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Naval Action Tester
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Posts posted by Galileus

  1. I think that physically carrying all of your gold about can certainly add realism, but does so at the price of the overall play-ability and ease of the game. I do think that the addition of player currency as a physical item has many detriments to game-play, but I think the most noted one is creating further difficulty with accumulating wealth in-game. We already have a fairly grindy game which just about every single negative steam review on the game complains about. I think this expands that grind fairly significantly, and is hence inadvisable.


    The benefits here seem merely to serve realism and perhaps an advantage to winning battles. I think these advantages are great, but they don't seem to outweigh the problems your proposition could create. 


    Thank you! This is all I ever wanted :3


    Nevertheless, to build upon this argument, physically carrying gold on your ship is increasing risk of the game. And this is not necessarily a good thing. Loosing a ship, loosing a port where you stacked your crafting materials AND gold... you would be able to loose way too much at once, a hit that would most likely put you off of the game. Your gold being untouchable is a safety valve - you got it always, you can rebuild with it, you can rely on it. And you don't need to keep it all in your capital to do it.


    Another problem with it is... well... it's unrealistic. Banks did already exist for quite a time, and they did work more or less as they do now. Not as fast, but they did ;)

  2. My post is not at all far off from the gold/bank mechanics in Uncharted Waters. Your comment simply took everything to the farthest extreme and was simply nonsense.


    At least read it before answering. I commented on the very way an argumentation should be presented and how a mechanic is justified to exist within a system. There was no extremes, no nonsense, no place for taking sides. I did not call your idea good or bad, I called it wrongly argumented.


    Your answer leaves it unlikely that one could expect a proper answer, though. The shear amount of loaded questions and begging the question you commit by itself is stunning. Please, rethink the way you try to debunk other's posts. "I bet you don't even lift" is always a number 1 way to make yourself a laughing stock.

  3. IMHO, keeping gold on hand like a credit card just doesn't fit with the era of gameplay.




    When will people learn this is never a valid argument? Keyboards and mouses just doesn't fit with the era of gameplay. For cryin out loud, the word gameplay just doesn't fit with the era of gameplay.


    Your post is not period viable either. Should forums be hard-modded, so that everyone who does not post according to ye oldie rules is banned? Should we switch to mailing lists, and I don't mean e-mailing?


    Would that be either fun or efficient?


    Something being or not being 100% history accurate is never an argument by itself. How this accuracy does or doesn't affect gameplay, fun, efficiency of the system and so on - these are arguments that are interesting. These, that you did not touch on.

  4. Learn to read.


    I'm done. It's pointless to try and give you arguments, when in turn you "debunk" them with "it won't because it won't!".


    All this time you failed to answer to the first argument of my first post. In meantime, you created a super-idiotic strawman of monetary value - and now you even talk about "buying things in game with real world money". Your whole proces of argumentation relies on juxtaposition of words used by your opposition until you can debunk an iteration - nevermind it was never used in the argumentation.


    It's pointless. You keep arguing with things you imagined, while I cannot straighten them up faster than you create them. Mostly, because you blatantly ignore these and continue on your merry way imagining what I could've said.


    It's not my turn. My very first post still lacks an answer. My argument still stands. You failed to address it, and I will waste no more time with someone not capable of acknowledging it. Even less with a scoundrel who would rather try to blatantly lie and misrepresent his opponent arguments in vain hope of hiding his inability to debunk a fact.


    The end.

  5. I never mentioned in-game prices. Try again. You managed to completely misread my whole argumentation yet again.


    I would think it was my fault explaining it, if not for the fact you used a comparison I made and pretend this was my argument in the first place. A mistake that I already pointed out for the other guy. In bold. BOLD!


    Seriously, this is getting stupid now. I'm reading your posts, even though it's pointless - as you seem to completely ignore mine and guesstimate what I wrote. If you want to take part in the discussion, reading other side's arguments is part of it you cannot skip. And if you have problems understanding, ask, don't guess. They say ignorance is bliss, but in a discussion arguments from ignorance won't take you far.

  6. I see that we look  at labor hours as 2 entirely different elements of the game. I look at them as a means to actually make something. You are looking at it purely from the stand point of monetary values.




    I used that metaphor to make it easier to understand why non-linear increase in LH amount will cause a non-linear devaluation of said LH... NOT to say that LH = money in real world.


    I am staggered how you could even take it that way. Do you honestly, really believe I meant LH are equivalent of real world money? I specifically pointed that out. I have also never, ever mentioned anything that could mean my comment is about in-game money.


    And then you go out to say...




    And no Galileus,... my idea is (...) a means to entice others (lower levels) to get involved


    ... even after I specifically pointed out that this is a bad idea because it punishes lower levels.


    Back to the drawing board. Read again. This time, please, take your time to actually understand instead of projecting who you think I am onto my post and pretending this is what was indeed written.


    I even pointed out exactly where your mistake is in your assumptions, and yet you went and repeated them again. Do you even read what I write, or do you just assume I wrote something about rebellion because I'm Polish, huh? ;_;

  7. Sincerely interested in your response.


    Because balancing. I wrote that already. You balance top down.


    Introduce a change that increases amount of LH for high level crafters = increase LH prices of everything to balance it out = high level crafters remain balanced = low level crafters remain with the same amount of LH as today, but the prices have risen = low level crafters can craft less.


    It's like real world. You say - "Hey, let's start printing all the money with 2x the value on them!" and then are surprised that prices went up. Your reasoning is - if the country prints 2x the money, everyone can buy 2x the stuff. But it does not include the devaluation of money - 2x the money gives you the same value, as devaluation meant it is going to be balanced out by the market's prices. The same with increasing the LH gain - but here, you make the obvious mistake of increasing it non-linearly. which means it will hit different level crafters differently.


    So - you print 2x the money, high level crafters get 2x the money, prices get 2x as high. Everything is in equilibrium - except for low level crafters who starve, because prices went up, and they got no money.


    Of course I assume your idea is NOT meant as a brilliant plan to secretly trick the devs to just flat out give you more LH, is it? I mean, bad idea it can be (for reasons mentioned - slowing down low level crafting), but at least I hope this is not just saying "I wanna moar LH!" under a false pretense of game improvement idea. Because you won't get more LH, you know, right?

  8. Of course you still run into the age-old problem of people using votekick abuse.


    I would say ability to group up and lynch people out of the game is way over the "votekick abuse" issue. With all due respect, what you propose is purely inept.

  9. Sigh. There we go again.


    Since any balancing in a system is done top-down (according to max level, comp scene etc), adding more LH to high level player will have no effect on their ability to craft - i.e. the balancing will be adjusted to account for the fact. This means the change would be felt by the lower levels, as they would suddenly be able to craft less and - even though it can be adjusted too - level up slower.


    In effect, your idea leads to slowing down of low level crafting, while does not affect the high level one. And I don't think there is any reason to slow down crafting any more.

  10. And why should I ? to loose it from the next bug and not get it replaced by support ???


    Sorry, at the current state of the game and its support it is simply to dangerous to sail a first rate.


    Don't play EA games. Ever.


    You report bugs for them to get fixed, not to get "please forgive us, here's cookies" e-mailes over each and every one. And if you cannot stand it - DON'T PLAY EA GAMES.


    You're acting like a child.

    • Like 1
  11. The only proof you can get is personal confirmation. At this point you report with right click on the name -> report and you're done.


    Reported as an attempt at witch hunt and public lynch. Nothing good can come from this.

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  12. well you talks about balance


    i talk about exchanging lh from people who dont use it ,and want to sell it for gold 


    it is not the same

    i think you miss the point



    With all due respect, what the h* is this?


    "You talk about my idea affecting balance, I talk about my idea, it's not the same, you missed the point"


    What kind of logic is this? You don't get to just brush a comment you don't like off. You get to be called out for trying to play dirty, that's what you get o_O


    And no, random images do not make it better.

  13. Am i the only one who is happy that the Devs aren't like Electronic Arts and Creative Assembly? I think of this game a bottle of good wine. The more it ages the better it gets.


    I gotta agree with that. I myself left a good month or two ago, but I still have my ears out and I still try to keep in touch. Maybe will return, maybe won't. Maybe got spoiled by EA, maybe will only return for the final product. In the end, I am happy with my purchase. I got 650h in the game, and this gives me no right to complain.


    If you clock in 1kh in a game... this raises a question - were you really not having fun? Were you seriously stupid enough to slug it out through 1k hours against your own better judgement? Unlikely.

    • Like 1
  14. In what way am I wrong? If the devs wanted there to be no risk of losing BPs, they wouldn't drop the way they do, and there'd be no RNG involved in getting them. Therefore the current system isn't flawed.


    In other words the current system is, therefore it is perfect?


    You sure you're not mistaking Devs for Gods?


    At any rate, this is a beta, and many things are still buggy or flawed, or even sloppily coded (GASP!). You cannot say anything that happens is intended because it happened in a released game, much less in a beta. Your reasoning is laughable.

  15. But what does the risk in a game has to do with the healthy option of stepping away after 2 hours after a good chase and battle ?...


    Don't you remember? Real Gamers do not need breaks and they have all the privileges in gaming word! They ARE games after all! No TP, no breaks, no life, no fun is allowed when gaming. I hear Real Gamers are pushing an incentive to forbid by law anything that could cause pleasure during gaming - including bathing, tasty food, socially acceptable forms of defecation and lack of physical pain.


    No, seriously... I get there is a hardcore crowd out there, but there is also the "hardcorer" one, that - no doubt - would be the first to leave if the game followed their demands. Would call them "elitist" but "cavemanist" sits better with the imagination.

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