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Black Dynamite

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Everything posted by Black Dynamite

  1. I'm pretty sure that this game will not be free to play so it wont be pay to win. Also I do agree with sprucing up the menu's and stuff. I'm positive they don't plan to keep it the way it is lol.
  2. I would love to see water being pumped out of the ship even if it only happened in survival mode. It would let you know that either they're taking on water or its another indicator that they are hurt and to go for the kill.
  3. Is anyone else's game crashing after this latest patch? Before I could play it non-stop without any problem, but today alone I've crashed twice within a couple hours. Also I had trouble logging in one time as it said (Authentication error) but I was able to log in after trying again. My specs are gtx 660, 8gb of ram, and an intel i5 3570k @ 3.40Ghz and i usually get a solid 60fps on high
  4. I'm worried about the pass through shots and the powder magazine. As already stated, cannons were in the gun ports and they took up most of the room there so it'd be very hard to actually miss anything, and then if you did miss something on the first side you were highly likely to hit something either on the inside or you'd hit the other side of the ship after going through the first gun port. The chance of a cannon ball just going clean through are very very minimal. Also like others have said a million times, the magazines were always below the water and behind the strongest armor for the exact reason of not blowing up. Even if there was a fire on board the crew very quickly doused it out. I also like the current aiming system, but it will be interesting to see what you come up with. Other than that I love the new damage model. Keep it up guys
  5. I disagree with this. The game only lasts one hour at the moment so you'd waste over half the game with trying to repair masts. I think the way it is implemented currently is fine. Either you have to waste a repair on sails which you could have used on the hull, or your mobility is hindered. I think that's enough. They're still too easy to break in my opinion. They're based on health so once it reaches a certain point it just breaks. It's really annoying when you have to ships of the line just shooting at your masts to try to break them because they know eventually that they will. Hell I'm guilty of doing it myself. I don't know how they would change it but I don't like the current system.
  6. Well i apologize if that's not the point of the discussion but that's what his request sounded like. He wanted a "blank sea" for clans to be able to practice on. I don't know how having your own private space during sea trials would work but for EA (which will hopefully have open world then) clan's should have to find their own little area where nothing is going on if they want to train.
  7. i5-3570k @ 3.40GHz 8 GB of ram 660 Nvidia GTX I get a steady 60fps with this setup on High. I'm looking to upgrade to a 770 soon after Christmas.
  8. Maybe not launch rafts but I do like the idea of a ship being dead in the water. Some of the larger line ships were almost impossible to sink because of their buoyancy .
  9. I think have enemy ship info off but when you look through the spyglass it shows things like crew count, sails percentage, and maybe armor too. Would be a nice balance i think.
  10. I'm all for clans practicing but since its going to be open world they shouldn't have their own blank space where no one can mess with them. I think it'd be much better if they had to practice maybe in a territory that they own. So that way other clans can attack while they're practicing as a tactic. Would make it much more fun i think.
  11. I'm sure eventually we'll be able to test things like graphics settings before launch. I would love to be able to figure out the optimum settings for myself.
  12. I like the idea of stunning during grapeshot as it is designed to kill crew. It would definitely take them a moment to recover from being hit with it. As for raking fire I think that having your cannons taken out by it is enough of a hinder in fight ability.
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