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Naval Action Tester
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Posts posted by DazednConfused

  1. I know this one!!


    If the clan creator deletes his Avitar of that nation (if he has more than 1) the clan creator tag goes to the next officer down the list - list in this sense is the clan members tab above chat

  2. If it takes me 1 hour and 30 minutes to try and demast and cannot succeed, how do you suppose anyone will now be able demast?

    I was firing at a range of about 250-350 metres. I fired about 75 broadsides of which maybe 20% per broadside found its mark right at the centre and connected with splinters flying off. Surely you can't actually bring real life scenarios into this, it is a game after all. How can you possibly say the post patch is better, when they have essentially removed the demasting mechanic entirely as I have tested.

    my point was that you shouldn't fire at the mast to bring them down anyway. It should be a chance based on rigging damage. lower stumps only drop in novels and movies.


    post patch is better because all modes of play are FAR more balanced than before - if everyone only goes for masts its because its too easy and the only way to win.

    • Like 4
  3. Another battle that according to usa "never happen"





    I had just jumped on when this battle was happening - as is my lot i always seem to jump on when a server reset is about to happen...I digress.


    To be honest i'm quite impressed that some guys are even attempting to try for ports in this current confrontation - it seems most of your guys are fairly fresh to the game or have lots of time - with that time you are able to amass a nice top tier battle group for these PB's (hate PB's soooo much). Well done.


    Haven't had the opportunity to meet many of your players 


    May we meet at sea



    • Like 2
  4. Cant say im a fan of the current meta to de-mast opponents before closing in - doesnt bring much skill into the game.


    A wipe or two ago there was a good balance of mast and hull hp but masts have become a little too weak since the new hull values were added - hence everyone is using this strat. 


    May bring it up in the testers forum.

    • Like 2
  5. IMO the reason small battle rooms failed is that as some people touched upon, is that free basic cutters are allowed in and just became a no loss troll fest on anybody wanting a legitimate battle.


    To the people who say dont allow dueling rooms of whatever size as it will decrease OW participation, id tell them there are already people working the system to acheive this anyway. also remember that the game has bled people who want only pvp and this could induce them to return.


    Allowing only same nation duels unless competition will only make people join the same nation.


    Training rooms and Duel rooms should be a separate topic:


    Training rooms should open and be able to start with no opposition so that clans or groups (or individuals) can practice maneuvers and evolutions without enemy, or be able to split your own group up and be able to practice enemy approaches ETC.


    Duel rooms should be just that and for the most part be loss/XP/Gold free.


    What will be annoying is that you will have to grind in OW just to be able to play in the Duel rooms so in the long run the question of a list of basic even ships being available to fight in may come up. Maybe not the whole lineup like sea trials - but a few select ships


    My 2c


    • Like 1
  6. From the perspective of an early OW tester (who has contributed in various ways to 3 maps in this game) I can tell you that navigating becomes very easy - all you need is a tiny bit of recall and all of a sudden you won't get lost in your area of operations.


    Hell in the leeward islands, and greater antilles i don't even need the map anymore unless i'm contemplating a major water crossing - then ill need a good bearing (tdamap.com is currently the best map for this until hovering compass rose is in the in game).


    Its because even after a small time you begin to recognise the islands and can easily confirm your location by going close enough to a port to see its name.


    It adds that awsome element of uncertainty into sailing in groups too. instead of being able to get all your friends from all corners to zerg onto some poor fool, you will have to give approximate directions instead - giving the enemy the chance to escape.

    • Like 2
  7. Yeah if you have less than 5 crew it sometimes auto surrenders you. Most of the time you can see this when somebody's ship explodes beside yours.


    So in fact the game thought you lost - thereby taking your prize away.


    Aim to have 50% more crew than your enemy before boarding, pick fire muskets immediately, then once the countdown hits 1 switch to attack. rinse repeat

    • Like 1
  8. ? we take ports when we are on - like any other group.


    We set times to defend - again when we are on. Why would we set a time that gifts the port to you?


    So far each nation (up around Florida anyway) has had it easy taking Starter ports. We will soon find out how well setting times to take ports pans out or if we all just stagnate.

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