retention and not continually confusing the issues with statements like “economy may not be in the final release”







    Peak concurrent players yesterday: 2,811



    Cheers all

    • Like 1
  3. Yes what will happen if this does go live someday and advertise? Will they have to reopen a pvp2 ?

    There will always be more European /russian players because there population is huge but with a possible influx of North and South American and asia pacific players looming then a US server will be pretty important again.


    Totally agree with your points MrDoomed 


    But what concerns me more is the current user base. By the devs confirming a merge, it indicates as I have said earlier in this thread that they have conceded that no more than 5% of the current user base will return or continue to play, no matter what they do.  Or on the other hand, if that percentage improves are they content to have their user base queue up to play, keeping in mind that the servers cap at 3K players. 




    Some other data just to keep this discussion balanced:


    Peak concurrent players yesterday: 2,811


    Cheers all

  4. 70k????!! I'd be surprised if they sold more than 20k copies half of which are crafting/spy alts.

    You do have a point though that eventually, if they somehow manage to convince new people to join or come back, it will be a problem.


    Hey Clegg,

    Glad someone realises what I was alluding to. It has come down to the choice that the devs have made, between not supporting a low population server in favor of one that may become so overpopulated  you will have to queue up to get into it.

    Regarding the owner base figures, they have changed since I last took a look and are subject to further change, but as they stand currently:



    cheers all

  5. Hey mate, I’m also from Melbourne ;)

    Have toyed around with the idea, but the options for Guild/Clan are pretty poor atm, no clan bank, no officers etc.


    On top of that I’m not sure if I have another wipe left in me lol.


    But if you want to hook up and knock around together PM me. Have forked out the 100k for clan “Rimfire” but there will be only be the two of us unless there are other Aussies or Kiwis who want to hook up.


    Also have a TS3 server hosted out of Sydney by hypernia.


    Cheers mate

  6. A way of protection would be that the party that wants haul your precious goods, has to place X amount of gold {which would exceed the value of said goods} into an escrow account, which is redeemed upon delivery. So you’re totally covered just like insurance, with the onus to fore fill contract being on the hauler. This would alleviate grieving, scamming etc.

    • Like 1
  7. Had some time over the weekend, so played around with a new map design ... again lol. Still a WIP, need to finish the rivers and put in roads. Nearly dragged out the graphics tablet to start work on a hand painted version, but got distracted as always, {I'm so easily distracted guys} ;)


    Thanks for the links wind ... tbh was just trying to avoid the work lol 




    Cheers all

  8. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie ... oi, oi, oi {our war cry} pretty frighting hey ;)


    Good to see a few of us in here. We should also team up with our brothers across the Tasman, any Kiwi's playing NA?


    Currently playing Spain.


    Cheers all

  9. As the devs have stated that they are going to add more ports, I spent time over the weekend playing around with some new map designs for community maps until the release of the in-game map.


    For these versions I’m using digital elevation models from the NASA/JPL Shuttle Radar Topography Mission.  This gives me the option to refine the maps via mudbox and world machine, for perhaps doing a final port into the Unity 3D engine, for true 3D maps down the line.


    As always, any thoughts or feedback appreciated.




    • Like 3
  10. Hey Prater,


    I think the map suits the NA time period apart from America, but that is a gameplay choice as stated by the devs.  


    Admin: USA is a semi-historical choice, but we believe it is necessary for gameplay purposes. This could be made more historical in the future (if revolution charters are implemented in game).


    1763: Spain cedes Florida to England at end of the French and Indian War.
    1783: Treaty of Paris ends American Revolutionary War. England cedes Florida to Spain
    1821: Spain cedes Florida to United States.


    I guess I could change the legend and colour of America to suit the game, but I’m sure all those testing will take that region as a given that’s it’s controlled by America ;)

  11. Just found a Pirate Harbor on Cayman Brac (which is it's name as well).


    Next one: George Town on Cayman Islands (same location as on google maps). Neutral.


    Thanks Tesh, will update the map :)


    I have seen a few old Charts that have profile views of Islands,this would help greatly in identifying where you are as well.

    Yeah had a look at them, but I'm easily confused ;)


    My suggestion is: join forces all who doing maps now and start make one! Could be tricky and not easy...but...we got great community here!


    I agree Bart, Yamms is making one using Adobe Illustrator, it's a lot of work but should be perfect as a base to build upon ;) 


    on the southwest side of "isle of pines" there is a port which is not on your map. great work btw


    Thanks Schuetzengel, will update the map over the weekend :)

  12. Clean up roads and Modern town names it does not exist in the game. Manually place in-game towns and names when exploring.   



    Also try this:





    I'm a step ahead of you wind, it will be a one of the new map formats, take a look here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/5256-completed-port-map-for-cuba-4300x3400px/


    just scroll down a tad :)

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