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Everything posted by UltraVires

  1. The grind is real... just gimme a Frigate and I'll be happy... :)

  2. Release is happening? All my friends who said "I'm gonna wait till it's out on Steam." can get the game now??? Three Cheer's for the Devs!! Hip hip! HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!
  3. Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

  4. at first I thought "good idea!" and then I thought... "hey... from a distance... all cannons kinda sound the same.." So... I'm actually not sure how I feel about this Idea... Maybe if I had some evidence that different sized cannons actually sound different when fired.
  5. President Andrew Jackson's best quote: "I never thought much of a man who couldn't figure out more than one way to spell a word." There's a butcher-er of the English... language... for you. (Yes, that's a War of 1812 reference. )
  6. Lot's of great stuff on here... but I had to put this up... because... "He Task's me! He task's me, and I shall have him! I'll chase him round the moons of Nebir, round the Antares Maelstrom, and round perdition's flames before I give him up!!!"
  7. Happy Friday the 13th. :)

  8. Oh! to play Naval Action, or Warthunder... screwit... why not both! :)

  9. I see shades of our Constitution Duel here Mr. Doran... Glad I could help you refine your tactics... And now you've done the same for me... Cheers! You may live to regret those words Prater, when the game releases... and we get Rammed by noobs...
  10. Would you be needing any Privateers then Lads? I be thinking not well on joining the Navy lads, for I be not the kind as takes orders, nor bows and scrapes... But a Privateer needs a Letter of Marque from someone; else there's some as go around calling em' "Pirates" and wanting to stretch their necks like. I prefer me neck at it's present length... So if a share of me gold for a scrap of paper from you Decatur boys keeps me head out of the hemp, and me ship in the trim; then that be a fair Accord says I. What says you? In modern English: I'm not sure if I want to be a Navy player or a Privateer, as I'm still unsure how the progression in the game will work. I would still like to have some cool people to play the game with though... do you have an "Associate" member category, or something?
  11. I think we should all take a second to remember that this is a player started poll.. If Saintduiex forgot to put country "x" on the list, let's not all get hysterical. I'm sure it will be an option to play as the United Provinces, Portugal, Russia, Etc... If not in the Open World Prototype, than in the Finished Game. It's the Royal Navy Crankey... other countries have "Royal" Navies... but if you say "The" Royal Navy... everyone knows who your talking about... The British Royal Navy All you need is one word even... NELSON. And this is coming from a patriotic American... At the time this game it set the British Navy really did rule the Seas... they had the most ships, the "best" ships (arguable) and they definitely had the most experienced Crews, and Officers, just from the amount of fighting they actually did. The United States had some success against them in individual battles during the War of 1812, but only because the US Navy purposely built heavier ships, and copied many of the British tactics... because if your going to copy from someone... copy from the best. I guess you can tell from my Signature who I'm going to play for, so I'm not too concerned about the high number of "British" players. It's historically accurate, and they are all potential prizes I can take home to Uncle Sam...
  12. UltraVires

    Salute !

    Welcome Billy and Hethwill! I'd be happy to give you some helpful hints Billy. If you see me in the Lobby, feel free to ask for help. You can probably ask most people for a "learning Duel" so you can go one on one.
  13. This... I find this is the reason that I miss shots that hit on the single range shot, but the broadside misses. I'll fire a ranging shot, and unbeknownst to me our ships are sailing at an angle which is either opening, or closing the range... so the ranging shot hits... then the broadside misses. I don't really have any problem with this... I just need to be a better shot!
  14. Quick! Somebody tell me how to say "You guys are freaking awesome!" in Ukrainian... Looking forward to the new stuff...
  15. LOL... Prater beat me to it... I'll echo everything he said except: I have noticed the speed of my ship being affected by flooding as well. Seems to be about 1/3 slower at %50 flooding (to use Prat's example) and much worse down to about 1/2 speed when your nearly sunk. Seems to be worse with Ships of the Line as well. There is going to be a Damage Model update fairly soon that should go a long way to explaining these things... I hope. Welcome Aboard Taki
  16. absolutely! Good idea, that said- I understand why they are in the game now (even I have fired on a friendly by accident, because they were driving the same ship as the guy that just shot me- and I didn't take the time to properly check) I would advise to wait until ship customization comes out though, then there will be much more in the way a visual clues (besides the Ensign) to tell friend from foe. For example: I'm pretty sure most people playing as the British will have their ships wearing the "Nelson Chequer", most playing as US will be black, with white gun strakes (that's how I plan to have mine)- and so on for the different nations... because that's how we as players imagine the ships looking. There will probably also be many people who paint their ships in "unconventional" ways... I'm looking at you Pirates! I think that would make the in game "need" for having names above players a lot less.
  17. Since Tom's a Moderator, this is probably as good a place as any to ask... with the new rules for forum signatures... is mine too big??
  18. UltraVires

    I'm New Here

    Argh! Welcome aboard me hearty! But mark ye, there be no place to hide betwixt the wind and water... So may you have calm Seas, fair winds, and a fully loaded broadside! Welcome to the game. The Pay-Pal issues should be resolved fairly soon, just keep checking in on the forums. I think the game will actually be up on Steam soon, so it's only a matter of time before your sailing along, trading shots with the rest of us!
  19. Ditto with Reb. If you see me online, feel free to ask for advice, or a training duel. I have a lot of historical knowledge, but I'm still learning sailing myself.
  20. Yes... As far as I'm aware the practice was to launch the boats, and then tow them some distance behind the ship during battle. Occasionally if the ship had larger boats, or lots of them; they would not be towed, but a small party would be detached from the crew to keep the boats safe until the ship came back. I agree with Dest that this would be really cool to see in the game at some point, if only as a legitimate concern for Captains. You need the boats to go back and forth to port, load supplies, land troops etc... but they are a big nuisance when not in use and stored on the deck of a ship. But I also agree with the Admin that this is a minor thing, and given the current progress on the game, it would be a distraction I think. That said... I definitely think it would be worth revisiting in the future, when the game is further along.
  21. I'm 30, which I think is the perfect age... I'm old enough to be taken seriously by the "Adult" world, young enough to still kick ass, and good looking enough to leave the Ladies walking bow-legged...
  22. I understand what you mean Kaboki... but I think seeing hand signals from the cockpit of a bi-plane, and reading signal flags flying from a ship, are a bit different. I think no one uses the hand signals in RoF because they are just too damn hard to see! Signal flags are much easier to see. All you have to do is literally look at a ship, and you can see if it has signals flying or not. I also agree with you that many people will be using Teamspeak (or some other comms program), but what do you do if some people on your team are not in your teamspeak? Or maybe they don't speak the same language as you, so voice comms would be pointless anyway! When the open world comes out, what are you going to do if your sailing a Fat Merchie and want an escort? Type in chat? But if your sitting in port, flying the signal "Hey I need an escort" then any other players in the same port will be able to see it. I understand there will are ways to do this kind of thing just in the Chat... but my problem with that is... I'm not a good typist! I know it doesn't seem that way from my post's... but that's just Spellchecker helping me out... I think Signal flags would be a cool addition to the game, but I admit you could be right Kaboki, and it could just be a lot of effort for something that players won't use. I'd use them... but maybe I'm just weird...
  23. I think it's a great Idea about signal flags! Seems to be the best method of basic communication, especially for people who don't speak the same language. This is going to have to be dealt with eventually, because when the game does release (and especially if it becomes popular- like I think it will) then there are going to be people who don't speak English playing. There are already many people playing who only speak English as a second language; RamJB being a notable example. We are going to need a simple and easy way to talk to each other. Maybe they could work like the button press comms in War Thunder or WoT... perhaps something like this: You want to send the Signal : "Turn left, and Attack" You hit a button which brings up a small menu, just like loading different ammo types now. This menu can be as simple or complex as wanted/needed. It could be as simple as having 5-6 predefined commands (such as; Help, Attack my target, Tack around, Form up, etc). To being a full signal system, allowing players to pick flags, and send custom messages as they like. (that would be realistic and cool, but I'm not sure how useful it would be ) You Pick the Signal that you like and send it. Here is another splitting point between realism, and game-ness. Once a player sends a signal, it could just pop up on their screen- ala WoT. Or... When you send a signal, the other ships on your team get a prompt; something like "Signal from the Flag Sir" or "Ship Signaling sir!" and they have to actually look at your ship in their spyglass, and look at the flags your flying. Then the message you've sent can pop up as a subtitle, or other text on the screen; since we don't wan't to force players to memorize the flags like real sailors. Just my thoughts on what might be cool, or useful.
  24. I did it!! I finally Tacked across the wind!! XD

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