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Hugh Latham

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Everything posted by Hugh Latham

  1. Yes, remove double shot from carronades. It isn't historically accurate. The advantage of carros is fast reload and close range damage.
  2. So, heavy crew loss in a battle would be replaced by "landsmen" and lower the fighting effectiveness of the ship. Perhaps battle veterans would also be more effective. Both seamanship and veteran effectiveness might take significant time to make them more valuable?
  3. After over an hour the connectivity program continued to work, so I stopped and restarted it.The second run completed in about 30 seconds, but failed to create a output.txt file. I'm in Southern California and my internet provider is Verizon.
  4. US, California. Was having trouble in port and collected a contract at a remote port by impatiently re-claiming the one in my port. Terrible lags, etc.
  5. Coordinates for Isla del Coco: -431300/-571400. Represented by NA as 2 islands as shown in the attached image. I couldn't attach the second image because 17k was "too large". The warning said 33k was the largest. What the heck? How do folks attach high resolution images???
  6. I have mentioned in another thread that the F11 coordinate function could be adapted to simulate celestial navigation. An approximate position, such as one gets from actual celestial navigation, could be given at noon and any time stars/planets are visible by pressing a dedicated key.
  7. Perhaps it could be instanced like the battles, especially relative to the exploration game play. Sailing around land one could enter an instance to explore bays, coves, inlets, and estuaries. I would suggest this enhancement be left to after release or it could result in further delay.
  8. weird response, are you being humorous? I think a logical and factual discussion is well in order here.
  9. I have tried to use backing of sails on different headings and it doesn't always seem to behave as it should. I know backing was used tactically to gain positional advantage in real battles.
  10. As I understand it, the Caribbean map is just for alpha testing. Assuming there is no technical barrier to implementing it, there was some discussion on how much of Europe to include in release. I hope there will be much more of the world, if not the entire world map at some point. As far as sailing under one's own nationality, I am currently sailing French, but might sail Dane if Niklas, aka Ubert Le Danois, joins Danes after release (I am US nationality irl).
  11. I watched you stern camp a vic yesterday. Clearly the Pavel is the superior ship in a 1v1 dogfight. How does she pan out in a Trafalger?
  12. Xebecs really rock when there is no wind;) I sure would like to see variable winds in battle, but I suppose it is too difficult to implement.
  13. It never occurred to me to increase durability. I have always considered 5 to be 4 too many
  14. probably good for player port improvements functions
  15. Neutral ports currently fulfill this function. As or bribing enemies, I think it should only work for bribing pirates not nationals and only those pirates that are in on the deal.
  16. I don't see why your last statement should be law. I'm sure nothing about game play is written in stone. That is why we are here to test out the progress.
  17. irl, when an enemy trader was encountered it was captured and sold.
  18. I thought this would eventually happen through player settlement functions, especially bays/coves to careen a ship to repair. A lot of potential for elaboration here. Thinking further about this...having these sites discoverable gives explorers more to do, as well.
  19. Outstanding. She has captured the essence.
  20. Currently we have Trader vessels that are simply warship models minus the guns (except for the minimal guns on a Snow). I would like to see trader models without the unused gunport; maybe false painted gunports. For the Trader Snow I would like to have the option of placing 2 stern chasers instead of 2 of the broadside gun positions. Also there is the question of armed traders such as the Indiamen.
  21. I doubt there was much accurate visual information regarding the condition of an enemy ship, given the smoke and chaos.
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