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Naval Action Tester
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Posts posted by Ampen


    I hate these players who want high reward for no risk. 


    If Frank and his mate want to play together they'd probably be in the same clan, located in the same general sort of area, if they had any kind of sense. A game recreating the age of sail with any kind of realism sounds like the sort of game a casual gamer like Frank should avoid.





    Join a clan, make some friends. Get them to escort you. This game improves drastically when played in a group. Why shouldn't you get ambushed by pirates if you're alone?



    The pure size of this map really locks you down to a certain region. To that there's about 2000 players or so playing. Now, do we as gamers and as a community want players to fight, interact and trade with each other, or do we want them to sit holed up in different regions of the map where there's less interdiction, little resistance and only within nation trade?


    You can do the hardcore stepdance how much you like, but it still boils down to this. How many players are willing to sail on the open sea for whatever hours at a time to get into PvP or do trade? And getting close, if they get interdicted, split, griefed coming close to their objective, will they do it again? Possibly. If it happens twice? Maybe. Three times? Unlikely.

    High reward and low risk isn't the issue really, the issue is that distances on this map discourages trying again should you get nailed.


    Tedious can be dressed as hardcore, but it will still be just what it is, tedious, and as such it becomes a stamina contest. Hardcore on the other hand for me is about skill. It could be tedious to aquire that skill, but it will still be skill, and going up against someone it will be a test of skill.

  2. I hate these romantics... Take away the teleports and players will go far and wide!


    Wrong. Take away the teleport and no-one leaves home waters. Why?


    "Frank, wanna play some NA?"

    "Sure, where are you?"


    "Ah, I see... ok, we meet at Fort Royal, ok?"

    "Allright! Sit tight, I will be there in a moment and 7 hours!"


    In act 2 Frank dies of boredom, playing MMO game solo, because the MMO game punishes these who want to explore.


    This man speaks the truth. Frank did actually die.


    But yes, there's issues with the size of the map and the speed (or lack of it) in OS travel. I'm here for the fights, that's what intrigues me with this game, but it's alot of "Sailing Simulator 1800" going on.

  3. I came up with a very similar idea. Could add risk to using any "navigation tools". In order to navigate a spot on the map, your ship has to be stopped. (which i agree, that it should NOT be totally accurate. It would look nice, if that "circle" was a magnifying glass. The further you are, following your plotted course and distance to destination, the more or less magnified area of your location to your plotted course)  Which, depending on how long your npc navigator took to "find/calculate" your location, would raise the risk of being attacked while navigating. 


    I like this Idea. And, I am against hand holding. But, with some thought, it could work, be immersive, and not hold your hand. All at the same time.


    The idea of a greater chance of error the further out I like. Can't see why you would have to be stationary for navigation though.


    push: navigation tools to buy like upgrades


    And missions and/or tutorial to learn how to use them.





    Holds some merit, and I suppose it could be part of it, but I would assume captains sailing in these waters would have the basic equipment needed to determine their position.


    If you've already seen it, skip it.  If not and you care for a contrary view, here is my opinion in some detail.


    I'm not opposed to player created maps or tools, and if some of that is implemented in the game might as well be good. But those mostly are about navigation and taking bearings. Some tools pinpoint the position with help of the bug report function in F11 though and most seem fine with that.

    My issue with it though is that the bottom line becomes that it's not ok with any sort of help except the map and the compass in-game, but of course, using F11 and a player made tool outside the game, or a map for that matter, is totally fine. End result seem to be a principle matter instead of a practical one, and something that will be a hazzle for new players. 


    My argument isn't with map and compass though, or taking bearings etc. I oppose to not having an ability to somewhat pinpoint your position on the map, wich was really a well-known skill at this time. I'm not saying it should be GPS-accurate in anyway, make it something that gives you a hint about your general whereabouts, wich I consider would be the least the sailors of this time would be able to do.

  4. Ciao Able...

    well we kind of have spyglasses. If you unlock the visual with the key "home" you can go ahead your ship (or even sideways) and actually see closer the cities and even THEIR NAMES!! You will be so far away that nobody will even see you!!!

    Was so excited when I did it... again with this system no more guessing when navigating. The only thing you need is some point of reference and it is done. Cannot believe I missed that before. 


    Well, I have issues with this, as with the advice "press F11 and check your coordinates". I don't want a GPS giving me coordinates, I don't want to float away like an albatross to the nearest shore, what I want is something that gives you a rough estimate of your general whereabouts.

  5. The problem with just having an option to 'turn it off' is that it gives the people who have the map tracking on an advantage.  Therefore, while I might wish to navigate a bit more crudely, I won't because I don't want to put myself at a disadvantage with no reward except feeling good that I can do it.


    Personally, I'm not against a few extra rudimentary navigation tools and being able to interact with the chart a bit either, but I am firmly against a ship tracker doing all the work for us.  What's the fun of exploration then?


    While I do understand your point and can see the charm of figuring out headings and such, I actually fail to see what getting lost is exploring?

    Explorers knew their bearing and position, they just didn't know what was ahead of them.


    Here it's the other way around, you know your surroundings and the layout of the area, but you don't know for sure where you are.


    As I've said earlier, I don't want a GPS, I've suggested a navigator that would give you a general idea of your whereabouts, I would be fine with some tools and map interaction as well, but as it's now we're restricted to 13th century navigation (or in case of the chinese, even earlier).


    I've managed to get around though, so clearly it is enough as it is to be able to get around the map. My issue though is that I want a very crowded sea, and even though servers are limited at the moment, once they grow bigger, I belive the current system is something that can have a big impact on new players, in a negative way.


    If the combat is difficult and skill based I think that's a challenge and good enough for those coming to this game, getting lost getting there though I think is not.

  6. I think there's valid points against it, you pay a pretty hefty sum for EA etc. 


    One could choose to invest some time and work instead, though.


    What could be done is voluntary work, if the developers sort of hold contests for designing icons for the user interface, like for copper ore, live oak logs etc. There should be plenty of good designers available for that, and that for an honorable mention in the finished product would be willing to do it.

  7. Greetings from SLMFr. We are happy to see you organize on pvp1. There is a goodly number of English speakers operating around Louisiana. Id be happy to speak with you and your leadership in order to keep communication going between all of us.

    vive la République.


    Good evening! Unfortunately we felt we lacked the banjo playing skill required to settle in Louisiana, but we welcome co-operation and communication although we'll probably stay based in the antillies. Good to see there's more english speaking societies in the french nation, I'll return with whom we'll have as a contact person.


    goog lys au crane we ove you join us ^^


    Good evening Pierrick! Nice to see you too, and hopefully we can organize enough to contribute to the cause! 


    You are hearby wanted for Treason and AWOL!


    You and your collaborators are ordered to report in to the HMK HQ in Gustavia at once where you will face trial for AWOL and Treason against the Swedish crown!

    All your ships and personal belongings  ( if you ever had any that is...) will be confiscated according to Swedish laws.

    You will be facing an extremely biased and drunk jury who will decide your fate!


    You will have until 15:00 this Saturday to turn yourself in.  ( Not before because we are busy visiting our "local provision provider" to fill up our storage rooms )

    If you report in without resistance, you might receive a lenient sentence.


    / G.M - Servant of the only true ruler, the king of Sweden and Pommern.


    So, first you accept a 45000 gold bribe to let me of the hook, assist in my escape, and then you charge me for it? Swedish bureaucracy at its best! I'll be there!

  8. I went with remove them on this one. I do think however graphics or something is needed to give a hint what's happening, if there's a leak f.x, and if there's plenty leaks for that matter. If that is shown by text or actually seeing water spring up through the deck doesn't really matter for me (I would prefer the water springing through the deck though, just as you can see fires), but at least something that give away what's going on on the enemy vessel.


    edit: furthermore, we're stuck with navigation aids from the 13th century in this game, how could this be too hardcore? (there, I got that said as well)

  9. I'm mainly concerned about player retention, and belive there's a difference between hardcore/steep learning curve and plain tedious tasks. A learning curve, also a steep one, can be a challange, something that motivates people, while something tedious in time will wear them down. Open sea travel for me is nothing else than something that's there to support the RvR and PvP mechanics in the game, and can either serve as just support, or be tedious and as such add that to RvR and PvP as well.


    Sure, for the "tru hardcore playaz" tedious might be a thing, but if we talk player retention, my guess is that tedious tasks will reduce player retention, and that it will boil down to a Pareto principle thing. Challanging stuff = 80% retention after 3-6 months, tedious stuff = 20% retention after 3-6 month.


    Of course, only the devs will see the answer on this. But if we're ending up with a 20% retention, with this big map it's going to be a very empty space.

  10. give us a marker !


    and for the others : make it an option you can disable.



    if it was single player, i could agree however this is multiplayer and it should be an even playing field, so no, i dont think the devs should do that.


    Well, if some players want the hardcore mode, and others don't want it, what would be the issue with making it an option you could disable? 


    I'm pro some kind of aid, even though I myself manage to get around the map in its current state, but here's my reasoning:

    The open world is strategic, in the sense it's behind the tactical parts of the game. It's movement on the open map that's behind whatever PvP we will get. As such, there should be in some way tools to aid in that, so the tactical aspects of the game, ship-to-ship combat, flourishes. I'm not asking for a GPS tracker, but something that give a hint on your somewhat whereabout would help in forming up with groups on the open sea as well as somewhat streamlining travel for groups to destinations.


    As someone mentioned earlier in this post, I suppose it was Somerset they were heading to, they got lost, and there is a risk for that when on the open sea with no land in sight, and really, what's the point with that? Does it promote gameplay?


    Finally, people of this age were competent in sailing and navigation in a sense most of us have difficulties understanding. Even though storms could tear up fleets and send ships off course, they still managed to get on target even sailing over the Atlantic.


    edit: As i Said, I'm not looking for a GPS, I've suggested something like this.

  11. I went with squadron, since it seems most appropriate, a guild/clan/whatevva when it starts can all be pretty low level players, so a "fleet" of Cutters might not...well, you get my point. A squadron though goes a long way, since being part of a nation you'd be formed as a squadron, and for larger engagements with other squadrons you all together would form the fleet. Semantics.

    Never the less, having faction specific choices as mentioned here would be really nice in my opinion.

  12. Good evening.

    There might be one or two here that recognizes Lys-au-Crane from the french nation, Roberts server in Pirates of the Burning Sea. We are now slowly re-forming in this game, and do so in the swedish nation now, after originally trying France, and we're at the moment on the server EU PVP 1.


    We have a history of being a small society, mostly with casual players, epic in theorizing and unexpected AFKs, but we do have fun together. We've mostly been made up of slighty older players, so we have no real command structure or leadership as such. The society is administered by some of the older members though, wich we refer to as "the old guard".


    Members of the society are mainly interested in the eco, PvP and RvR portions of the game, and in Naval Action our use of PvE action is for levelling. What we want is to engage in PvP and RvR, primarily. A core value though is that we have no demands on members, we're all basically free to follow our own course. If someone wants to lead, they can do so, and if others think the choice of action is a good one, they'll follow.


    As a society we do not have a history of sharing resources, but we do help our "youngers" out when needed, and have had stocks earlier to hand out basic helpful stuff. But as a basic principle, when it comes to resources and such, we can be viewed as a free-traders banded together in co-operation.


    We do welcome new members if they feel they fit in with us, and for those interested, "Gilbert af Aris", "Carl Drake" and "Carl Gustaf Wrangel" are those to be contacted in-game so far. Our forming so far is pretty slow, but with time we will provide more names to contact with applications.


    Part from that, it's good to be here, and any old friends who wants to send a greeting are welcome to do so in this thread.


    Carl Gustaf Wrangel, "C-G"



    A list of captains then so far that can be approached in-game if you're interested in joining. Remember though that we're mainly old, casual, english-speaking and play for fun.
    Gillbert af Aris
    Hein Vogelsang
    Carl Drake
    Carl Gustaf Wrangel

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  13. I seriously think everyone commenting (complaining) on this saying that traders should not be able to teleport, is not a trader. 


    I can bet money that most are people that PVP, do missions, and generally any other ship to ship combat. Which is so much fun! and exciting! and produces xp! and makes you gold oh so much gold! 


    Then with all the gold they go to the market, and then become sad because "How dare those traders! they marked up all the resources here! That is not fair! Not historical! Prices need to be lower because I am out having fun and now want to buy what I want! But the prices are too damn high!"


    Seriously I can here you all whining behind the keyboards. 


    You all want to have fun, and be able to travel to any port that is just 3-5 ports away from your capital and buy everything there cheap so you can build your big sexy ships, and get mad that all the resources are gone.


    Crazy thing is? There are parts of the map that have ports with 5k iron ore and 4k oak sitting there. Why? No one from the major factions wants to sail 6 hours 1 way.


    Now I have, and made some good cash.  But yea I am not sailing 12 real life hours in a game. Take away the teleport, know what happens?


    prices sky rocket.


    Coming soon to a port near you! 


    Iron Ore! cheap only 1150 gold each!


    I think you nail some pretty good points here.

    Now, some players think you should mainly be able to sail, and sail properly (that is, no navigational aid, and it should take time). This on the other hand wrecks trade, as not many as you mention it is really interested in spending 12 hours sailing. So teleport is needed, but at the same time, this will have an impact on RvR, since you can't interdict traders in the same way then. So instead of having a situation where eco supports PvP, wich in turn generates RvR, wich in turn have an impact on eco etc, we have a situation where PvP impairs eco wich impairs RvR etc.

  14. I'm thinking when NA will have online 10k? 15k? Players online at the same moment... think about that... 


    That is about 5x the players there is today, and I actually don't think that is enough. Consider the time it takes to move on this map. With 5x the players, there will maybe be some players close by, or close enough to have time to react.

    Still, I would love if nations had the amount of players so there would be like a dividing up into regions for different clans, areas to patrol and such. But with non-optimal conditions, you have to remember sailing from Kingstown to Fort Royal can take 5 minutes or so, maybe more. Then zoom out to see the full map.

    I doubt even 10-15k players will be enough, sadly.

  15. Personally ... there are other ways to plot a course outside of the game and perhaps the developers have better things to build.

    There are simple tools to create a decent plot within http://map.openseamap.org/

    Or you can use a more accurate map and take your own measurements. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8451-shrouded-recluses-map-with-accurate-coords/


    I would really love to see a compass and watch.  That should be reasonably easy to develop.


    Well, this is sort of the issue I have. Sure, one could say like Buccaneer, "Uhm hardcore, L2P", but truth is some will use different tools or maps or whatever anyway if they need to.

    Now, in that case, why not include something in the game, but with some flavor?


    On top of that, compass and stuff would be nice, the idea with the mate being killed though is that you could end up on the OS without him, and be forced to sort things out yourself again, until next first mate has gained some XP at least.

  16. Did happen quite often, especially when Britain and France were at peace. For example, british captains on half pay served in the swedish and russian navies during the Russo-Swedish War of 1788-1790, so they could end up shooting at each other.

    And ~ 80 swedish officers served in the American Revolutionary war, on the french, american and british side.


    Officers went were the action (and, consequently, money) was.


    Indeed. What alot of people today forget (or don't know) is that nationalism is a phenomena of the 19th century. Before that each man was his own to a much greater extent.

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  17. Right not it is impossible Captain Ampen. 

    This feature will come - meanwhile just wait with a messed up name or just delete and start a new guild.

     Roger Roger, will stick with it for now then, since we're poor captains and can't afford to start a new one.


    But hopefully, once it's solved, there might be the option to file a ticket and get it corrected?

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