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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Galileus

  1. With all We will say it anyway. You use this phrase as a shield to pretend to know what is the best course of action, while all you do is point out your preferred course of action. In the meantime, everyone I spoke to is thrilled and excited about more battles and better battles. Most people I know are interested in battles. And sure - there are traders and explorers too - and they will get more content too. In time. Because this game is in alpha and more content is to come.
  2. As is now you loose your fleet as soon as you hit certain rank. There is absolutely no need to go deep into feature that servers as a "starter deck".
  3. You also cannot expect PvE to become a full time development branch. PvE was separated from PvP because people wanted to have it, not because the game aims to provide a full PvE experience. Aetrion provided a very interesting "out", that - honestly - sounds much more plausible than Game Labs going out of their way to make PvE a separate game. If you don't want that server and you don't want the server you got... well, it might just end up with you getting no servers. Compromise is a wonderful thing, you know...?
  4. Oh. So you need to get more XP than the other guys to sweeten the deal? Closing missions was a temporary remedy that HAD TO be done on both servers, because it's not worth the time to separate. It's early access game, it changes a lot, sometimes hotfixes are not fun. And believe you me, we got it even worse on PvP, where you can get jumped by enemies if you're taking missions close to borders. And you know what? It's fine. There was no change to gameplay, there was a temporary hotfix. And no-one will be giving you goodies because you feel cheated by the bad-bad PvP players. We got it worse, mate. All this is about some kind of twisted belief that there is a war between PvE and PvP servers. There is none. You're seeing enemies where there are none. There is no "PvP players forcing changes", the game is in a state of flux. If you cannot deal with it and need "more bonuses and goodies" because you feel bad, well... don't buy early access games, mate.
  5. Lack of content is a fact. More missions will come. But how is this unfair?
  6. I agree. You need to buff PvE gains. it's not fair that the PvP guys get the best possible and most efficient way of getting XP and gold - that is missions, and PvE guys get them too! Wait... What? Also, what's with the hostility of PvE players? I see time and time again someone wanting PvE to have boosts and bonuses. If you think PvP has it better, join PvP. No idea why you guys feel the need to be superior and get more stuff. We don't. Hunting Ai fleets is still less risky and more optimal way of farming. PvP is fun. That's that. This is our grand secret and superiority. Join up, we don;t have entrance exams, you know?
  7. If you can only have fun by trolling other people, then you should probably pick other games. Here people have fun by actually playing the game, as shocking as it sounds.
  8. I will repeat once more, since you seem to have hard time facing the truth - on PvP server, PvE is still more efficient way of girding XP. People on PvE server loose nothing by not having PvP except for FUN. And if they want that FUN they always can get onto PvP server. Unfortunately, lack of FUN on PvE is NOT exchangeable for XP. So yeah, you want to have BETTER XP gains than the PvP server, because for some reason you feel PvE server is inferior. It's not. It's exchangeable even. People in PvP server PvE a lot too. And then they group up and go hunt some drunken Dutch sailors. It's all fun and games. And you know when fun and games stop being fun? When someone want's to get an unfair advantage, because he feels there is some unhealthy rivalry inside his own team. Don't do drugs, kids!
  9. I said it once I will say it a hundred times more. As long as you have trade XP or eco XP - sure. But as is now, XP is strictly battle XP. And I see no reason why traders would get to get batter at battles. More XP = sailing bigger ships in battle. Trade has nothing to do with that.
  10. This is my point. You cannot expect Devs to restore your durability in this case (and it is rather unlikely in any case). Anyone could blast that restart button in hopes of saving durability while he was sure to sink. There is no way to confirm what happened in reality.
  11. Are you capable of proving your game froze and that you were still able to save the ship?
  12. PvP is not against mindless AI, has much more risk involved and does not hand you fat bonuses for completing missions. Missions are sure shot and secure no risk gain. You can do them more often, faster, and with a bonus on top.
  13. I never noticed these massive PvP bonuses. PvP is costly and time consuming. If I need XP, I go farm missions... it's way more efficient. Im rank 6 and I solo btw.
  14. I always get weirded out by topic like that. I start to worry once anything in my PC closes to 50°C ^^'
  15. 16k gold per mission? We had 10 conquest flags popping yesterday "cuz why not", are we to expect 100 tonight? ;/
  16. They need to get substance painter, that is what they need!
  17. Your argumentation is "this is only for hardcore gamers, please don't mix blood". Got'ya. You will forgive me, if I will disregard that argumentation.
  18. This is a kind of a brute force approach, but... I think I would agree. If absolutely necessary, separate "basic cutter" (which should never be generated above gray!) from "cutter", and make the latter follow normal durability rules.
  19. There is a big, white sign on top of the screen when you can leave the battle. I still don't see what is so "very odd" about this, taunt or not.
  20. Is there any evidence? So far there are words being thrown at the wind. And it is accuser's duty to provide the evidence. I do hope some is provided. Otherwise it's hard not to notice you're indirectly accusing a player of hacking or cheating - doing so publicly. Since when is taunting very odd?
  21. Crafting XP is limited by LH. By jumping servers you would gain more LH than a man sitting on one server. So no, it cannot work like that.
  22. It's always sad to see a youngster of a clan behave like that. I can understand restraint towards youngsters not aware of the consequences - I myself avoided coming to tribunal and worked to find solutions amicably in such cases. This is not the case with a clan member. I would expect much tighter behavior from one such. If the promised video evidence or otherwise evidence is provided, I see no reason to go easy on this one.
  23. TLDR: As for XP it works like that. You get head-xp, you get dmg xp, everything is in order. As for gold, no. It would encourage first levels in cutters to join big boy's fight and run circles until the skirmish is over - to get an unholy amount of money for doing nothing. We already have a problem with people jumping after a prize tagged by others, you would encourage even more of that
  24. I hate these romantics... Take away the teleports and players will go far and wide! Wrong. Take away the teleport and no-one leaves home waters. Why? "Frank, wanna play some NA?" "Sure, where are you?" "Louisiana." "Ah, I see... ok, we meet at Fort Royal, ok?" "Allright! Sit tight, I will be there in a moment and 7 hours!" In act 2 Frank dies of boredom, playing MMO game solo, because the MMO game punishes these who want to explore.
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