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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Galileus

  1. I'm disappointed in you, Francis. Would you see us cry and lament in public? Would you see us broken and beaten, because this is the bravery you speak of? "Loose at all costs!". Laughable! And indeed, now? I choose to laugh and dance. My spine is not to be shown off in public, I do not need to wave it around at everyone, punching whoever, just so they can acknowledge I have guts. It takes guts to stay silent and adapt, to laugh and seek another day and another fight. Any old drunk can go out with his fists broken on a wall. In public, I know when to cry, when to laugh, when to accuse and when to befriend. A lesson you clearly need to learn. Future will present a choice. To choose now is to give up the future.
  2. I'm sorry, I can't see anything. You used so many exclamation marks, they are obstructing my view.
  3. I now know where the saying "keep your friends close, your enemies closer" came from. It's self explanatory when you have more respect for your enemies than for your allies... :3
  4. Becuase, good Sir - I choose to write my own history instead of following yours.
  5. So... what you're saying is... if we fly British flag THEN Britain will help us? Well, yeah. Or we stay French and France helps herself. Preferably without committing the suicide you propose.
  6. Not at all. If the amount of manpower and effort would rise with each port taken, it would naturally divide nation by playerbase. Bigger nation can give more manpower and effort and cap more ports... but not more than possible due to their playerbase. Or at least not for long - these overstreaching parts would last only for a time and require amazing amounts of mobilization. These would last only for a time, as no nation is capable of mobilizing upper 80%'s and 90%'s of their clan population for too long. They would naturally fall to counter-offensive from the other side, that would NOT be overstreaching and find it easier to mobilize proper numbers. Or even to a itself over-streached counter-offense, also being only capable of lasting for no more than few battles.
  7. You would be surprised how much organization and coordination people are willing to put out there. i know. i fought the Dutch. The very "zerg rush" you promote led not only to a massive amounts of problems, promotion of numbers over skills - but also to devaluation of port battles. They became a mundial task, that for better situated agressor was no different form A-to-B side quest; and for the conquested side - unstoppable and unfair show of force. In the end no-one would be happy with that. I would love the very idea of port battles to evolve into massive events, taking place over days and including a lot of side objectives involving much more players. And stache1 presents a good start. Also, my own addition ain't half bad either!
  8. It's rather sure to happen. Who in their right minds would release a game out of early access with a game over state for some nations?
  9. Restarting the map is a poor man's mechanic. What we need is dynamic system that either lets ports flip back to neutral or suppressed nations to spring back to life.
  10. At any rate, this is how I plan to act till the very end:
  11. I like it. In the meantime, we were theorizing about a system where capping too many ports in too short span of time (talking weeks or months, not nights) would stack up "debuffs" on your nation, making it harder to attack future ports (limiting BR, limiting slots) and defend newly acquired ports (less/weaker forts due to overstretching forces, less slots). The idea behind is to make it possible to roll over other nation - but with skill (winning an unfair fight) and not with numbers.
  12. If you look at the map, no matter how far St George's is from Fort Royal, there is no value in that space. It's about ports and resources, not about space. And with Danes and Dutch taking bites from both north and south, France will be left to suffocate. So with all due respect, I don't care how good the beer you offer us is, if you starve us to death. And I agree about pointing out fingers. I don't care what whoever in France though, I am not france, and I - as well as my fellow capitaines - were very vocal about being happy with Pampatar/Macanao stalemate. We had plenty of fights and plenty of fun. And I don't care who is responsible for giving that up just so that someone can masturbate to dots changing colors on the map. That impasse was fun, that was good. And we lost that because someone though to himself - hey, dots changing colors are more fun than taking part in fleet fights! And whoever is responsible for that attitude - I don't care, Dutch, Dane or French - honestly, go f* yourself, Man i Made Up In My Head
  13. So pushing France back to 4 ports away from Fort Royal is your objective. This is wonderfully graceful of you to make the distinction, I didn't quite spot it before.
  14. My bad luck when it comes to PBs and me not taking part in any successful attacks - instead going only for suicide runs - is legendary in SLMFR. You are talking out of your ass and making stuff up. See why I'm not interested in talking to you?
  15. So, as I understand it, you fancy yourself judge, jury and the executioner and you think I'm on trial...? I fancy you a fool, sir.
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Begging_the_question If you want to discuss something with me, feel free. If poor man's demagogy is all you can do, find someone of your own intellect to talk to. But I guess I should expect nothing more from a man who time and time again called me "The France", huh?
  17. I've posted plenty of times different ideas of how to avoid the problem, as well as how to actually allow nations to be wiped AND keep them playing and having fun. So yeah, do your research first, please? And no, I'm not going to "link it to you". Do your own dirty work. I am quite proud. This is why I joined SLMFR which' fleets never attacked weaker prey, that's why I spoke up against going after Dutch's fun, that's why I spoke up when some asshats tried to ban french language in french nation - even though I myself don't speak french. I was proud leading my e-sports team, I was proud making sure we never step on another people's toes when it comes to fun. You're proud because you avoided a fight and instead went for a wipe. If this is what you take pride in, it's your right. The fact I am disgusted with people like you - does not yet mean I'm moaning. Quite defensive maneuver nevertheless - preemptively accuse someone of moaning... is your conscience itching?
  18. If you enter combat at it's start, you have that option. If you enter combat in the middle, I would say you should be forced to load manually from the start, and not start with loaded ball. Definitely you should not start with loaded any kind of ammo!
  19. At any rate, there will be no bouncing back. What is in game is in game. Whoever left the game is off for a greener pastures. Congratulations. I hope you guys are proud of yourselves.
  20. That's EXACTLY what a member of Axis would say!
  21. INB4: "We did it to protect them" or "They just needed to start conscripting random players into the clans by force!" ALMOST in time At any rate:
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