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One-Eyed Willy

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Everything posted by One-Eyed Willy

  1. I haven't played in a while & just recently started playing a bit again. I've been playing on the PvE server & have been joining the port battles & open world battles when I see them. Well today I joined one & got a angry message to me telling to gtfo out of their battle. Did I break some unwritten rule of etiquette by clicking on the crossed-swords/join battle icon?
  2. I'm probably going to get scolded for saying this but.. this community scares me more & more each & every day. I fear this "trying to make the community a better place" stuff will end up making me not wanting to play & regretting my purchase. Actually, that's already started happening. I really, really do not trust/have no faith in community 'police' for the lack of a better term. I'm faaaaar more trusting of a official 'policing' program than I am a community based one. Just say NO! to democracy!
  3. Depends on the pirate captain as well. Some may have been more loose with the grog while others not so much.
  4. Yes & I used that very same menu. This was around a month, maybe more ago & was told iirc that customizing keybinds was not yet fully supported & was something they were working on. I've been using Auto since then. Some good news: I'm no longer crashing when a match ends. I suspect the crashing was something more on my end, than something the game did. Driver issue or something like that.
  5. A while back I tried binding my Auto/Manual Skipper function to another key as I was accidentally pressing it at the most inopportune times but as I found out setting a custom key binding is not yet supported. Since that time I have been using AutoSkipper only & I would very much like to be able to use ManualSkipper. I have followed the instructions on deleting the key binds in the regedit but that didn't work & I still cannot use Manual Skipper & now my game crashes to desktop after a match completes. :*(
  6. I'd tell ya but I don't want anybody to steal it or use it to ID me once Open World is.. errr.. opened up.
  7. The sweet, sweet music of water splashing against the sides of my ship, the sound of wind in the sails, the roar of cannon fire & the splintering of wood of my enemy's ship.
  8. I very much want to see multiple characters that can be in any faction. If it's only 1 character/1account & 1 nation I will be incredibly disappointed. I have friends scattered across the (real)world & many of us are going to be sailing for our own (real world)nation & I want to be able to play -with- them & not -against- them when I choose to do so.
  9. Yes, I am stoked for SC. I also play ED & NA as well of course. I see no issues with playing all three.
  10. "Why do Brits insult the American dialect?" Hang out with Brits long enough & you will see them diss on not just American accents but other accents as well, including the differing accents within thier own country. They're just busting balls is all. Return the favor. A word of warning tho, Brits can insult you & you won't even realise it until 3 days later & then you will be like "Hey! That wasn't really a compliment at all! What a f****er!"
  11. 1) Buy once, Play forever 2) Buy: $ 56.00 - $ 65.00 3) Only cosmetic changes (no effect on gameplay whatsoever, but looks cool) Regarding the price; If the game is as fantastic as my hopes for it are, then it is definately worth a $60 price tag.
  12. That's actually pretty clever of them. They deserve a internet cookie for it.
  13. Thank you so much for this tidbit of info! It has helped me a great deal. This info needs to be stickied, it's that helpful & important.
  14. That would be a terrible, terrible shame. Ships are built to sail as aircraft are built to fly & cars built to be driven. While I cringe at the risk of losing/damaging such a important historical(& beautiful) artifact, sailing, if even for a short distance, is what she was meant to do.
  15. A tale of crossing the Atlantic to the New World in the age of sail. First came across this way back in the 90's, had the album. Thought it was fitting for the NA forum. Beware it's approximately 11 minutes long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421914688&v=kI-IcPUV6Gw&x-yt-cl=84503534
  16. I don't have a problem with that. To my knowledge no pirate ever took a SoL & even if there were some SoL taken it was never enough to make it a common pirate practice. IMO a pirate should not have any ship larger than the Snow & even then the Snow is pushing it.
  17. Joe, I'm curious.. did you read any of the previous comments about this subject? You will have better luck finding what you seek offline than you will have finding it in Naval Action.
  18. Just because one wouldn't mind females in the game does not mean one wouldn't mind bright purple flying unicorns that fart rainbows in the game as well.
  19. Some of you seem to be forgetting that this is Naval Action, not Jane's Combat Simulations: Age of Sail. Naval Action is not a simulation.
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