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Everything posted by OlavDeng2

  1. 1. I believe they are available in a global pool, so they aren't stored anywhere specific. Should be available instantly everywhere. 2. You can only equip a unit with a single kind of weapon 3. I don't believe so at the moment 4. For a full unit, its 4 cannons.
  2. Well, this is just speculation so dont take this as official word. But considering how modable unity games are in general unless specifically made with moding in mind(like KSP) this is not gonna be that modable. also judging by the previous ultimate general games.
  3. If you look at price/performance, AMD is totally dominating right now, and there has been multiple times that AMD is ahead... dont make assumptions just because intel is ahead most of the time, amd is just bad, because news flash, thats not how this works. Look at the individual parts and decide on that, dont go by "its from x company thus it must be bad", thats just blind fan boyism which is bad for everyone. Also, i have also played with both and really, the drivers are just as good... the performance on the top end for nvidia is better yes, but mid range? amd provides better value ATM
  4. Well there is some misconceptions here and some outright wrong information here, so il go a head and clear some stuff up. How so? AMD CPUs right now are extremely solid providing excellent core count for your money, single performance isnt up there with intel right now, but zen2 is promesing. GPU front is disappointing in the high end, but rx 570 and 580 still provide excellent value. As someone that has used AMD until lrecently and am currently on a gtx 1070ti, at the moment, on windows, they are about equal (with AMD with the way nicer UI), on linux, AMD is the clear winner atm. Id reccoment getting a crucial mx500 for SSD, the sandisk SSD is only good if you can afford literally nothing else, it suffers greatly from only being 120GB (your specific model) and it is also a DRAM less model, not great. the crucial mx500 is the best all around SSD available right now. In terms of memory, as others have said, aim for at least 3000MHz (regardless of intel or AMD, ram speed is about equaly important for both, with it being a bit more important on ryzen) also, id highly reccomend at least an 8 core for recording and streaming, the 1700 or the 2700 are great options. This is coming from a guy ATM recording with a 1700. Asrock hasnt been an asus branch in a long time
  5. For video editing and rendering, i recently switched from Adobe premiere to Davinci Resolve, i would highly reccomend Davinci Resolve, its free, it makes good use of your computers resources, and its a powerfull tool. I also concur with everyone else regarding OBS, OBS is amazing, can take a bit of setup, but flexibility is good and you can easily tune it for your hardware
  6. OOOOO fancy, I like how its looking
  7. from what i see, you can chose to play US or UK. Don't quote me on this though, just what i gathered from the website
  8. Looking good, definitely even more excited for this after seeing the site
  9. I am definetely looking forwards to this, feel free to add me to the list!
  10. the driver version is AMD Crimson 17.4.3 edit: For some reason i thought this was the latest driver version, it isnt, il try updating drivers later when i can.
  11. Potentially fatal bug for AMD Users: Whenever a cannon is fired(whether it be friendly or enemy) it causes a driver crash on my AMD system, both stock and overclocked settings(both being 100% stable as per hours of testing) My specs are as following: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-AX370-Gaming 5 Cooling: custom loop(Both CPU and GPU) RAM: 16GB 2400 MHz crucial ballistix GPU: R9 Nano Overclocked to 1040MHz Storage: 525GB Crucial MX300 m.2 Drive, 120GB Samsung SSD 840 Evo and 3TB western Digital Black PSU: Cooler Master V850 with cablemod custom sleeving Case: NZXT h440 If anything else is needed from me(like the logs(in which case, please tell me where to find them)) please lead me to the correct place. Also, if any other AMD users could test out for this, obviously would be good. edit: Not running latest drivers, 17.4.3 is the ones im running atm, will try updating graphics drivers later.
  12. I know everyone is excited(including me) about the testbed, but do please remember, this topic is for feedback on the testbed, hold fast untill it is up and any non-feedback posts will be removed
  13. I remember RUST made the change, and it performed better and looked better and IIRC the object limit increased before things got laggy on the server, with that said, the change to Unity 5 was a long process so id expect the same here, with that said, no clue how it would translate in NA, never used Unity 4 myself(well i have, but a long time ago and only smaller projects)
  14. This topic has gone its course. -Closed for further investigation.
  15. Im hoping for napoleon next my self.
  16. Since this is a bug, this will be closed. Also for future reference, bugs like this should be first and foremost be reported either via f11 or in the appropriate forum section, accusations of exploit should not be flying around imidietly.
  17. TBH I think they are two different markets, and where there is over lap they will feed into each other. So i would not be worried personally.
  18. Just as an aside, if anyone needs help with recording, feel free to message me. Anyways, here should be my result, spent about 40 minutes messing around with that LGV on my first day. Since i wasted 50 minutes i dont expect to win, but irregardless worth a shot (46:05 to about 1:27:40)
  19. Here is what you should do if you want to remove the claim:
  20. I love the patch notes! Too bad i just started a new campaign on my channel :/ welp time to start over again... again.
  21. Il get to cleaning that up later so there is only one table, unless someone beats me to it. Also: Help is always appriciated with updating the wiki, would also be appriciated if whoever helps out doesnt leave conflicting information.
  22. Since this tribunal targets the entirety of a server and is posted with absolutely no proof what so ever or any specifics what so ever, this tribunal is now closed.
  23. Indeed, this is too much for one person, especially with my limited time, so please, pretty please help out, if you find something out dated, update it and it would help massively. You dont need to do a lot, as little as adding base hull structure to a single ship makes a massive difference (btw, you can add it using |Hull Structure = In the shipinfo in the beginning of ship page)
  24. That was changed... hence the syncing being required...
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