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Everything posted by weirdguy

  1. The problem with "emblematic French ships" is that they also tend to be emblematic English ships a few months later. The Surprise is actually a French ship, the Le Unité for example.
  2. The idea is really unpopular (which I fully predicted before I ever posted this thread), but then I have to say that I disagree with Games Labs and their idea to use such a wide time scale. Naval Action should change their accepted time period to be from 1720 to 1820. That century of time is good enough. It is a shame, as the older ships tend to be a bit more pretty and iconic looking. A lot of later ships all tend to blend in together, such as the Trincomalee being mistaken for the Constitution for example. But I have to be honest and say I really dislike the idea of a ship from 1610 being put in a game that has ships from 1800.
  3. I don't think it would happen either, but I disagree with Game-Labs saying that they will use ships from such a wide time scale as they said they would. They have mostly Napoleonic war era ships, and they should stick to that time period. Yet, it is such a shame that older ships like the majority of the Dutch ships, and all of the galleons can't be used.
  4. I keep seeing people post about ships they want. A lot of those are very old ships, such as galleons and the latter transitional ships from the late 1600's. I don't think my idea is something that can be done any time soon, but I honestly believe putting in old ships like that against more modern ships you see in the Napoleonic wars seem unrealistic. Yet, there are a lot of older ships that actually have a lot more character and design to them. The only solution I can think of is to have two time periods and don't mix and match between them. 1500 to 1700 and then 1700 to 1840. It will probably not happen, and splitting up the player base might be a silly idea, but it might also be a way for everyone to have what they want.
  5. I knew about this game for a while, but it wasn't until I started to see big YouTube guys start playing it that I went ahead and bought it. Sidestrafe was the main guy, although I also watched Unit Lost boys play it even if those two guys know nothing at all about sailing.
  6. I tried manual sails and found that the Schooners don't actually behave correctly. When sailing down wind the fore sail should be moved to the opposite side while leaving the aft/main sail where it is. This is called Goose Winging with a schooner. If you attempt this with manual sails the schooner slows down, when in reality you want more sail area being directly hit by wind to move your schooner along. If you sail like you do in Naval Action the schooner will go slower because the front/fore sail isn't actually catching any wind with the aft/main sail blocking it. I also am willing to believe that the developers at Games Labs might already know this, and haven't yet implemented any sort of sails blocking wind for your other sails.
  7. Their "next game" seems to be a Day-Z clone, albeit a cooler setting that is surviving during a Robot Apocalypse instead of a Zombie Apocalypse. At least the "zombies" will probably also have guns as well. Think Terminator: Future war, without the time travel.
  8. What you are asking for would be another kind of game. There is nothing wrong with wanting that, but it wouldn't fit with an age-of-sail type game. This game seems to be about Revolutionary and Napoleonic war era sailing ships. That being said, I would love to play a game that focuses on just pre-dreadnought steamships. They have a lot of character. Perhaps play World of Warships, and just stick to the lower tiers of vessels?
  9. Which brings up a question. Will going full sails in a storm scenario be possible (it should) and will it cause damage to your own sails (it should)?
  10. Ok, age of sail ships actually rarely sank. They normally surrendered. I think in Naval Action there should be more than one way to "die" as it were. 1. Sink. Ok, they do sometimes sink. I don't see any reason to actually remove that. 2. Burn. The ship catches fire and burns for a while, THEN sinks. 3. Explode. Some sort of accidental fire reaches into the powder magazine, and the thing explodes. 4. Capsize. Just another sinking animation, just roll over first, then sinks. 5. Strike colors. The crew gives up, put's up the white flag. I also think it would be nice to see more animation for the "death" of a ship and have crewmen jump overboard into the ocean, or even just some rowboats floating away from the ship. From what I have seen there just isn't enough distinction between a ship in action and one that is "dead".
  11. I would like to see more crew as well, even if they're very low polygon models. I also want to see them go down when crew get killed, and more importantly I want to see them jump overboard when the ship sinks as a visual indicator that the ship in question is truly done for.
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