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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Galileus

  1. [sIGH] Show a bit of trust in the developers. There are no problems yet. When times comes, we can think how to fix them. Once we know how the resources production will be implemented, then we can consider what and how should be changed. No earlier.
  2. You, sir, are a devil incarnate! ... But I am better! It allows you to teleport to ANY port once an hour... WITH CARGO!
  3. Are you gonna buy me a new PC? :3 <beyond grave voice mode on> Because this one goes outta the window when I close on a town against wind at 1Kn and my speed is lowered to 25%!
  4. I see... sorry, better safe than sorry! You never know when it comes to them internets nowadays...
  5. Fitting with timeline is one thing. Fitting with setting / gameplay is another. I don't see a place for this thing in NA.
  6. Sell it in a shop. You cannot trade with other players at range, but you can sell upgrades in shop.
  7. The item... or rather it's description... appears in... chat... I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION
  8. Of course not! It will be sitting safely in a dock in New France while I crash and burn around in a stock Cerberus
  9. I pretty much gave up my Niagara because I could. I had 5 durability so I used some of that in stupid ways. Then I had a Merc. Again, 4 of the dura went away stupidly. Last one did not go away, as I gave up on the merc with the outpost I removed. Finally, I sail Cerberus. And yet again, I don't mind going into stupid fights and risking loss. i have 5 durability... before I eat all of it away my mastercrafted Cerberus will be ready. I would say loosing a fight is not that big of a deal. Especially since when fighting much stronger people, that lost durability will pay for itself.
  10. But what do you expect actually? I don't know if anyone knows what you expect... They run... so? We don't know why either. We can only guess what happened and we do so. And you get angry no matter what is said.
  11. ... or if one of these "pirate clans" would all use their money to finance it. That would also provide an additional money sink existent only for pirates, which in turn allows you to allow pirates higher income - as they should be able to get.
  12. That very same mechanic - bith for pirates as for nation - could also force a rotation of ships. Lost your 1st rate? Well, you gotta sail in smaller things for few days before you can replenish the crew. Love it.
  13. You don't need ships to clean ports. You have free of maintenance warehouses and contracts.
  14. Ok, ok, I won't try to help out anymore, I understand I did wrong.
  15. Then fix the profits, do not keep the problem. I believe there will be more and bigger trade ships in the future. Seeing just how much raw materials present one have I do believe it would be ok to make 1-2h trade trips if they allowed you to stock up fully. As for 5h trips... well, if you want to for some reason park right in the middle of enemy nation just to pick up something at a free port... you're right, there will be no profit and no risk "Risk" assumes you have a chance to get out
  16. I have copyrights, I will be taking a cut. And seriously, the other one is very active and much more detailed from what I remember. That's why I brought that up.
  17. Hoe does Steam treat games that are on EA and yet use crowdfunding? This is one thing. Second thind is - people are already up in arms in numbers about the price of the game. Having a pricely EA and kickstarter might just push you over the egde and make you famous. Not in the way you would want to. You shouldn't ask for more money unless you REALLY need more money. And at that point you have to admit you effed it up.
  18. Did you initiate the battle? If so, it's your job to position yourself between your prey and it's running path. Or maybe just ask them nicely to stay where they are and let you sunk them. You never know, maybe it will work?
  19. There is political correctness, and then there is political masturbation. Let's keep the level head here. Unless you want to ban me for use of word "masturbation".
  20. I would rather see man banned for such slaughter of English language...
  21. Don't overdo it. This is already more offensive than the name of that guy. I find it hard to believe this is honest. It feels more like cheap thrill fishing.
  22. Cerb for tanking / firepower Merc for agility Snow for making awful, awful Game of Thrones puns
  23. The '+' button on the top right.
  24. I wouldn't mind cargo above some cut-off point simply being thrown overboard. Allow some small amount (around 100? 50?) to stay, because at this point why not. (INB4 Because unfair and gamebraking that some people can get 0.00001% more gold because of that trick, it's abuse and makes game absolutely unplayable!) I would make teleportation countdown cancel invisibility and invulnerability. These mechanics should not co-exist. I would remove ability to teleport to outposts. In PvP a group being able to teleport to a outpost in free town removes the whole need to group up and go. I wouldn't remove teleport overall. Let's not be children here, even if teleport still gave you that amazing advantage of... being capable of owning life for example... it's a video game. It's not a court of law, it's not a corporate business enterprise where every 1% counts. That 1% doesn't count. It provides some ease of use on the other hand. I see a lot of people arguing that everyone should be miserable because this is war and people who pay to play the war should suffer. Let's not go there for once.
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