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Everything posted by StaleMemes

  1. Wow how did I miss this? Sounds like what I always wanted naval action to be.
  2. Yep my university is all but closed, everyone sent home for spring break + two weeks, all classes online, it sucks. I'm in calc II and Physics, which are classes I'd really rather not take online but hey, at least there aren't many cases in my area (yet).
  3. Well, seeing as this discussion is going around again I might as well post this: Old topic is a bit outdated now but some of the ideas I believe would be good as a complement to or replacement of existing hostility mechanics. Edit and raids have been added since the topic was created.
  4. I have a couple, some are crazy. 1. Pirate nation. I think pirates are currently a huge lost opportunity for a fun, less time intensive, exciting playstyle. With pirate nation, theres no reason to really have pirates at all because they are just another nation which is unrealistic. Lots of suggestions have been put forth to change pirates, but they usually get shot down by players who currently play pirates that don't want to lose their nation. This shouldn't be allowed to stop progress and working on underdeveloped areas of the game. Make piracy the rough, dangerous, (and often short) outlaw life running from the navy and raiding the weak, and I will never play for a conventional nation again. I've been waiting to play as a pirate since the combat test module, hopefully it will happen one day. 2. Boarding. I don't like the rock paper scissors boarding and I don't like the binary way it works. Ships going from full sails to lashed and completely unable to move or do anything except board, while also able to do no boarding actions like shooting muskets while moving is odd. It might work from a PVP perspective, but I don't find it fun or realistic. 3. Multiplayer. Hear me out. Ok not really feature I'd want to see changed in naval action, but I think that naval action would have been a much better game as a single player OW experience with co op perhaps. This game has been in development for a long time and it is dragged down into mediocrity by the efforts to balance multiplayer PVP. Countless cool features had to be abandoned because players would abuse them, and countless horrible ones introduced to quell player abuses. Every time I think of a cool mechanic to suggest, I have to abandon the thought because it would be exploitable with alts or by large groups of unscrupulous players. I would much rather a naval action where all the time spent on the impossible task of balancing things is instead spent on game mechanics that add depth, realism, or just fun. Again, its not something I would want to change about naval action, its something I'd like to see in a different title or would have liked to have seen from the start. I respect the decisions the devs have made as its clear naval action was never meant to be the ideal game for me.
  5. Give the option for consensual duels/small battles in PVE and set aside 1/2 of the map for clan wars (in which only members of warring clans can tag/fight each other) and boom in a month the PVP server will be a dead husk while everyone (including me) is living the good life on the PVE server. PVE server is about 1 or two updates away from killing the PVP server at any time, I know we shouldn't speak for everyone but I think most people don't really like the anarchy style "warhammer 40K in ships" mechanics of the PVP server and would much prefer a server that offers a mix of activities and options without constant fear of gank fleets or getting destroyed by rvr zergs.
  6. Why is my cute little age of sail naval game turning into a cold war thriller damnit.
  7. Yes yes its been decided that green on green is punishable. Punishable by what? "appropriate actions"? a slap on the wrist? A sternly written letter? These people have like 5 alts usually, they don't give a hello kitty if one of them is one probation or gets demoted, or even banned for a few weeks. They can just start teamkilling with another one or wait till that one is off probation. Deliberate and knowing friendly fire should result in the banning of the offending account and any account that can be tied to it as an alt. Preferably permanently but maybe just for a few months. If something is punishable only so that doing it results in a minor, temporary inconvenience to 1 out of many of a players accounts, then to all intents and purposes it is not punishable.
  8. So is this going to be one of those epic "how far do we have to break it before they are forced to fix it" moments or what?
  9. I really, really hope he doesn't get a slap on the wrist or warning. This is so blatant its just nuts.
  10. I'd much rather it be as suggested above, with each ship refered to by its class instead of the name of one ship of such class. The only way I see names not being annoying is if they are purely cosmetic and only shown when hailing a friendly player or in the ship equipment/stat card. I don't like the idea of "name bonuses".
  11. English speaking I assume, FR0GS is the only english speaking French clan I know of but I'm sure there are others.
  12. First I was accused of being a Russian alt after having played France with the same character since 2016, now this lmfao. France be wilding.
  13. So I was at orientation for two days, if I understand correctly DLC ships now have random port bonuses? Why would they go for the almost universally denounced 'fix' instead of just letting players redeem permits and craft with bonuses like normal ships?!!? Everyone liked that idea didn't they? Who wants RNG port bonuses? Its like lets take two hated parts of NA and merge them. RNG crafting and OP DLC redeemables. Now we have RNG OP redeemables. hello kittying hell.
  14. Game labs have lots of experience with detailed morale models from other games, so they could improve the existing one a lot if it will have a greater importance in battle. Damage taken, rate of damage taken, friendly ships vicinity, rate and crew difference of ships nearby, % of friendly fleet lost, % of enemy fleet destroyed, etc could all be factors.
  15. I agree and I've thought about it a lot, for me the problem is that there is no currently way to simulate a captain's fear of death or compassion for his crew ingame, so players will keep fighting in absurd situations and it will just be annoying. I think amping up the crew and cannon damage on crippled ships would help, by making it easier to finish them off completely. I would also like to see a morale surrender mechanic, obviously would have to be careful not to make it cheesable. For instance, if a ship has taken extreme damage to its hull (equivalent to what would currently sink a ship) and takes 10x as much damage as it deals over a 2 minute period, the ship crew surrender. Just an example.
  16. Yep. Every time I think of a cool idea for a feature or mechanic I have to shelve it before even making a post because its not alt proof. Sucks.
  17. I'm pretty sure that moving the connie to 3rd rate was just a stealth nerf on her upgrades and books lol
  18. Oh the joys of insane speed mods, fir fir ships, and pirate/Spanish rig refits. I miss ships having sailing profiles
  19. Bruh I was the only one dead when I left, how did that many lineships manage to die killing 3 frigates?
  20. DLC ships are still way more useful and versatile than crafted ships because you can get one for free every 24 hours in any port you want in any woods you want. Thats mindbogglingly powerful. And you want them to be just as good as the crafted ships that players have to grind for hours and hours to get? To build the resource buildings, set up the shipyard, upgrade the shipyard, collect and transport the mats, and wait for more labor hours? That would be hilariously unfair and pay to win.
  21. So tl;dr stupid games were played and stupid prizes were won?
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