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Everything posted by Ponk

  1. Indeed, was hoping until the end that it would be the Deruyter that we would have gotten $40 to$50 implies a third rate size ship, or atleast the generic 3rd rate makes more sense to give away as a redeemable, especially since admin has said they want 3rd rate ships to be the most popular
  2. Still hoping the de ruyter will be the secret gift dlc
  3. Id love to tp into battle more, since pb's wont have screening, create a new item, Odin rune, tp your ship into an instance connected to the higest BR, active, ongoing PB, where you get placed on a random side. Make it esier for solo players, so you dont get to many teams of VOIP groups. With rewards given if the team you get to fight for wins the PB, if your team loses no rewards. Lets say, all partisipants share the equivilant of a Raid reward of said port. So you need to win the "screening instance" and have the PB won of the team you get placed on, to get something from it. Something like this would make my life so much more enjoyable, see the PBs that are gonna run one evening and plan my life accordingly, log on jump in a battle directly, that is not just Loki trolling, but actually pontentialy rewarding. And since PB's are announced anyway ingame, could use that as a serverwide "lets fight" signal for people to use this "rune"
  4. Give it carronade option in all decks, 68s on the lowest part, make it a shotgun. Could make it viable and stick out(and fun) a battering ram, destroyer of lines. I know admin said something about the guns being modeled in the actual 3d model before and thats why they dont want to give 1st rates carroes. But the wappen also show guns even when you put carroes in the lowest deck so dont think it should matter much
  5. Is the 3rd rate rebalance going to make it with any hotfixes connected to this or is it layed on ice?
  6. Hey, just a simpleish mechanic that could possibly solve some issues with for instance ports owned by "dead" clans, or ports owned by small traitor clans inside a nation. That you can in a nation in someway produce hosility for a friendly owned port that in the end will generate the raider fleet pb for that port. For instance maybe dump dubs into a ports building section, like with guns/stone when you build a fort. And if it's a troll clan with 1-2 members or a dead inactive clan they wont be able to defend it against raiders and it will turn neutral and up for grabs for the rest of the nation, and if they are a large clan getting trolled then they will defend and get to keep the dubs.
  7. Is a great port, I really enjoy it.
  8. Imported gift ship, does that mean gift as like the Pandora was? A free DLC?
  9. Cool man except that what I have said is that you CAN redeem a ship WITH BETTER stats than the basic build of the other. Which I tried to specify later on except you continue to write as you apperently know more of what point I try to make then I do. If you are unsure what point I try to make then you can ask me to clarify, not do what you did writing shit like ,"what ponk is trying to do" And then continue om your dumb assumption that you know better than me what My point is about. If you can redeem something better than a basic build of a RNG permit ship, then there is No point in having it be a RNG permit ship. You then continued with saying ships are of the same design which does not matter since its clearly not a 100% historacly accurate game which i further try to point out with the Rättvisan/Wasa since these two dont follow history. Devs can do whatever to balance a game. My comparision is not skewed, it is only skewed because you think I am trying to make a point based on how you think, which I over and over try to explain you I am not, either you are on the spectrum, or you are actively trying to sway every single word I write into how you think, then you are a troll. Just stop trying to tell yourself and others you understand my point wich you painfully clearly do NOT and stop bending reality like a bloody salvador dali painting. Nothing you have posted is relevant att all to the point. Stop trying to advocate that it is.
  10. And you seem to be a troll that can't read a post before posting something completely irrelevant.
  11. Soo? Is it stil blocked by a rng permit?
  12. And I still hope you would just read the OP and see I am not trying to discuss the diffrence in power of a ship I am trying to focus om availability, the PRICE!!! The Wood does not matter. if I post one fir/fir or lo/wo(s) the PRICE is still the same. I am talking about that you CAN redeem a ship better than the basic version of the crafted one, in the top of it's rate class, that is being blocked by a RNG permit. While you cannot redeem a Hermione better than a basic Endymion or a basic Trincomalee, a Rättvisan better than the Agamemnon, or a Leopard better than a basic Agamemnon. And here is your qoute "Of course a seasoned ship is gonna have better stats than an unseasoned ship. Bad comparison." Which only works if it's the same ship, these two arn't, the same as with Wasa and Rättvisan, even though they are the same design(historically, not depicted in game. Devs artistic freedom to do whatever). My main reason for postning the images was the gun layout. Everything else is just a bonus Hopefully you finally start to pay attention
  13. Indeed, except you wanted to pull up the diffrence of real life design, which is simply not true, Rättvisan and the Kronprins is the same design, the light build is the prototype wasa, which dosnt exist ingame, it is the devs that have made thier artistic interpertation with names and values. So your argument that the Implacable and Redoubtable should be close in stats based on design, while it's ok for the Rättvisan vs kronprins to not be is just freakin lazy from your part. It dosnt matter what type of wood I am comparing the ships from, the point is the rng block and resource block a person get by not spending money on a equal ship which have no real drawback from the crafted one
  14. I am really curious of your source for that. Cause you are telling me that a ship builder that was partly made famous for his use of prefabrication methods to build 20 ships in three years, where the Kronprins is the first out of the 10 SOL's, the Rättvisan is nr 4, and where every online source, plus the swedish archives write that both ships have identical dimensions(except the russian ones with say Rättvisan is 10cm longer, 40cm wider, and 45cm less depth) decided to create diffrent builds of the same design
  15. I know it is, the point is that we have two ships of the same class, one dlc and one crafted. That are way similar stat wise, but not "effort" wise. We then also have two more ship's of the same class, Rättvisan and Kronprins Gustaf Adolf(Wasa class) even the most pimped out Rättvisan wouldn't beat the stats of a basic built Gustaf Adolf. Same class, diffrent stats making them unique. While the uniqueness with the Redoutable and Implacable seems too be more with it's stern visual attractivness. Those extra 2 + 6 guns on the Implacable seems abit strange to justifiy the cost of building one (permit hunting)
  16. If the christian had a dlc sistership, I would doubt any would spend hard earned s-wood on it
  17. Me since I have no real way of getting it. And even if I did get some comparisions with the same wood the port bonuses would be completely diffrent soo that comparison would fail aswell. So thats stuff you could target in that case aswell. The only thing I have been saying is that the price of getting something is abit high in comparision to something that is bought with cash. And why would you put a rng block on something when you can have pretty much the same thing everyday, if you pay for it
  18. Sure who would ever build a ship in a port that's not 55 point either
  19. Why is it a bad comparison, who would ever redeem a ship not seasoned
  20. For being a crafted permit ship that cost 7500 dubs, the Implacable seems abit overpriced when you can get the Redoubt with pretty much better stats once everyday. You should consider removing the permit atleast or make it available in the Admirality for some cm's, otherwise it's a very redundant ship.
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