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Everything posted by Ponk

  1. Soo 50min log queue, seems like everyone want that Implacable
  2. Marooned (not an upgrade but..could make it a upgrade, to get the ability to find these, swaps the shipwreck bottles to marooned bottles) Sealed bottles can now also contain the location of a marooned sailor/soldier/smuggler/merchant/Cook or any other title. When saved the person acts as a permanent stat upgrade for that ship. For instance a Cook could give a permanent moral boost. The sailor gives a 0,05% to Speed and turn. Soldier 0,05% better reload. Smuggler increased hull space. Soo the idea is the marooned will act as a legendary upgrade which you will need to risk your best ship to benefit from it the most. Like that Gold l'ocean would need to go out to a strip of land perhaps deep into enemy water to get a 5% dpm upgrade. Or a Gold endy getting a sailor/soldier/artisan carpenter after a few weeks, to really get a legendary status of that ship. To make sealed bottles more valuable If upgrade, hemp to make a net. Need to be cheap.
  3. Whaler refit Continuation of Conte d.catellanis Ahab idea. Refit that turns your LGV or indiaman to a whaler. Fairly easy to capture whales,increasing chance the further you are from land,through space limits amount, gives alot of provisions and whale oil. Whale oil can be converted to luxurary trade resourses in a workshop, like soap, candles and cosmetics. Sells high in ports that are low in trade income, they dont get alot of visitors so they pay more for basic luxary. Like candles and soap. Might aswell put in some dubloons to be gained somewhere there to make it another option, like delivery mission. Stuff to craft it, weird Wood types noone ever uses. Iron Coal Nothing special really. Clan MOOSE
  4. Lucky Jack Camouflage your light frigate into looking like a random medium/big trade ship in the open world. Restrictions Cant tag other players. Bonus To morale and bording. (always spawn within 200m(could be intressting)) Craft With tools, some of those special woods noone ever uses and a new book, The Phasmatodea of the Galapagos Clan MOOSE
  5. Windfinder.com API's FTW! Devide entire map into wind sectorss with real life wind data!
  6. Asking the real question here, how are those shipbuilders in the picture going to get that ship back into the water?
  7. Really? So your thought is that everone playing in this game would buy a second gamecopy to roll an alt into a neural nation, so much that it would affect the open world? that's a pretty narrow thought. As you said before you are affraid it would affect some sort of economy in game, with not riskying to loose a crafting port, so what, is that why people do pb's? To deny an enemy nations abilites in some sense, sure people are generally bullies, joining winning sides etc to get a sense of power , or are more people actually wanting large battles to fight grand battles. Whats the problem with having more crafted ships created in game if thats one of your major concerns, you can still only play one ship at the time. And why do you think a neutral faction would be the largest? Would you change? Your playing brits soo I highly doubt it, would all of the russian zerg that have joined the winning side change to a neutral faction, highly doubt it. People who like pvp like pvp, people who like to gank they gank
  8. and that would be a real problem? because? whats the worst that could happen? more resources into the game? more ships? Resorces shouldnt be a concern in a game like this, it's the amount of players being able to use those resources. Real life time is the main resource in this game everything else is just a fantasy
  9. Noone forced me to join a war server, noone forces me to join a peace server. What I have is two options, one with extreme rivalry gameplay interactions with real people, one without. two options, two extremes. Nothing in between. Neither choice is pretty attractive for the type of player I am, so I have to chose the one that gives me the most options of finding worth in this game, war server. But this server is extreamly unbalanced. Would it be so horrible for your "hardcore" game to give a proper option of content for they type of player that is not hardcore, but still not a pacifist? Merge the servers, turn neutral faction into a real neutral faction that can't be attacked by players, for instance a west indies trading company faction, let people there sail with the national flag of thier choice, pretty much all nations in game had a west india company, not that weird to just write WIC on national flags. No reason for a nation to wage war on a private company, for pirates they could see them as smugglars or whatever. Change name of freetowns to WIC towns or whatever open to all, let the future AI port raids attack these town aswell without the ability to flip them but giving content for people who want to see large battles, with rewards to be won, and some slight asset loss if the AI is successfull or something. Lets these player be eligable to join pvp zones to have a choice to pvp, let them have access to every port ingame like on the peace server. Give trading bonuses for this company to trade in nations that are lacking resources and players. Let people who like extreme rvr enjoy that that, let people who don't enjoy the extremes not having to make a choice like that. And you say that people have bought this game based on being able to play for a certain nation, sure thats one of the reason I play this, to play for Sweden, but we are not that many people living in Sweden, so obviously my type of player can't have any chance at all to compete in this games design, unless it attracts alot of another type of player( the ones that like being underdogs), but that type of player will always be fewer than the typ of player wanting to join the winning side, I don't want to change nation, so why have game desgin that forces players in order to have any chance in hell to enjoy the game to it's fullest potential, but I would have no problem playing for a Swedish west india company.
  10. I'm sorry what? Soo I choose a nation and risk of losing pretty much everything in game( I still remember the time when Swe only had Gustavia). And then I can't change nation unless I pay real money. And you don't see an actual problem with your lacking gamedesign? But decide to call it a hello kittying feature? Cool
  11. Should ships be lost in the duel? Any suggestions to changes to XP/rewards? Leaderboards? - I don't think the ship should be destoyed, I think this is a perfect way to cater casuals that don't have alot of time but still want some nice plain ol' fun pvp'ing, in this case a very low reward. - If we can get the choice in the waiting room to choose if we want to gamble with our ship, and in that case get an opponent with the same premiss, to lose a dura if lost. Then the reward should be like in normal OW pvp. - Leaderboards could be cool. Though there is a risk that will drain people from the OW if you can make a career in leaderboard pvp
  12. +1 Yeah that would be nice, that would make all the polls about the direction the game should take in development become more trustworthy, I would for example love to see how many votes or voters on the "Player ship selection 1st half 2016 - Final Poll" comes from the same IP adress.
  13. Well I didn't know it was found and I kinda liked the feeling of believing that I had discovered something unknown.
  14. Found a litte gem out in nowhere. - Aves - Isla Aves is the real name of this stretch of land/rock And here is where it is on the great map.
  15. damn! ETA 2 weeks? Thats slower then a manned mission to the moon and back.
  16. Crap and here I am sitting with my creditcard ready in hand, ah well. Hope it will get resolved quickly! I shall sacrify a goat just in case.
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