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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Galileus

  1. In the same sentence accuse someone of being pride-less and then openly lie...? Sure. Is IVOCI using their constitutions as trader snows? Well, now they can as well... after that explosion I don't think it fits military duty... Unfortunately, I will leave it at that. I prefer people spinning facts and turning mirrors, open lies and denial is... uncultured. Remember, Bart - you guys won! Be happy! I'm sure you guys will find a way to make all that money back... we might even let you borrow some from us if you're lacking
  2. I, for one, am glad for their outrage. Their threats proved empty and their capitaines lacking - yet they succeeded in one thing. They gave the ground for other Dutch and Dane-Norwegian clans to react and oppose, thus giving us French an opportunity to see them from a very new perspective. It's a learning experience. And if a few PFK ship have to sink to make it happen... oh well, who cares?
  3. Sure, sure... You won, you a good boy, you did well We're all so proud of you
  4. It was a fun battle I hear. All that chaos just to sink both of your flag carriers... A lot of ramming, I hear. Guybrush loved it! But honestly guys, just drive by and have some fun next time... blowing 1 mil on conquest flags is really too much, especially since you didn't even see the port And it's a shame, too, we had a French Culture festival at Puerto De Espana! At any rate, there was a dozen of Frenchies waiting for their turn. I took that chance to take some photos of our French Bocas del Dragón http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/315621401142760730/DE7238D69830E4A8456A0A9C55962A9C02449248/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/315621401142760473/3A31114023DB1ED6A5D1D3E0B193A3CC1A81E014/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/315621401142760122/5983DCCF1BD9EC42D79350FF7D30DA15D3F0C67C/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/315621401142759692/A1CCFA2F9AE4F8434403DDE16CFF53B9AB864F50/
  5. O my gawd, NO! NO! Everything but not your virtual toys! They so preciouuuuuuuus.... Im so f* glad I'm not sailing with other polish players.
  6. This whole thing is ridiculous. Take pride, PFK! Your clan splits your nation to argue for virtual cookies! In the meantime DAS/BOAT works hard to make the game a better place for everyone - YOU INCLUDED!
  7. Congrats. Now go put your fingers in an electric socket. For a glory of Sweden and her best interest of course.
  8. Yes, he is. As is anyone reading this. For a Swede to want to throw his own nation under a bus is unheard of. People will sooner think you a Dane-Norwegian rather than assume you're a traitor-terrorist kinda guy.
  9. Puerto de Espana and Guayaguayare. And instead of "south of St George's" I would describe it as Gulf of Paria region or - indeed - Gulf of Paria and Trinidad and Tobago, including ports along and south of Columbus Channel. Surely this is a huge loss for the Dutch, the ports they don't even know the names of... ^^' PS. Ask my clan-mates, I do harass them about knowing these names too
  10. Still, couldn't they just say - French folk, we are aware of your peril... do what you must and fret not - a change of fate will happen sooner or later! We are aware of your position and hold no ill will towards you, for we understand you do what you must to survive your plight. Let us share the pain you bear, and let us await the time France can rise great again! Instead of - Yeah! YEYEYE! Fight! Come' on! Show me 'em polished 9-pound balls of yours! <grabs popcorn> It's a bit worrying.
  11. If you're inviting a war you cannot win and plan for France to pick up your slack... it's a dangerous game to play.
  12. "Dignity"... lol... "Man, I could've got that girl, but she learned I play video games for fun, and not for pain... now she doesn't respect me no more :("
  13. I reply to you in kind: allies can be changed but the total annihilation is impossible to revert. The very state at which ports need to be re-captured is the fall of France and lose of it's player base. I ask you again, sir - why are you asking for that? Why are you pushing the agenda of fallen France? If you seek France to rise, why do you ask for it to fall?
  14. Someone thinks his virtual possessions are worth too much. I bet he has "Pong - The Super Expensive Collectors Edition" including a golden balls DLC.
  15. For a resistance, you need a broken and subjugated country. France is not that. It's funny, when it's our "allies", not our enemies - that seek for France to fall. I will fight for freedom and I will support resistance if need be. I will not condemn France to fall just to play a rebel.
  16. Wait... the Greater Evil!? Are you telling me Dane-Norway is gathering fleets to fight The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of this World, Father of Lies, Batrayer of Gods, Lord of Darkness, Satan?!? Holy crap, this is so cool! Sign me up! The only question that remains is... why does Great Britain try to discourage the fight against The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of this World, Father of Lies, Batrayer of Gods, Lord of Darkness, Satan? Huh? Huh? Huh? HUH!?
  17. With all due respect - me, personally, I do not misunderstand PFK's intent. I do not care for it, as long as their goal is to wipe the France and suffocate it. And with reasons for that stated as "We won, we won, we won, we won, we won!!!"... It's rich saying you want more PvP, if what you reach for is the end of PvP as well as a nation. Im sorry, Wyspa, as you seem a reasonable and good gentleman, but the higher ups of your team are not presenting themselves as such.
  18. You seem to be very interested in some good fun with smaller ships PvP... if that's the case, please await further developments, as SLMFR is working on something just for your tastes! Insta-PvP, just add water and it's done :3 At any rate the progress is slow due to reasons obvious, yet as soon as we have everything ready we'll reach out to look for interested parties 9.99 + Taxes.
  19. That treaty is something more than virtual borders and virtual possessions. It's the ability to play for many of our players. Obviously - as always - they will be some people who will disagree. They won't see, that already we lost people and they will argue that their virtual possessions are more important than the fun of general audience of the game. These people would happily hug their virtual gold and damn the consequences. We've seen it time and time again, when other nations came to peril. Idiotic deals, underhanded tactics, irrational demands. People seem to get very stupid when ti comes to virtual politics - as well as forget, that this is a game after all. In all of this, DAS did not forget. Even though my worries were many, one can loose and hope to get back on one's feet if treated with respect. I look forward to see you guys on high seas - and never-mind our leaders, their alliances and wars, whether I will be shooting with or at you - I will be glad to see you. I am sorry for your quarrel, and I can sympathize. We've seen such problems on our side too, and even yet - before I signed with SLMFR - I remember such arguments. In the days when I was patrolling our waters naive and filled with good intentions - stopping rowdy young captained from attacking our Swedish allies. There is nothing worse to find a rebellious element in your own house, unable to see the bigger picture, the greater good. Back in these times I didn't think much of you guys. A lot changed since then. The hardest thing - to earn the respect of your enemy. I salute you! Capitaine Galileo Remaining your Sincere Enemy
  20. It just makes it take longer and grind more. It's not a solution, it's buying time before problem surfaces again.
  21. You are aware that people can see your posts you made before? Including the accusation of all french captains being spineless you made in the very, very first post of yours? Is this your honor? First insult your brothers, then say they are at fault? If so, I am glad I share none of this "honor" of yours.
  22. A corpse maybe. What of a man who attacks his own countrymen in public, denying them first a talk in private? Is he still no less honorable, or is he but a wild dog, mad enough to bite whatever and whoever, as long as bite he can?
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