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Naval Action Tester
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Posts posted by Galileus

  1. Make Regional Capitals unconquerable.

    To have an save Eco spot.


    That would completely break RvR,

    Not having a safe ECO spot is a feature ^^'


    As for second capital... why? Why? The only difference between normal and capital town is the safe area and uncapturableness... which doesn't make sense to transfer to a second town.

    • Like 1
  2. That is such a minor thing it makes my head hurt.. so you want instant spin and turn?


    ^ this. Following real compressed turn values would make the game too sensitive and unplayable.


    Bigger and less maneuverable ships are overly slowish to turn as a part of game design. Yes, there is time compression. No, player is NOT time compressed. It makes no sense to follow real values then time compress them, because player is not capable of perceiving time as compressed, thus, everything needs to look good first, make sense later.


    Do you know why tanks are as big as barracks in RTS games? Because it's supposed to be easy and instinctive to play first, look good second, be realistic third.

  3. Because I think the current system is bad and it gets abused all the time. Here's a FEW examples.


    -Go into a battle with a valuable ship, but enemies are outside waiting. Surrender a friendly ship or capture an enemy, either works, send valuable ship to safety

    -The same ship defending/attacking ports at two different sides of the map with very small time intervals

    -Capturing valuable ships from the enemy then sending them to home waters without any chance for the enemy to re-capture it

    -Sending huge amounts of ships across the map without any effort


    I'm sorry, but... are you trying to make the experience miserable to everyone because you're salty at someone?


    These "abuses" and "exploits" hardly make the game bad for anyone. Your "improvements" do.

  4. -You would physically have to drag your captured ship to ports

    -No capturing huge ships and sending them risk free home

    -No capturing friendly ships after a battle to send them risk free home

    -No sending ships halfway across the map risk free

    -Move at a reduced speed in the OW

    -Possibility of spending X minutes cutting the ship loose, or spending X minutes scuttling the ship (In the OW)


    Why any of this? Because the only reason I can possibly think of is "f* you, fun not allowed"?


    This literally sounds like you are looking for ways to make the game less fun and "game" and more work and painful...

    • Like 2
  5. We already have plenty of small nations. I see no good reason to add more.



    The big advantage putting Russia to the Mexikan coast would be

    - this far west region on the map is barely touched by anyone right now

    Which means people are not interested in spreading more. It's not like anyone looses anything because a single region is not seeing combat.

    - somehow the Russians might "fit" in there coming from Alaska (just an assumption)

    How is that a big advantage? Or a advantage at all?

    - solves the logical problem with Russian build ships being used in the game

    Even though it kinda maybe does, it's barely a convinience, not a reason to add a new nation!

    - boosting the strong Russian community, "freeing" Denmark-Norge to be played by

    a more mixed community

    Wouldn't removing a nationality from a nation lead to less mixed community?


    Big advantages:

    - you have all big European powers in it (might add a further Portuguese spot in the south).

    Again, this is barely a circumstance, not an "advantage" nor a sound reasoning. Being a completionist befits player, not a dev

    - strong player base issue taken into account ("homeless" Russian speaking community)

    Aside from a few very vocal individuals - that are being put down very quickly by general community - I never seen any issure. Russians play for any nation they want to, so what? You want them out?

    - adding further PvP to the game, as an empty part of the map will be revived

    That is straight up wrong. Adding more nation does not add more PvP players, thus it physically cannot lead to more PvP. All it can do is lead to less PvP because further spreading of the playerbase.

    - focused German/Prussian community could add further fire to the game, German players are well known not only to pick "their" nation, moreover many south-Germans will be not willing to play for a Prussian state but rather fight them. But very likely the HolyRomanEmpire guys fighting on behalf of Sweden might want to relocate...

    I see nothing in here but a baseless fantasy. Spreading more nations thin could add more fire how...? Because there are now more small nations unable to fight openly?

    • Like 1
  6. We dont need a duel areal or leder boards in NA. If you have a need to have place to show of how great a player you are. Go play wow or other games like that. NA is about sailing, sailing your choosen ship across the OW in search of fights, trade or what ever you like to do, and not being magic alt teleportet from a port to duel arena.


    We dont need a OW or roaming PvP in NA. If you have a need to have place to gank of how great a player you are. Go play wow or other games like that. NA is about action, sailing your choosen ship in battle in search of glory, money or what ever you like to do, and not being insta ganked from a port to smiterines.


    Sorry, I cannot stand elitists ^^'

    • Like 3
  7. And again, because I didn't say it often enough... If you are in the situation when you are chased by a faster ship that can actually defeat you in combat you already made a bunch of mistakes at this point. The main mistake being, being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


    You call that a mistake, I call that fun.


    Hunting in a palce where enemy cannot chase you is as boring and bland as I can imagine.

  8. In fact if your ships speeds are relatively similar, you can still have adrenaline filled chases at sea, trying to reach the next safe harbour or a friendly fleet while you see your hunter catching up to you with every minute.




    I understand that some people enjoy this meta game, but it is what it is. Unrealistic, immersion breaking, with no resemblance in real life.


    I'm sorry, we need to have different definitions of adrenaline pumping. By adrenaline pumping I mean the situation in which you can and need to actively participate in the chase (as is with counter and counter-counter tagging game). I do not find going AFK for 15 minutes after setting course adrenaline pumping. But maybe it's just me.


    You prefer it that way? Is fine. Just please, don't pretend it's "adrenaline pumping".


    As for immersion... I have no problems with that, mate. The fact I take part in a chase is immersive enough for me - simply because I enjoy it. No matter how realistic you would like to do it, as soon as you take the drama, challenge and action out of it, I will be immersed away in split second. Not because it becomes less realistic - but because in this case it's hard to get immersed in realism.


    Immersion is not equal to realism. Plenty of people get immersed in fiction and fantasy. Plenty of people get bored the hell out in history lessons. Ain't white and black no more, sonny!

  9. Look at it this way they do it too much they will be back in a cutter meanwhile you sail on 


    More importantly, there is the good guy and the bad guy. A friendly opens fire on you, he's bad, end of story. No matter when, why or how - it's as simple as that.


    If you allow firing back - you no longer are able to decide who is the bad guy. The one who shot first? Maybe he wouldn't shoot anymore? The one who responded time and time again? Maybe he only tried to defend himself? As soon as you allow any kind of green on green you have no other option as to allow all kinds. And this is hell's gate, no one wants to play a game that allows and supports griefing!

  10. So is punching holes in the hull, technically anything you do that leads to victory is a means to an end.


    Direct vs indirect.


    Shooting holes in the hull is the direct cause of sinking. Boarding is the direct cause of boarding win. Any damage to sails, crew or modules is unnecessary and is only indirect cause - as it only makes the direct one more reliable.

  11. It is laughable, because as is there is not enough ships to provide each nation with a counter side-grade. Nations that get mercury, trinco, consti and reno get an amazing boost to a respective field with no chance for other nations to copy that kind of performance.


    As is, there are ships that are top of the line in their own class. Splitting any new ships between so many factions - without a very solid base from which to base it off - is just bad. Either you limit the fashion-action ships to only one nation, or you provide it with a huge boost in efficiency. Both sides of this coin are ugly.


    Not to mention, you limit the amount of people who can test your new ship. Silly thing to do in alpha.

    I was not talking about current ships, but what will be the priority in ships added over the next year -24 months or so.

    I see. Still, I don't think there is any reason to fear something like that as of now.

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