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Posts posted by Downunderjock

  1. Who knows. Maybe when Officers are implemented you get a Master with that specific skill !?! But even the devs themselves like the sensation of being lost when they go to new shores.




    Pardon, how I put this.


    I want to be lost. But I still (like they did in their day.) want to know where, I am on any map.


    Be it PVE, PVP and any future, idea of World Wide Exploration, and Trade etc, from Magellan per say to Darwin, and alittle bit beyond him, etc.


    All had to know where they were on a map, plus for further plotting of a course. And being able to second guess, where another ship might be. Like how in M and C, with information, along the way, all helped. Or via orders given months before, as to possible whereabouts, by the Navy of your country.


    Even the likes of Capt Aubrey for Master and Commander. Jack Sparrow for the Black Pearl. Bligh for the HMS Bounty. Darwin and the Beagle. John Paul Jones for the US. Nicolas Baudin for France along side Matthew Flinders, and like Capt James Cook.

    Just to name a small few, among a good many.

    (think also the open modern era of Silent Hunter games. And Real Naval and Merchant Captains. who had to not only know where they were, but where a passing ship went by them, be it Friend or Foe. And checking their course too, as they pass.)


    So, yes, Map position that say here I am, and the most barest of Nav tools. (just like them.) They might hugged the shores. but they also didn't. Partly because of being sucked in by the land winds, lee shores or shallows and reef's too.

  2. Considering a variation of the Jolly Roger is being shown ('Calico' Jack Rackham's Jolly Roger is usually the contemporary flag used, and is arguably the one most people attribute to pirates), it is well documented that pirate crews (as well as naval ships) had bands to play on them, but it is also documented that some Pirate captains had their bands play during the battle and in boarding combat to inspire the crew and scare the enemy ("these buggers are playing music when they should be fighting for their lives, they must surely be all mad!")


    Now the question is this: Which musicians are you speaking of? Because while Beethoven and Bach (and etc.) where indeed alive during the NA span of time, it all depends on where you where if you were going to hear them, it was very unlikely to come across a tavern in Charleston playing Mozart, but the revers would be true in Europe (depending on your setting)


    With some refinement, this idea gets my vote.


    Would the music from Master and Commander be of any help. Like the soundtrack to it.

    Including the sailors, song's?

    Like: Farewell and adeiu to you Spainsh Lady? Something like that. An English Tar???

    And of course what would have been sung by other Nations (with Subtitles, to help you out. And the samefor them, to hear English, etc, to be fair.)

  3. Er...! would someone be so kind as to fill me on, what is NA's official computer specs, mim and max.


    So, I can figure out my old thing.


    I have a bad feeling, my dear PC.

    Maybe about to tell me, via an answer. I have sunk my ship, even before I can step aboard, to even take command.

    (Which will mean, for this one, some hmm...! arrh saving up is in order. Oh well that's life.)    


    And Er..! while I think of it how much will it, be right now, to buy. either in AU or US dollars.


    Many thanks, for your time. And no rush to get back to me.


    See Ya!  

  4. On Steam Greenlight Community, under the search of "Naval".


    Like this Sim/ Game.


    There seems to be another one similar? Called "BlackWave" abit more Crew 3rd person aspect. Among other things.


    Plus I am sorry to say a Dam, Sea Monster, in it.


    But you, check it out and see what you think.


    See Ya.


    "Keep your boat afloat, with a bucket at hand" otherwise, It's hello, to "Davey Jones Locker."

    • Like 1
  5. Ahoy, from Downunder. (Australia.)


    If I may toss my hat into the ring, if I may. 


    And pardon how I put this.


    When this Sim/ game, gets going completely, hopefully, as noticed from other threads.


    Maybe, the Devls, might have it whether in Battle, Blockading a Port (though this can to be boring to some, as it was in the Real World at the time.) or just Sailing the High Seas, (whether it be chasing a prize, or escaping one chasing you.) for the purpose, of locating the enemy, etc.


    It may be that, you will be able to light along the length, breath, go aloft (heights) and go aft (below) to look upon the decks, of you vessel, be it in or during battle, or when just cruising from one point to another.  


    Access all areas, in good detail, even "The Head" the toilet. Crews and Captains, which are both different. Stir! Hee!

    (picture it, Captain peacefully on the Loo, when he hears Gun fire, that has a Cannonball, wizzing pass him, from a broadside to his ship, in shock he stumbles off, while trying to raise his trousers, etc, to rush to the upperdecks, his station, to scout the scene and receive a report, of what the devil is going on.)


    Or late at night, in the darkness, the crew is awoken, to stumble, out of their cots, due to their ship is under attack, to the cries of "All hands to Stations" thus trying as quick as possible, to ready, their guns.   


    Like in a lot of other types, of games. eg: Si Fi ones. Some of the Modern Warfare one's. Or like modern or old world types, walking around cities, etc.



    Or could their be and add on sim/ game/s, down the track??:



    For the likes of exploration, like James Cook, Matthew Flinders, Bligh, and other counterparts, from other Nations, of that period or earlier, or later.

    And others from all nations, to whom without them, who knows, what our New Worlds, would be like today.

    Which, I also would like to see. (If I may like in, Port Royal, East India Company, POC or now as TransOcean, parts of Empire Total War, etc.)  


    I know that some don't like the idea, of travelling on the High Seas, or to too many Ports, for too long. Whether it be Naval Battle, Merchant trading or Exploration. (like in Ship Sim Ex, or Say Silent Hunter 3,4,5, etc.)


    But that's part of the course, so to speak. In parts you can time compress, in others you have to sail for an hour, in all kinds, of conditions.

    (they didn't have the luck, of click a button, or travel warp speed, or get in a plane.)


    Anyway, I hope you will all not mind how I put this. Or it's length.


    Oh, and the crew's uniform/s change with the weather, esp if on the upper deck's, or as you go below, and visa a versa.

    (or bare chested blokes, for some, if the weather is hot or humid, on deck or below.) 


    Fair Winds and Follow Seas.

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