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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Galileus

  1. I think Im going to die laughing. I would RP ON or OFF, but honestly, I don't know which one should it be right now XD
  2. That would encourage people agreeing to flip ports with another nations, as a means of political in-fighting. No.
  3. It's all fun and games to a point, then you start realizing some people actually have real problems with xenophobia... Let's put this to rest, can we? We're now in territory where people openly acknowledge their goal is to remove a nation (and it's players) from the game; or accuse said players with enough hostility and stubbornness that it's getting hard to pretend this is only in-game RP... Chill out. We're all gamers and the same sort of people. French people - including Polaks, Americans, Canadians, Germans and Quarios - are the same sort of folk you guys are.
  4. I will never understand how people can stand these oversaturated, overly contrasted horrible things..
  5. It pokes some fun at you, instead of straight up showing your hypocrisy - as you yourself hide behind an alias and hide information about yourself, yet expect moderators to give up their privacy. It was the lesser of two evils.
  6. Why are you hiding your birthday? It's sketchy, man... it shouldn't be hidden! Transparency, man! You volunteered to play this game! Be frank - are you a 4 years old genius baby? You better come clean, man! You better come clean!
  7. This is yet another rehash of the very same 5 ideas that get repeated over and over again. 350 years of hardcore bungee gaming or not.
  8. DAS is opening doors and making friends. PFK/VOC is closing doors and making enemies. And I'm not talking about in-game politics here.
  9. No, we didn't. That's how the treaty came to pass. The same one you hide behind, knowing, France cannot strike back. You mention DAS BOAT and DKF, but are your bigger brothers happy with you hiding behind their backs? Are they glad you throw their names around like a shield, ready to come crying to them if we dare pushing ourselves? Your bravery and your pride, but an empty bluff.
  10. Can you? France came into that fight to stop the carriers, and it did. It was a full-out ram-fest, and French capitaines sacrificed their own ships to stop your flags. And they did. So... what are you proud for...? All you can do is lie - "we won!". There was no fight. Your pride is a lie.
  11. Being weak and being weaker than are two different things. Are you really trying to build THAT strawman?
  12. Even now, more often than not fights end up in this embarrassing "really? ramming?" moment. I would rather not have a "gotya!" moment on top of that. As long as grappling means ANYTHING, it could be used to hold someone and force his movements. If it cannot... why bother?
  13. You are not fit for your status. A cabin boy is a post beyond your stature, least a capitaine! Does Dutch nation have no standards when it comes to her navy? Edit: // I see not even your words will hold... take responsibility for once, child!
  14. There is the game balance reason. I would prefer for grapling to take as much effort as it take snow. Otherwise it just asks for abuse and griefing.
  15. And cry "unfair!" whenever the eastern man fights back... I guess we should lie down and give up, because splitting enemy forces and defending our ports is... uhm... "unfair". So far the Dutch rouge clans but yelp and whine. Show no respect, and you will have none in return. You will be fought in strength, in unfair numbers, and eradicated from our waters. If you're seeking a friendly match - seek to befriend us first. Your lies and slander serves this purpose no good. As is now - the majority of Dutch clans can ask for a friendly fight, and that would be considered and answered. Rouge Dutch can ask but the void to grant them mercy, as French people shall not! You, who called for our destruction - are no friend of ours!
  16. My dear friend - you might be new to the game and not know this, but port battles are fought IN a port, not IN FRONT of a port. They are also not a friendly competition, as you can and should expect whole nation to fight bravely to defend our possessions. But as I can see PFK will rather slander us and try to twist every and each victory of ours rather than give us the respect we prove time and again we deserve. You and VOC would rather lie and play pretends than respect your rival. And thus - you get no respect in return. You naught but keep yelping. You called out for France's destruction, yet it becomes obvious you are but a puppy with her leash kept too loose. Stand up for yourselves for once. Look your rival in the eyes, swallow your pride and acknowledge his strength. There is no shame in that - you fought bravely few against a nation, and for that alone you deserve to be respected... as soon as you start to respect your enemy as well. It is but a child's play to pout and accuse whenever he's beaten fair and square - and nothing but that you will be if you keep with your ways. France lost the grand war. France was beaten and barely kept alive. France will not suffer your childish pranks and accusations - for we look to stand our own ground, anew! If you wish to humiliate us, at least grow strong enough to do so!
  17. France is no-man's vassal. France is free and for first time since that exhausting war began - France has a chance to choose. And France will choose - and it will choose what is the best for France. Not less - and not more.
  18. First you refuse the peace treaty for French. Then you try to hide behind it when you take losses and it is obvious you cannot take on the french. (How can we break the treaty you did not sign? And why is there no in-battle tag proof? I remember hunting a gank-squad, and if you had a trader there - what does it proves? Manipulation, AGAIN) You mix the facts and hide the truth. When French kick your ass, you twist everything trying to proclaim a victory (we didn't want to PB! we did it on purpose!) DAS/BOAT was always proper and honorable. You - you are scum more fitting pirates than a national navy.
  19. Well... if the ports change to neutral, there would be much more pressure to go PvT... because you cannot just "cap and forget". And neutral ports, even if not useful for economy, can be PvP staging grounds. You don't want them in your territory. Ergo - your idea actually promotes MORE PvT and forces MORE boring busywork...
  20. I'm not quite sure. Possibly both. I think PFK guys forgot to pack their cannons with their lunch, because they were only trying to ram, explode or run... They are even more French than we are!
  21. HUGE LOSES! French ambushed at El Toco! PFK clan skillfully explodes, wasting French time! We're never gonna get that time back! We need to face the fact we cannot win this war... And the worst part is - the TFK didn't even want to port battle...
  22. Sure, man... congratulations on fulfilling your "goal"... Next time you want to throw away that much money, just give it to us, we will sink ourselves. It's still net profit for us Why not work together then?
  23. If admin/devs would be to go around forums making sure everyone is well informed, because they "owe" them - they would have no time to develop the game. I would say it's the people who owe the developers to stay informed.
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