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Captain Black

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Posts posted by Captain Black

  1. I think a single player version would be a nice edition with the online aspect being a bonus for players, I love open world games and I love being able to play games with people but the most popular games in open world are single player, take the elder scrolls games for example. I think if the game is bleeding players like it has been since open world came out then the devs should consider making it a single player, or creating a single player game that the community can modify and enjoy. Many games these days are really popular because of the ability for players to modify them. 

    Elder scrolls, Fallout, ArmA, etc. I think it would be a wise step to introduce single player, and provide modding tools to the community. The player base would jump at the chance to add new ships, textures, items and many other great modifications. 

    I think they should, and I know for a fact that it would increase interest in the game in a massive way.

  2. Hello,

    I wanted to suggest the possibility of adding a single player mode to this game, seeing as the online side of it died due to it no longer allowing solo players to play without being attacked by groups. Your game is heavily unbalanced in the online so would it be possible to add a single player to it, same game just doesn't require you to play it online, it's a great game to play when you get the chance to leave port, but because of the issues the game has at the moment your player base has fallen rapidly. 

    I think a single player aspect would benefit your game, it gives people a say place to level up and develop while the online will allow them to play with friends if they want. I also think you'd get a higher interest if the game was single player because it would create a massive modding community. I would strongly suggest adding it in as an option, your losing players fast, and if you don't try to address it soon, you wont have any.



  3. Have you guys considered adding ships from movies as premium content? That way you get a boost in funds and people can get well loved ships from movies,


    I'd personally pay for that sort of content. Just an idea. It would also bring a lot of new players to the game, I know a movie franchise that would bring a ton of fans to sail 3 well known ships of the Caribbean.

    • Like 1
  4. Hello,


    I am sick to death of losing ships and durability because devs refuse to fix this bullshit. There needs to be a punishment for ganking players who have no way of defending themselves against a group of players and AI ships. I don't like the mechanic of loosing my ships and dura's because the devs don't care about fair. 


    I was sailing from a port towards kingston when a group of spanish players ganked me and would not let me leave upon request, due to not having any desire to engage anyone. This sort of attack is taking the fun out of the game, I used to play a lot but now i manage an hour or so a day because I don't like leaving port and loosing everything within a few minutes.


    will update with pics in a short while.

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  5. I too have experienced this sort of exploit, as well as a member of our fleet who was ganked twice in an hour by the Danes. This sort of behavior goes against the core of the game, which is naval combat, I do not find the lack of sportsmanship on the side of those who use this exploit to get easy kills or captured ships and then logoff to avoid the reprisals waiting for them when they come out, to be any where near fair on those trying to enjoy the game.


    I think that the devs should pull their fingers out and fix this issue so that players who play the game the way it's meant to be played can enjoy without worrying that a random group of shit sticks will appear out of now where and gank them and suffer no consequences for it. The end battle screen should only be their for a minute or two and the players are automatically kicked back into open world, also players should not be allowed to log off in that screen, if they do a penalty must be given to ensure that this doesn't happen or make it so that they have to leave first and then log off if not in combat.


    I'm sick of sailing out to do a mission and loosing a durability to ass hats who can't play the game fairly, it's not right and it's sure as shit not going to be tolerated by your players. And if you want to stop it completely then just make it so that if they do logoff during the end battle screen they loose their ship completely as punishment for using a mechanic to openly gank players, Also the issue can also lead to the second issue I have with this exploit, and that is the fact that those player loose very goddam little when they do it, but the players who loose ships and crew have to pay a lot of money they earned, rather than using an exploit for to buy a ship and then pay the F****d up prices for crew to man them.


    You need to fix your game or your player base is going to tell you sorry, good bye, screw you. We didn't pay money to progress slowly, and have to pay stupid amounts of money that takes us time to get in game for it to be used replacing lost ships and crew, mods and equipment. Please sort it out for god sake, this is game breaking and annoying for everyone. 

  6. And this is our point, the tactic was used, but now players know the result they jump straight to it and so it should be dealt with. 


    They remove the fun from the game, I refuse to play games I used to love because companies ruin the game by keeping aspects about it in, that eventually take the game from original purpose. Call of duty, with their we'll save the genre by adding halo jump, is one prime example. 


    The point is the game hasn't even reached full release and already it's losing its identity as a naval combat game. If you want to ram stuff go get a girlfriend and leave the gaming to people who actual know what it means to play a game according to its intended purpose.

  7. Diceman,


    It would seem from all your arguing about keeping it as is, suggests that you yourself use this tactic as many of my fellow captains here are describing. Jumping into battle, the enemy is preparing their ships to move in line Oh look... A daft idiot moron of a player has decided to smash into the side of a bigger ship with his pittiful one to sink it before it can wipe the floor with him, therefore negating the idea of the game, yes it's valid and was used, but I doubt captains of that era did such stupid things. 


    I want to play this game as it was intended, and we all do, you'll see no member of the SLRN behave in such a manor as to take away peoples enjoyment of the game, why? Because we want to go into a battle and give it our all in ship vs ship combat, not pay for the game for it to suddenly turn into the 1800's demolition derby, or the 1800's circus bumper cars.


    You argue with us, but fail to give a suitable answer as to why this feature should stay as it is. It needs changing so damage/ leaks are varied between the size, mass and speed of the ships involved, and the devs need to make a point of emphasizing the fact that this game is NOT a ram and sink, it's naval action, the best naval game we've seen for a good long time and I hope they keep it that way, not let people without skill and sense to ruin it for everyone else. 

    • Like 1
  8. Hello,


    I just read the first page of your what faction to be topic and I have to say I find it very offensive.


    I'm all up for a joke and everything but your sitting their throwing slander into other countries faces and thinking it's funny! I'll have you know that only 10% of our sailors were fat, it's called privilege of rank, secondly the french language is by far the easiest to understand... it's a nation specifically adapted to saying "Slap me thrice and hand me to my momma" in as many ways possible, in one dialect. Sure that earns them a pat on the back.  

    • Like 1
  9. I wouldn't say they are mixing anything, merely he is stating what they were doing. It's you who labeled it as passive aggressive pirates. You'll find most nations are passive aggressive due to the fact that they see an opportunity to use a method that works, no matter how pointless the method.

    • Like 1
  10. Right. Since you seem happy to jump on me even though I was asked to submit this onto the Tribunal by your own clan and the admins I will explain a few things.


    Firstly, I do have a video which I will be uploading. We were not intending to simply sit there and hold him in battle all day, we were attempting to demast him so that we can move in and begin to work on his armour. We had effectively kept him in battle for 30 minutes or so at this point, from this range, with our long cannons and he was unable to reach us. At the point of Tommy Leaving the battle, I had just landed several hits on him which ensured I was stuck in battle and he should have also been. I had over a minute left of my timer. 


    The US fleet are the ones who initially attempted to split OUR fleet. We happened to be left out of the main conflict and pulled in Tommy in his Santi. He was supported by two frigates who then left. I am still attempting to upload the footage so that you can see what I mean. Admins are also reviewing the case as I put in a report as soon as it happened in the battle. 



    The problem is you haven't posted evidence of this, and although you give an account of it, until the video is linked you will be the one they attack because you posted a tribunal on the forums, it's a stupid way of behaving but that what people do who have a clan member blamed for something.

  11. No, we need evidence.  And he accused TDA of a serious crime of a serious exploit of a battle mechanic.  I want clear and precise evidence of this, otherwise it is slander.  I have not been aware of this nor have I heard anyone talking about it in our TS or forums.  I want clear examples that I can investigate, or it is slander.


    I understand that, and yes providing proof is better, but I think giving the benefit of the doubt would not hurt. 

  12. I have to agree, and recall my last comments gents, i was in the middle of posting when the accused posted :)


    In combat tactics are only limited by the mind of captains involved, yes, tagging to separate strength from a fleet there by depleating its effectiveness is a good tactic, but having no actual intention of fighting is not only wasting time of someone who wants to level up and fight, but it proves that you as a group can't handle fights with anyone above a cutter. 


    I can't help but think you got pissed of when he left according to his time and left you in the instance.

  13. I take it the people responding are from this players clan?


    If so, maybe you should do some investigating of your own and determine that as well and not to just jump on someone for reporting it, get your heads out of your arses and wait.


    If the evidence isn't provided within a day or two then obviously Kuthara needs to explain why, a reason along the lines of "I accidentally deleted it" will not do either. And a suitable punishment put in place for a false accusation but as a clan leader, if your guys are exploiting, then it's your job to know about it. 

  14. This is the issue though, because it yields such results players now jump straight to ramming a player, and seize to play the game. yes it is a valid tactic but in a game where players choose that over playing the game as intended surely makes the naval action mute.

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  15. Yes, there are consequences, but more often than not you sink but the other guy gets off free, which we saw today. 6 people. not one of them sunk as far we could see and they went on to ram more. I'm sorry but ramming is so easily exploited in this game because players of smaller nations won't fight on a fair basis and result to ramming because they know it sinks people. It is, no matter how you slice it, very much exploited.

    • Like 1
  16. Hello Captains,



    I'm really enjoying the game but I'm not satisfied with the fact that people take to ramming you because it's an easy sink in all cases, I'm sorry but it should be very hard to sink a ship by ramming it. 


    Six players in my last battle rammed and sunk a player deliberately and I think this should be punished, to just come into a player battle and ram them straight away is such a pathetic way of playing the game. Its a naval combat game and that usually means to fight it out but the danish group we just encountered decided to ram almost everyone and then run away. I don't like this aspect of the game seeing as it's obviously exploits a part of the game that almost all of the time results in sinking a player.


    Please change the ramming damage, because ramming a ship in those days would have done minimal damage and was often used prior to boarding a vessel as the rigging would often tangle and hold both ships together until separated.


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  17. I was at the time, and that's why he decided to give me all the lip I think. And I will admit I wasn't at my best having been up previous for 20+ hours, though I am quite happy that I didn't blow up at him and remained quite calm after that remark I admit.

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