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Everything posted by balticsailor

  1. From the album: In game

    My first victory crafted.
  2. Yes keep up the good work tommy. And here an other recipe i got today from my first victory: Santisima (Level 45) 4694 exp / 1952 labour hours -> hint you can't save up enouth labour on level 45 to make a santi 73 rudder parts 847 planks 21 tar 18 knees 532 frame parts 33 rigging parts 33 canvas rolls 162 blocks 66 cordage and oakum 98 cables and howers 110 iron fittings 263 wooden fittings 81 ballast 16 furnishings it seems you don't need gold coins like for the victory.
  3. And crafting my first bellona, gave me the victory recipe: level 45 1708 labour hours for 4100 exp 65 gold coins 64 rudder parts 741 planks 18 tar 16 knees 466 frame parts 29 rigging parts 29 canvas rolls 142 blocks 58 cordage and oakum 85 cables and howsers 96 iron fittings 230 wooden fittings 71 ballast 5 furnishing
  4. I just got the recipe for the bellona from crafting my 2nd 74, you need basicly the same parts and levels but 12 knees instated of the 7 for the 74.
  5. Since it is not add yet i guess this got overlooked sofar. I can confirm that the bellepoule needs the same parts as a Frigate with 12 furnishing instead of 3 and give 2126 exp for 882 LH, min crafting level is 28
  6. nice drop, i wish i would get some recipes once in while. But atleast i could allready craft it (level 32 atm).
  7. There is a small mistake in the frigate recipe, it takes 882 labor hours to craft on and not 589 like you have in your sheet. And its Q2 - Level 26 , Q3 - Level 27 and so on (you still have 20 for Q2 - Q5 there)
  8. Frigate: Level 25, 882 # Hull 33 Rudder Parts 381 Planks 10 Tar 240 Frame Parts # Rigs 15 Rigging Parts 15 Canvas Rolls 73 Blocks 30 Cordage and Oakum # Fittings 44 Cables and Howers 50 Iron Fittings 119 Wooden Fittings 37 Ballast 3 Furnishings
  9. Exp gibtes für im Gefecht verurschachten Schaden an Rumpf, Segel, Crew sowie versenkte Schiffe. Ausserdem hängt es ein wenig von dem Schiff ab das man segelt, wenn man mit einem kleineren Schiff viel Schaden an einem größeren anbringen kann gibt es etwas mehr Exp. Im Moment ist es besonderes lukrative die Besatzung auszuschalten (Grap/Boarding). Auch Gefecht gegen Spieler geben bei gleichem Schaden mehr Exp. Für Gold gibt es mehrere einträgliche Möglichkeit: Schiffe enter und Verkaufen (inkl. Fracht/Kanonen), Verkauf von im Gecht erhaltener Module oder das Craften von Teilen/Schiffen wobei letzters von der Nachfrage in den entsprechenden Häfen abhängt, während erstes relativ zuverlässig ist. Also im Moment würde ich sagen zum Leveln, Schiffe übernehmen und verkaufen und dabei so groß wie möglich (je nach Schiff natürlich). Sehr hilfreich ist natürlich auch wenn man mit mehreren anderen Spieler zusammen spielt, dann kann man deutlich größere NPC Flotten angreifen.
  10. i can provied the part list for the ships i have unlocked so far: Cerberus: crafting lvl 15, 517 labour hours 20 Rudder Parts 223 Planks 6 Tar 140 Frame Parts 9 Rigging Parts 9 Canvas Rolls 43 Blocks 18 Cordage and Oakum 26 Cables and Howers 29 Iron Fittings 69 Wooden Fittings 22 Ballast Snow: crafting lvl 13, 396 labour hours 15 Rudder Parts 170 Planks 5 Tar 107 Frame Parts 7 Rigging Parts 7 Canvas Rolls 33 Blocks 14 Cordage and Oakum 20 Cables and Howers 22 Iron Fittings 53 Wooden Fittings 17 Ballast NavyBrig: crafting lvl 11, 372 labour hours 14 Rudder Parts 159 Planks 4 Tar 100 Frame Parts 7 Rigging Parts 7 Canvas Rolls 31 Blocks 13 Cordage and Oakum 19 Cables and Howers 21 Iron Fittings 50 Wooden Fittings 16 Ballast Brig / Trader Brig: crafting lvl 8, 346 labour hours 13 Rudder Parts 149 Planks 4 Tar 94 Frame Parts 6 Rigging Parts 6 Canvas Rolls 50 Blocks 12 Cordage and Oakum 17 Cables and Howers 20 Iron Fittings 46 Wooden Fittings 15 Ballast Privateer: crafting lvl 5, 202 labour hours 8 Rudder Parts 85 Planks 3 Tar 54 Frame Parts 4 Rigging Parts 4 Canvas Rolls 17 Blocks 7 Cordage and Oakum 10 Cables and Howers 11 Iron Fittings 27 Wooden Fittings 9 Ballast Cutter / Trader Cutter: crafting lvl 3, 224 labour hours 9 Rudder Parts 96 Planks 3 Tar 60 Frame Parts 4 Rigging Parts 4 Canvas Rolls 19 Blocks 8 Cordage and Oakum 11 Cables and Howers 13 Iron Fittings 30 Wooden Fittings 10 Ballast edit: Fixed some typos and added the NavyBrig and the labour hours
  11. Ich bin normal niemand der einen Streit anfängt, aber nach dem ich etwas früher in einer Brig auf shoping Tour in Road Town, sind 4-5 spieler über mich her gefallen als ich einem Gefecht bei getrehten bin von dem ich nicht wusste das da Spieler drin waren. Wenn mir so was direct in meinem Heimatgewässern und vor einem wichtigen Ressourcen-Hafen passiert kann ich das nicht einfach auf sich beruhen lassen. Später waren wir hauptsächlich auf der Suche nach ein paar guten NPC Flotten, hätte aber auch nicht gegen eine halbwegs ausgeglichen PvP-Battle gehabt.
  12. Yes i did F11 it, when it happend. I did try to fix it by closing the outpost but unfortunately, did sail the copy of the ship and not the orginal frigate when i closed down the outpost. It was a 50/50 chance since both ship slots pointed to the same ship, so same stats, hold, modules on both. So when i closed to outpost with to orginal, the pointer to the copied (overwritten ship) became empty (grey slot) and i had to buy a new ship to leave the port (i didn't F11 that though).
  13. When i was in port and moving some modules between my frigate and a pavel, my port interface became lagy. I had to wait a bit after every click till it showed the changes (also my ping was fine DSL 50 Mbit landline). Then when i try to change from my pavel to the frigate all the ships in the selection window disappeared for a few secs and when they reappeared the pavel was overwriten by the frigate. So i now have a frigate that is taking up 2 ship slots (see attached pic) and the fully equiped pavel is gone. This is the second time this happend to me, first time was a few patches back (i think around patch 3) when a 5 slot 5 dura trincomalee got overwriten by a captured frigate. Back then when i sold the that frigate the second slot went grey and unusable. In the end i had to close that outpost from a far and reopenen it to restore it to normal. This is a nasty bug that needs fixing soon, befor the earnings are tune down to a normal level or some people will get really upset if they lose alot of gold to something like that. Atm its just a bit annoying since i propably have to clear and close that outpost and go shoping for a replacement ship.
  14. I personly have the feeling some thing is off with the gun losses, but i don't think it is with the AI, but more about the guns they are using. The AI uses smaller guns then the max for the ship they are sailing, while player allways go for max broadside weight (biggest guns/carrondes). So when you fight vs AI, they fire more often then you and most off there shoots will hit around your gun decks, while your bigger guns do more planking dmg (more pen) with less shoots. The AI will fire alot more at you befor you really take dmg (depending on the angle and range they will get more no pening shoots), but every time they hit a gun port they get a change to knock out your guns. Especially since bigger gun have also bigger hitboxes. But i also had a battle just yesterday, where i saw at least too flashes form knocking out guns while i fired a broadside at an ai and when i checked him he still had all his guns. Maybe it is worth to do some purposeful testing into that matter with different ships and gun layouts.
  15. naja wenn man weiss das ein Strich 15° sind, dann kann man mit dem in game Kompass schon auf 2-3° genau den Kurs steuern den man will. Naturlich ist es keine GPS Navigation, aber man kann es schon schaffen nach 2h auf See in etwa Sichtweite des Hafen anzukommen zu dem man wollte.
  16. Ich kann auch diese Karte empfehlen: http://map.openseamap.org/ besonders nützlich finde ich den Törnplaner (unter Werkzeuge), mit dem man den genauen Kompaskurs für seinen nächsten Wegpunkt angezeigt bekommt.
  17. Das mit der durability wusste ich zwar von Anfang an, aber ich wurde gleich am 2 oder 3 Tag von einem explodierenden Privateer daran errinnert der meinen eigenen Privateer gleich mit in sein nasses Grab genommenen hat (plus ein paar Module). Seit dem kommen gute Module nur auf Schiffen mit mehr als 1 dura zum Einsatz. Man kann ja auch Schiffe durch eine unterbrochene Internetverbinndung verlieren, da die sich im Gefecht nach 10 min ohne Verbinndung ergeben.
  18. Just encountered an other big problem. When i was in port and swiching between a capured Friagte and my fully equiped Trincomalee a few times to compare some stats, both ships disappeared for a bit and when they reappeared i only had two times the same caputred Frigate and my Trincomalee was gone. With the 5 blue/purple modules and a 3 dura Trincomalee (3 blue build in modules) that is a lot of gold that disapiered into thin air without warning. So watch out wenn changing ship in port (bad things might happen ) Just tried around with a Basic Lynx and that Frigate and i manged to recreate it again. After changing a few times between the ships the 2nd Frigate turned into a basic lynx.
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