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Posts posted by hoarmurath

  1. So, i was on testbed, and after something like 45 minutes of fighting against an elite ship.... I couldn't loot it because my ship stopped 10 meter too far. This isn't the first time, but i believe that now that it's more difficult to control the ship, it will happen more often than before.


    It wasn't fun before the "missing link' update. It was already a real fun breaker, and most of the time a frustrating experience. To be honest, the change in looting, from the end of battle screen to having to close from the wreck was one of the main reasons i stopped playing the game as often as i used to.


    I suggest you either return to the looting screen at end of battle, or find another way to make players feel rewarded at end of combat, instead of making them feel cheated because of a loosy looting mechanic.

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  2. npc aggression as it was at start of open world was easily bearable and made the game much more interesting, keeping players alert and checking the various ships in the vicinity to see if they had to stay clear from some ships, unless they were looking for a fight.


    It came along with a npc reinforcement mechanic that was also interesting and could create entertaining changes of situation during a battle.


    And as npc wouldn't target only players, but also other npc, it could create interesting battles a player could join if so inclined it was possible to enter a fight of npc SOL vs SOL with any ship, and participate or try to stay clear to observe the fight. In fact, as you could never know if a given battle involved players or only npc, there was a kind of surprise element when entering any battle not knowing what you would find inside, unless you had seen the battle start.


    It made the game lively, and the loss of these features was a great disapointment. If the return of npc aggro is along the same lines, it can only make the game more interesting.

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  3. 17 hours ago, admin said:

    On the issue raised by @HachiRoku @Anolytic and many other captains. 

    There was a proposal on this forum (i think it was @OjK but can be mistaken)

    Proposal was this: sell the permit that the player then will craft (unique ship but still participating in the economy).
    Initially thought a great idea. 

    Evolution of imported (DLC) ships thinking was this.

    • Premium ships was announced when we did not even think about the open world (in 2014)
    • Premium ships were initially thought as unique status items, a more beautiful alternative. 
    • Some ships introduced over time were not crafteable (Wasa, Hermione) to give us the option to add them to premium roster without taking away crafteable ships. 
    • First experiments were ran with Hercules and LRQ (it wa good to do it in early access as many things were discovered and learnt as a result)

    Now many players say that DLC ships reduce the role of the economy, and that there should be deep and interesting MMO economy. 

    But let's get this straight. 

    • Crafting was introduced last, and is a least cooked feature, as all focus was always on combat model, rvr and ROE (lately PVE). 
    • Hauling was somewhat forced onto players because some time ago we wanted everyone to be the target. 

    And here is the main discovery.

    • Players do not buy DLC ships for uniqueness.
    • They do not buy them because they are stronger or weaker than others (there is always a better crafted ship, sometimes 5/5 crafted ship). Rattvisan is definitely not the best 4th rate. 
    • They do buy them to support developers (thank you everyone for support)
    • And they buy them to avoid participation in the exciting economy (mainly hauling).

    Trading goods is rewarding and has both risk AND profit. Hauling goods for crafting is boring, not exciting, is risky but gives you no real rewards (you make a ship that you will soon lose anyway). 

    Thats why making permit based DLC ships is not going to achieve anything. Thats not what customers want.

    Here is the rug change that will tie the room together. 

    • Port investments will remove hauling requirements for basic resources for all players who play with friends or have friendly clans in the nation.
    • Clans (and you can have a small clan and capture a distant port to use it) will invest into
      • production of all basic resources in their port
      • defenses to protect it
      • shipbuilding to improve ships built in this region.
    • By doing so - player will get ALL basic resources in one location, completely removing hauling requirements out of the picture. Saving time and getting ships by just spending LH and cooperating together to get rare woods if needed. 

    Clan can decide if they want these investments to be available to them only, to friends or to everyone who can build in this port.


    As a result.

    • Clans who developed the port will be able to get ships with one click.
    • Enemy clans who do not want to spend time developing ports can try to capture the port from the enemies (why build if you can cap). 
    • There will be a lot less time wasted on hauling and more fighting. 

    You made all initial changes to eco and ship building to force players to invest time in RVR. Want chances to craft superior ships? You have to install your shipyard in a capturable port. Want to have access to rare woods? You have to make your nation capture the producing port... Etc, etc...


    Now, you want to reduce the hauling. mmmh, so, finally, you're still trying to resolve issues that were introduced because of RVR, without real changes to RVR.


    Maybe you should go farther in your analysis, and instead of removing hauling, and eco, maybe you should consider removing the RVR. Or at least make it simpler, and not try to force everyone into it.

    • Like 1
  4. On 11/29/2018 at 10:11 AM, admin said:


    • Trading and economic PVP
      • Trading will be improved and pricing will be affected by distance from source. Goods local for Trinidad island will be extremely valuable in the Bermudas or Charleston. and vice versa. 
      • Cities will produce more goods if supplied by basic resources from local county cities
        • e.g. Brining grain or maize to a certain county capital will help it to spawn more white oak or copper
        • e.g. Bringing combat reports to capitals will eventually bring more graduates from europe to serve as gunnery officers
      • Every area (county, island) will feature unique goods only present in this region. Players will be able to maximize profit by hauling goods away from these regions. 
      • Trading and crafting missions
        • Delivery missions 
        • Crafting missions (for guns, repairs, ships)
        • Postal services
        • Passenger transport
    • Additional PVE combat improvements
      • AI improvements for NPCs 
      • Elite NPCs
      • Bot routes in the open world will improve
      • NPC chasing abilities improvements + NPC aggression in the open world (when AI is confident it can catch and the target and give it some action). Captains will have to plan the movement around clusters of enemy ships (players or non players).
      • National NPCs will also try to support weaker side in uneven battles if they are around. 



    PVE Server

    Awesome, more variety in missions, including non combat missions, and especially, the return of NPC aggression... And even better, NPC aggression with the good old reinforcement by NPCs in area option... This should make the game much more interesting.

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  5. 23 hours ago, CITOYEN Julien said:

    Restes courtois stp sans parler de jouer « les pleureuses » sinon je pourrais évoquer les « feignasses ».... tu as 800 heures sur le PVp? Bravo j’en plus de 1800... on joue à celui qui a la plus longue? T’as peut être pas fait le nécessaire en terme d’investissement de temps sur le PVP... donc « faut assumer mon gars »

    que pour toi le wipe soit LE moyen à moindre frais de repartir au même niveau que d’autres qui eux  ont passé sur le pvp beaucoup plus de temps... c’est bien d’essayer oui je le reconnais. 

    Un nouveau qui achetera le jeu 1 an après la sortie... on refera une RAZ pour ne pas le pénaliser?  

    Les joueurs actuels vont perdre les navires (gold, mauve, etc), les stocks les infra et la plupart des Books c’est déjà pas mal. Les devs ont pensés que c'était juste de leurs laisser certains acquis, laissons les se concentrer sur plus important et il y a urgence...


    Et tu reviens a la charge avec ton serveur pvp, pas assez d'investissement, et blablabla... Tu as vraiment une mentalité assez pitoyable, en fait, c'est pas vraiment étonnant que tu pleures parce qu'on ose suggerer que tu puisses perdre tes chers "investissements", pour parler comme toi.


    Alors deja, quel que soit l'investissement d'un joueur dans le jeu, je ne vois pas bien en quoi ça invalide son avis sur la question, et ensuite, tu devrais vraiment eviter de continuer sur le sujet de l'investissement, parce que c'est sur, dans ce domaine, oui, j'ai la plus longue... Et rien que le fait que tu ne le saches pas dis a quel point la tienne est courte 🤣

  6. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    Are you saying it is too fast? And people do not have the time to learn and practice?

    It's fast for experienced players... Even though there was a lot of changes in missions and AI routes, i was quickly able to find a way to grind my way to max ranks and fully skilled ships. For experienced and determined players, reaching max ranks is no trouble at all. For books, i had all i wanted before finishing testing. I didn't grind further, knowing that the loot rates were to be different from live servers. But i already knew where to look, and what to do to get them.


    C'est rapide pour les joueurs expérimentés... Bien qu'il y ait eu un certain nombre de changements dans les missions et les routes des navires AI, je n'ai guère mis longtemps a trouver comment remonter rapidement mes rangs et débloquer les slots de compétences de mes navires. Pour des joueurs expérimentés et déterminés, remonter ses rangs ne pose aucun problème. Pour les livres, j'avais tous ceux que je voulais avant d'arreter de tester. Je n'ai pas pousé plus avant, sachant que les taux de drops seraient différents sur les serveurs live. Mais je savais ou chercher, et comment faire pour les obtenir.

    Sur le serveur pvp, je n'y joue plus, donc en fait tout ça je m'en tape. J'y ai passé plus de 800h avant de changer de serveur et passer sur le pve. Mais en tant que client, j'aimerais autant que le jeu évite de se planter, parce que si c'est le cas, les deux serveurs fermeront. Et il me semble que laisser les joueurs expérimentés avec plus d'avantages que raisonnable face aux nouveaux est un bon moyen de dégoutter un max de gens de jouer. Et vu la mentalité des vets encore en jeu, je suis persuadé qu'un nombre non négligeable d'entre eux sera tout à fait pret a abuser de ces avantages en ciblant les joueurs qui viendront découvrir. Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de favoriser plus que nécessaire la toxicité qu'on peut attendre d'un jeu full pvp.


    Tu es entré dans un jeu en early access, faut assumer mon gars, et pas jouer les pleureuses parce que tu pourrais perdre des trucs. Et t'inquiètes que les wipe, je les aient tous eus, et que tu perdras jamais plus que tout ce que j'ai deja eu.

  7. 7 hours ago, admin said:

    7 kills on the fresh account with no books and skills 


    So, are you saying that books and skills give no advantages in battle? Then they could be wiped without hampering anybody ability to win battles. They are unimportant.


    If they were found to give an ovewhelming advantage in battle, then they would be no reason to leave such an advantage to players already familiar with the game, to the detriment of those still learning how it works.


    In either case, there's no good reason for keeping skill slots and book knowledge at release, but there's a lot of good reasons to wipe them. The only reason for not wiping them is because some players are too lazy to unlock skill slots or hunt for skill books. Or is it because they earned them through exploits they fear that won't be possible anymore after release?


    During the test for port interface, i didn't stop to earning a combat level and reach level 10 crafting, i experimented going to max combat level and max crafting level. I know that it was made somewhat easier for testing purpose, but i reached the highest ranks after less than a week of play, without even doing the tutorial. Reaching max ranks is easy, unlocking skill slots is easy, and the hunt for skillbooks is the only thing that somehow feel like content in the game currently.


    If some players feel that levelling in a game is a chore, maybe that game isn't for them? And if, in fact, you agree that levelling is a chore, then why don't you get rid of the levelling system for a more fun, horizontal development of captain skills?


    Ah, yes... And, this is the French speaking forum 😁, so...


    Donc, ce que vous nous dites, c'est que les slots de compétences et les compétences débloquées par des livres ne donnent pas d'avantage en combat? Si tel est le cas, pourquoi les conserver puisqu'ils ne servent à rien?


    Si, au contraire, il se trouvait qu'ils donnent un gros avantage en combat, il n'y aurait alors aucune raison de laisser cet avantage à des joueurs déjà à l'aise avec les mécaniques du jeu, au détriment de ceux qui ont encore à les acquérir.


    Dans tous les cas, il n'y a aucune bonne raison de conserver ces slots de compétences et ces compétences débloqués à la sortie du jeu, alors qu'en revanche, il en existe un certain nombre de bonnes pour les remettre à zéro. Le seul motif de ne pas les effacer, c'est la flemme de joueurs trop fainéants pour les débloquer de nouveau. Ou bien est ce parce qu'ils ont pu les débloquer par des failles dont ils ont peur qu'elles ne soient corrigées à la sortie du jeu?


    Durant le test de l'interface de port, je ne me suis pas contenté de gagner un niveau et atteindre le niveau 10 d'industrie, j'ai poussé jusqu’à atteindre le rang maximal tant en expérience de combat qu'en industrie. Je sais que dans le cadre de ce test, c'était plus facile que dans le jeu, mais j'ai atteint les rangs maximum en moins d'une semaine de jeu, et ce sans même compléter le tutoriel. Atteindre le maximum des rangs est facile, débloquer les slots de compétences sur les navires est facile, et la recherche des livres pour débloquer certaines compétences est ce qui ressemblent le plus a du contenu dans le jeu en l'état.


    Si certains joueurs pensent que la montée de niveaux est une corvée, le jeu est il vraiment pour eux? Et si vous pensez de même, alors pourquoi ne vous débarrassez vous pas de ce système pour le remplacer par un système de développement horizontal des compétences de capitaine?

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

    Désolé celti, j'étais chaud pour revenir a la release mais le fait de savoir qur les vets vont garder xp book etc et que le snouveaux vont se faire fumer en 2j et ragequit le jeu me chauffe peu.

    je sais bien que gamelabs s'en fout car ils ont venu leur jeu a tous ceux qui le voulaient, peu ont attendu pour l'acheter mais toutes ses copies vendues >100k, ca en fait des joueurs prets a revenir encore faut il qu'on en ait envie...

    Etant donné le profil des joueurs qui hurlent des qu'on parle de départ à égalité pour tt le monde, vets et noobs, et ce malgré le fait que les vets, qui connaissent les mécaniques du jeu sur le bout des doigts auront toujours un p...n d'avantage, je crois en effet que la release ne sera surement pas le meilleur moment pour (re)découvrir le jeu.

  9. Aggressive Ai was fun, and it was the only content in the game. It has been removed, and nothing replaced it, now NA world is bland, empty, without life. Being attacked by players is the waste of time, not by AI.


    It was especially fun when AI would reinforce battles in their area.Or when AI fleets would battle each other, and you could join them. When you were sailing in OW, you could witness a battle anywhere, not knowing if a player was already involved, or not.

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  10. Well, it's kind of sad the pve server don't have a name...


    I could of course suggest a change for both servers names, for example :


    pvp server : neanderthals

    pve server Civilized

    but let keep it simple, what about calling the pve server :


    • Like 1
  11. Ships of the line, especially third, second, and first rates, are very valuable assets, from a strategic point of view. Would the admiralty of any nation allow such ships to be used by captains as they wish without close scrutiny? Would the admiralty allow any captain or admiral to use such ships at the risk of them being lost in futile battles in the middle of nowhere?


    I doubt it.


    Well, with this in mind, i suggest  the following. Remove the ability for players to sail ships of third, second, and first rate in open world, or even own them. Instead, make them reserved for admiralty, with the ability for the admiralty to give such ships to player captains only during port battles. The number of each ship available could be fixed by the admiralty (for example, the admiralty would send for a given port battle 2 first rates, 3 second rates, 14 third rates, the fleet then being completed with whatever the players came in, fourth rates and below), and given to select captains according to their performance in this port battle preparation (leaderboard of hostility generated).

    In order to encourage players to really make efforts to get those ships, they should only be unlocked after reaching a minimum hostility value.


    What's the point of such restrictions? To make the higher rated ships more special, more rare, and to make it easier to balance open sea battles by reducing the number of rates that could be used in them. 


    Yes, i know, everyone want to sail the death stars, but they weren't the workhorses of the various navies, and they are a pain to balance with the smallest ships without making either the bigger ships ridiculously vulnerable, or the smaller ships ridiculously useless...



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  12. 1 hour ago, Old Crusty said:

    Single shot sniping is very realistic. Why would you get rid of it? Some British Captains would reward a gun crew for hitting whatever the Captain named as a target. If I changed anything it would be to customize the order in which my guns fired. For instance right now you can choose bow to stern but if you are sailing the Wasa or Hercules the fire actually starts from the center or rear because that is the only place the guns are on the top deck. So you get an effect of center, front, rear. Or worse rear, front, center.

    when I choose bow to stern I do not want the guns in the back on the top deck to fire until all other guns on the ship that are closer to the bow have fired.

    Hitting something as thin as a mast on purpose... On a rolling ship, with a gun without any kind of stabilization. Guns that you fire with a fuse. I want to see that very realistic thing reproduced. Seriously. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Palatinose said:

    After that you might call me a hypocrate but I don't care at all because I'm back at ganking the shit out of all the players that just want to enjoy the game on their terms, but just can't. o7

    That's what most people are doing from day 1, long time before the introduction of dlc ships... dlc ships changed nothing. All it changed is the people who could do it. It seem those that were doing it before are now angry because they're not the only ones that can do it anymore...  So sad... 🤣

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  14. 11 hours ago, Eleazar de Damas said:

    I spent all the evening, running after Xebec after Xebec. Not a single fight in 10 engagements… No fun, no pleasure to play. Nothing to report exept a Xebec player would fight only when being sure of winning, he would run if not sure of winning.

    They find their fun in Killing the player base, especially new players who are fully unable to disengage from these bullshits.

    Kill the Xebec out of the game! I purchased the DLC. I won't use it before it is nerfed. This ship is simply a stupidity.

    Is this really the fault of the ship? If they weren't doing it in xebec, they would do it in another ship... Is it the fault of the players? No, they do it because they can, and in fact, the game currently encourage them to do it.


    It's the fault of the game, the ROE and eco are actually encouraging such behaviour.


    Well, when i said that it's not the players fault, it's not entirely true. They wanted this and did lobbying to ensure they could continue. But now, they are worried because the best ships to do it are behind a paywall.

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