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  1. I rarely have this problem are you playing in PVP light or normal PVP, I feel like more ramming is common in PVP light since most battles are close quarter and turning at high speeds.
  2. Sometimes ramming is an accident, not everyone does it on purpose. Ramming happened in real life as well. If someone feels the need to ram you, then so be it I have no problem with ramming at all. When Open world comes out this most likely wouldn't be a problem since people wont want to risk losing their ship so easily. I think taking away realism and awesome collision damage that you don't see in other games, would hurt more than do any good. In sea trials ramming inst a big deal leave it as it is in my opinion.
  3. Hey all, after getting out of a battle that crashed I decided id just have to play another. Clicked on PVP and bam... hourglass on my screen and it wont go away. I tried logging off and back on its still there. Tried restarting PC and the hourglass screen is still there every time I try to log back on NA. I log in connecting through steam and bam.. hourglass. Has anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it? (hourglass as in, when the game loads there's a giant white hourglass on top of a grey/black background) I run the game in window mode if that helps.
  4. Jail sounds silly to me, and it also sounds like a whole lot of work for the devs to do. if you want to see ships sail then go sail on the open sea yourself! This sounds like something that if it were to be added, it would be on the very last page of the devs to do list anyways. Just my two cents.
  5. "Do you have any books to recommend?" I HIGHLY, I mean HIGHLY recommend reading Jeff Shaara, or Michael Shaara. I will leave a link to all his books(They cover all the major battles and even small ones in the perspective of the generals and the soldiers who fought). His books cover The Mexican war, the American Civil war, and the American civil wars aftermath. The books are VERY good in my opinion and I was highly engaged as well as emotional reading them. And to answer your other question about "forced march" At Gettysburg you can walk the entire field. (I have my self in very hot weather ^^ as well) and get a strong feel of the lengths and carnage that went on that day. As for museums I will leave links for that too my friend! books-http://www.amazon.com/Civil-War-Trilogy-Generals-Measure/dp/0345433726/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1422996126&sr=1-1&keywords=jeff+shaara+civil+war+trilogy museum- This one is in Gettysburg, I've been to it 4 times. Its very good and it also has PLENTY of weapons, including cannon (and cannon ammunition) Muskets/Rifles/Musket rifles/pistols/carbines/ and everything in between. http://www.gettysburgfoundation.org/11/gettysburg-museum-exhibits (They also play a short film when you arrive in a theater covering the basics of the war and how it all led to Gettysburg)
  6. One of the reasons why Picket's charge was awful was because southern cav that was going to flank the union lines ran into reinforcements and was unable to assist Picket. The South was doing very well till Gettysburg, and Gettysburg was not where Lee planned to fight (The army's basically ran into each other at Gettysburg, it wasn't planned to fight there) but it was a fight he was willing to take because he wanted to END the WAR( also a few months before Robert E lee's right hand man, General Thomas Jackson was killed, many say if he didn't die the outcome of the war could have changed), this was not a battle the south was looking to win but to END the American Civil War.You are not reading anything wrong, the civil war was a bloody bloody war and one of the most preventable wars in history.. If you want to talk about suicide attacks, read about the battle of Fredricksburg. It was a devastating defeat for the Union. The amount of casualties that day is insane. But the plan was even more insane... I tip my hat to the Yankees that had to charge that stonewall at Marye's Heights. But yes a lot of the battles and tactics in the civil war do make you scratch your head and also admire the brave men who fought and the brave men who had lose their lives in that war. A lot of this also had to do with the tactics and Napoleonic style of fighting in the first "modern war" in history (it wasn't just the South that made questionable decisions). But anyways enough rambling... Here is a great site for Civil war information and battlefields, http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/fredericksburg.html And here is wiki for information of battle of Fredricksburg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Fredericksburg I'm a proud Virginian and I live right in the middle of the American Civil War, if you ever do come out here you wont regret it. If you want I can list some good museums and places to go that I personally enjoyed
  7. I've had this issue twice, and I wasn't able to reconnect to a game and got put back in "main screen" as well. I think it could be a combination of so many players and the server i think is in Europe and you are in Florida. I doubt its an issue with just the Santisima Trinidad.. all I can really say is try your best to report the issue/bug to the devs and they might be able to see what the problem might be. Good luck, see you on the high seas. (are you sure the servers didn't go down? I haven't played today so I cant really say)
  8. No I have not, maybe I should give that a try. I appreciate everyone's help here. Seems my CPU could be a problem but I think I'm most likely going to just tough it out (I'm not in the mood spending hundreds of dollars for more fps) and enjoy playing this wonderful age of sail. thanks for all the help guys!
  9. In another pirate/age of sail game, Pirates of The Burning Sea, it had a dockyard system that could also be used as a fast travel. Hopefully they add a dockyard system and I'm sure they most likely will, but without the fast travel (magic) part of Pirates of The Burning Sea. I'm sure many players will want/need multiple ships and the devs will listen.
  10. Is there any way I can get around this? or am I just stuck in a sinking rowboat?
  11. Hi there, been enjoying Naval action but there is one thing that really bugs me.. and that's my computers performance when playing Naval Action. Here's my computer specs, -8Ram -Geforce GTX 680 -AMD Phenom II X4 970 Processor (4cpu's) 3.5 ghz. -Dx 11 -20725mb available -Running a genric acer, monitor using 1920x1080 On average "small" games with only lets say 3-4 ships per a team the game runs fairly smooth going in between 30-40 fps (50 at the absolute max). Bigger games, like Trafalgar's I get about 15-35 fps (40 at absolute max). While this is not very low fps by any means, I get really sick because of the "sluggish" (lag) motion of the camera movements and all. Before you tell me to turn my settings lower I have! I've been messing with the settings constantly seeing little to no improvement, When running on all low/off settings I only get 5-10 fps more than I do running Ultra. Yes.. I have the latest Drivers and updates and I've already double checked to be sure. I've tried to tough it out but, its really frustrating once cannons start going off and the smoke and splinters drive my fps into the ground. It feels like a stop motion pirate movie .. (except I start to get sick from the the motion of the stop motion and action going on...) Anyways I cant afford any new equipment or graphics card( please don't tell me to "buy a new graphics card silly newb") and I can run almost any other game just fine with max settings and over 60 fps on some games hitting 100 fps but not this one. Is It just because its not optimized well or something to that effect, or is definitely on my end? I'm in a pickle and I'm no computer tech wiz by ANY means. Can anyone here help me out? much appreciated thanks (forgot to add, I play in window mode at 1920x1080 if that helps)
  12. Browsing SideStrafe's channel when I noticed a unique video uploaded called, "Naval Action". after watching the first 3 minutes I then made a new tab. Google'd, "naval action" and clicked on purchase. Here I am!
  13. You have to remember this is not a released game, in open world we will have to gather materials needed to build the ship you want which means needing to get enough $$$, and somehow creating/building the ship. There will not be any damage/winning system to "unlock" ships or any level up system or classes, the devs have already said this. We will have to work and play the game like a real sailor or privateer, pirate etc, would have had to in this era.
  14. Naval Action is great!

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