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Everything posted by LordOfDope

  1. for a 5th rate sailor there is almost nothing to do In pb you dont need 5th rates and in OW you have to sail first 2+ hours to find some enemy and when you find them, a lot of time they run away when they see you to a port or they try to gank you. There is just a to small group of players that like to have a decent fair battle thank god Sea Trials comes back
  2. dont make any of this kind of rules, its a big part of making a line up of your ships demasting was way easier in the previous 1 and not every battle ended up in that We even had the unsinkable Essex in the tourny boarding can be a really valuable tactic whit a boarding fitted Cerb (damn SLRN :P) only repairs should be put in rules max ships out fully with repairs makes the battle way to long. I guess the old amount of 1 hull and 1 sail should be more then enough. Its only hard for the ref to keep track of all repairs
  3. I loved the tournament, was 1 of the best things i did in the game. Gave us a purpose to try other ships we never realy used. But I dont think you can run this much faster then we had with our 1st tournament. Battles alone take already 1 hour each. Or you should make it directly a knock-out system 2nd problem is that you dont have any instant battle rooms that you can use for it so people have to sail beforehand now to have any tourny battle.. 1 dura problem on top of this previous point. You sink in the battle means you have no ship for your next match or you have to sail another ship to the place where you wanna do the tournament battle and have the change some enemy sinks your ship(s) underway A lot of hardcore pvp-ers already left this game Best solution is to wait for the new Sea Trials and hope they have an option for private servers to do this like we had with the previous tourny
  4. I deleted the game and that was my best choose i made in a long time in NA I will wait till Sea Trials is back
  5. if Im right they wanted the modules and upgrades less important then the ship itself. Well it went the complete opposite. You can buff almost any ship to max 15 knots and with all mods stacked you can even make a 40% reduce on reload time. Do this on a lightwood ship and you have a speedboat with a hello kittying Gatling machine gun. And besides that Im getting tired of being tagged and attacked for hours because there is a gankfleet outside my initial battle waiting and after a few escapes and/or kills from them i run out of repairs and i cant log out or take a break cause it throws me in the OW. I know small group OW/pvp hunters are a minority in the game but atm they are making it impossible to have any fun this way. Well this was it for me, I wont play the game anymore till thwy fix some things in that, so my guess is never, just like they removed the signal perk to close a battle
  6. @admin is the Cartagena Tar replenish in store nor working. It should be in Cartagena de Indias but its never in the store. All the other special goods for the upgrades I can always find in high or low numbers in the port where it should be in only not this 1. And there is also no contract on it, its just bever there
  7. I have been looking for the Cartagena Tar for a few days in the port where it should be available, but i have not seen a single 1 popping up in the store, even now right after the downtime there is nothing at all. Is it a bug or does it gives only 1 every few hours?
  8. global as main server and EU to hello kitty around as rat when they have higher population at some point of the day
  9. In Sea Trials it was the whole battle mechanics and how good looking it was Beginning of the OW was a part exploring the unknown (no map, no one new how for you were able to sail) and still the battle mechanics and started to like the frigates more then SoL's. Portbattles in the beginning I enjoyed a lot but after doing it to much for a to long time I started to dislike that part. Now a days for me the fun and trill is to fight in frigates and hunt for bigger pray in the OW. The battles where the odds are really against you. And for 1 of the best reasons i still play the game is that I enjoy playing the game with friends that like to do the same thing ingame. Even with my 1800 hours im still 1 with the lower hours in the group
  10. i realy enjoy this game, I have played H1Z1 KofK and this game feels so much better then that, A game will take max about 30 a 35 min to win it, I think the balance of loot and vehicles is not bad, still a lot of houses have no guns or just a pistol or crosbow and the vehicles are just easy for travel but not OP at all.Its easy to kill people in a car. only thing that they realy have to do and what they are doing is optimizing the game, dense area's or artillery fire can give you some lagspikes and there are sometimes crashes But overall Im enjoying the game quite a bit
  11. not true, Company of Heroes has difficulty settings without them having extra buffs or extra numbers,they are just more aggressive and attack over more flanks
  12. I just logged in for today and I see its now delivered, so it was not the 1st maintenance after I opened a slot but the 2nd day after I opened a slot I got the ship
  13. yes i have waited the next maintenance with only 4 ships in that port, thats why i started this topic. And I have also sended a f11 report
  14. 2 days ago i towed a brand new constitution from the capital Charleston to cayo Bisquano. But my port became full after i towed it but the next day i made sure i had only 4 ships there but still it didnt deliver.
  15. I like the idea Or that they just cant control the AI ships. Like not having communication between them.
  16. Lets first do a duel week, then a normal week and then 3v3
  17. it is 3, 6 is the total amount of fights in a whole group
  18. nice work guys, well done 1 small question, do we need to follow the order of opponents or we can also fight first the 2nd or 3th opponent, if we can arrange faster a battle with them?
  19. Because we love Jack Frost. I will put also 500k on him Great to see that this is getting alive again Enjoy the hunt //Blackbeard
  20. Lol, your 9/10 times hiding in PvE missions. Will be easy money if they find you hiding
  21. Bounty on Erickillah head 2 times 1 mil for all nations beside US. Dont care if you gank him or not. make a screenie as proof so EASY money //Blackbeard
  22. I agree with Prater. I think we should have a vote under the participants and not only a few judges that decide if we delay the tournament.
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