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Everything posted by CageyMoose

  1. While I do understand the decision, the raiders did add a sense of tension while sailing in capital waters of other nations. As someone who lost a ship to raiders earlier today, I will miss seeing them removed. In the end, it was my own fault for not being more aware of the waters I was sailing in. As long as a player maintains situational awareness, the raiders, I feel are fine. With respect to nations being at a tense peace, could the raiders not fly under some sort of pirate flag as a solution to that argument? Just a thought.
  2. The wind boosts would certainly explain the speed. Appreciate the clarification, thank you.
  3. I'll admit I do like the idea of raider NPC fleets. I do feel, however, that the implementation needs a little tweaking. Roaming enemy NPC fleets patrolling capital waters is a good idea and adds some much needed tension to an otherwise benign server. Currently though, the NPC raiders seem to travel at some warp speed. At least that was my experience when sunk by them earlier today.
  4. Not sure how I feel about this to be honest. I lost an Indiaman to a raider fleet earlier today. While I do like the idea of some risk and challenge, I feel the idea could be better implemented. The fleet which attacked me was travelling at a much higher rate of speed then I was. There was no chance to avoid the engagement and I was not afk when attacked.
  5. I'll play as much as I'll play (the crystal ball is out for repairs). Depends on how much I enjoy the game and other factors.
  6. This is ridiculous and an ill advised knee jerk reaction on PayPal's part. I'll certainly do my part and send them an email on behalf of Game-Labs LLC's support.
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