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Posts posted by Aksark

  1. I'd be shocked if any Clan absolutely required you to use their TeamSpeak. And if by some chance the Clan you're wanting to join does... Well I guess you can let them know about your hearing. And they should still be glad to welcome you into their fold. You can also type in the TS chat if need be. 


    But to answer your question:  I don't think TeamSpeak is a "required" thing to join most Clans.

  2. While the idea is interesting,


    Personally, I'm going to have to say " No " to the idea. Having such additions/limitations for Nations would handcuff a players ability to play how they would like for their chosen nation.


    Ex: If a new player choose to sail under the Spanish flag, but also wants to be a Trader for that Nation. He's now a lesser Trader then any of the Nations with a +10% cargo/sale price bonus. 


    So in short, if he wants to be an effective trader he's now forced to a nation that has Trading bonuses? 


    However, your idea could work as a Nation sub-choice . Every nation would have the same bonuses in certain fields but broken down into " Career Paths "


    Military Captain - +5% crew/gunnery skills (unlocks SOL's)

    Trade Captain  -  +5% cargo hold/sale price (unlocks Merchant vessels)


    So on and so fourth. This would at least allow a player to choose their Nation. And then their career path that best suits their play style.




    • Like 1
  3. Sure, they could add a "profanity filter".  But that is not the point the Dev's are trying to make.


    Seems to me like Game-Labs is simply asking for their player base to be better/more mature then the rest of the grade. And what better time to do so while the game is still in its testing/development phases. The only reason most MMO's of any type have a profanity filter is because their player base was never made aware that such language is not and will not be tolerated from the beginning. Then some time down the road they're forced to add in such filters.


    Profanity and excessive harsh words have consequences in real life. So why shouldn't such language here be any different, just because its a game? Or because such language can be filtered out? Adults and children alike know all to well what those **** are used for. I don't think Game-Labs is asking for all that much from their current testing player base. And with them letting the current testing player base know now. It really shouldn't be hard for a "Mature" person to think, before they speak (type).


    All of us here during this glorious testing phase are the Pioneer's for this game. So lets try and be mature and  Lead-By-Example while we help Game-Labs develop their game. Let us all here show that having a mature player base is possible and can be achieved. 


    So I applaude Game-Labs for trying to set a  Lead-By-Example standard of gaming.



    ~Cheers Gents

    • Like 5
  4. Here's what it's been like for the British today. Almost every single other faction coming to our capital and ganking our players and farming our AI, with no recourse. Not to mention they're actually teaming up, not attacking each other. Here, have a look.


    Attached small images because of size restriction


    Give me 10 minutes in-game. And I'll post pictures of other players sailing around Dutch capital. This show's us that every player encounters other players around their ports. I'm pretty sure this is working as intended. ;)


    I've been in many EH encounters. And not once was our fleet there to engage actual Players. A lot of the combined/allied fleet force at EH is simply do to the fact that there is no other place in the current OW that offers consistence fleets of those sizes to engage. 


    Any new British (Nation) player reading this should now know that, the enemy fleet outside their capital is not there to "gank" them. And can simply be avoided. Here's a step-by-step on how to avoid 


    1) While in Port press  "  Sail  "

    2) Once outside, click on all  " Combat "  markers.

    3) If the " Battle Rank " is suspiciously high, do NOT enter.

    4) If you're outside your Capitals port. And see large scale battles happening. Open your National chat window.

    5) Inform your Nation that there are large player fleets outside your capital AI hunting. And inquire if anyone would like to "Teleport" back to their home port and plan for an attack.

    6) If no one of your Nation is willing to muster up a group. Sail away and look for your own AI fights.

    7) Or test your luck/skills and enter that large scale battle outside your port. (But do NOT complain afterwards when/if you're sunk)

    8) If you entered a large scale player battle by mistake. Open the Battle chat to ALL. And ask if you can Leave safely. Most people will comply. Simply sail away from the combat. And Leave once able.


    I realize this list is fairly basic and straight forward. And that is intentional! ;)


    Simply put, its very easy to avoid these battles and situations. Its useful when more experienced players type in chat with information to help their new players. A new player can never have to much useful information. :P  It was also mentioned before that if some of the larger National players could " Teleport " back to their capital. Muster up their newer players and shuffle them to more calmer/safer waters to engage in. Or even if the larger/older players for your Nation can give directions to these areas.


    Us Dutch do this on a regular basis. Since our Capital is surrounded by many hostile players. Simply put We-Take-Care-Of-Our-Own!!!   ^_^       





    • Like 7
  5. A Couple of questions, what is the limit on being able to join battles? I had ai's joining after 20 minutes. Surely the time limit should equate to what ships are visible on the horizon (not more than 5 mins), it feels like i am playing at the arcade at the moment not close to a realistic sim.


    Secondly ships spawning straight into the battle is clearly wrong, they should surely spawn in, a set distance from the nearest player in that direction to give the illusion of coming over the horizon ( 3000m may still be to close). Suddenly being surrounded by a fleet of ships of the line does nothing but put a sour taste in ones mouth. Are these two thing under review?



    1) Its 10minutes from the start of a battle for players to join. So once the battle timer hits 50:00 minutes. Players can no longer join.

    Sadly, currently there is no timer to affect AI. And they will continue to spawn into your battle.


    2) I agree, Ai spawning in shouldn't magically *poof*appear* right beside you. This also applies to players.

  6. Hey guys 


    I was wondering if the instance entry could be changed ever so slightly.


    -Scenario- im in a conni and i engage 3 bellonas. i want XP and am confident enough to fight 3 bel bots. currently because the sides are so imbalanced bots will come swarming to my defence, but while noble i don't want either players or bots in ALL my battles. (even though furball fights are fun)


    Can a popup appear when a balancing force arrives (being player or bot) asking do i need assistance? and obviously give me the option of yes - i require assistance, OR no - im ok thank you.


    This would also come in handy for those awesome people out there that like duelling - be it 1v1 or 5v5 etc. so when other people come by you can say no thank you, these seats are taken. 







    I'd agree for AI sake. Having them ask if you need assistance or not during a battle.


    I don't agree with being able to disallow actual players to join. If they want to help, it's their choice. 


    While yes, the idea is so that a player can "solo" play and try to maximize his Xp/gold per match. But, also I can't seem to find any physical reference to where a Captain of any nation during this time period. Was like:  "I see one of my fellow countrymen is engage in battle. Oh wait, he signaled me to just leave him alone. Guess I'll sail in the opposite direction. And hope to see those countrymen back in port alive".  


    After all, this is a game. And not all realistic things will work.  But just seems odd to me to limit an actual players interaction with his countrymen. Even if he is willing to help.



  7. 2 months - 2 Years...Doesn't really matter.


     The Devs have a vision, and I am on board with it no matter what time-frame. Like mentioned above, all that's important is that the game is released bug-free and is stable upon release. People are fickle at best. I'm confident Game Labs already knows this! And that is why they do NOT give time-tables. Kudos to them!


    I'll leave you with this piece of music to listen to while you read below: 


    All good things, come to those who wait!    ;) 

  8. IRL you would never see SCL, Crankey or Illusive Tabby in red over an opponent and you would never see a name in green over a friend.


    The latest "twist" in tactics is relying on these names to gang up on and knock out the "supposed" best players first.


    Ramjbjb - instant target

    Sidestrafe - instant target


    Anyone on the leader board = big target


    Etc, etc, etc.


    Turn them off - turn them off - turn them off - or allow us to change them for one game (the ruse de guerre)??????


    More realistic = more fun



    This game is all about the immersion factor for me. So, I will agree 100% with this post.

  9. I'm all about immersion, so here's the kinda stuff I'll be listening too.     ^_^


    While just chasing the horizon:





    While locked in an epic life or death battle:




    Ok...I lied... There is one song that's not apart of my immersion factor...That I will most definitely play  :P


    • Like 1
  10. Well, That still doesn't work...  :mellow:


    No matter what I try, my rudder just always wants to move full left or right. Forcing me to constantly tap and hold A or D to try and keep it steady....


    Tried to Double tap A or D to lock the rudder (nothing) 

    Tried to Double tap A or D and then hitting the opposite key to center it  (nothing)


    I'm at a loss as to whats causing my Rudder to never lock/center. But it is rather annoying trying to sail / aim, while having to tap or hold A and D.


    Am I the only one with this issue?

  11. " Basically a double tap should lock the rudder. One tap in the opposite direction unlocks it and returns it to centre. "


    If thats to answer my question. Sadly, none of it works.

    All double tap's on either A or D  just put my rudder either full Left/Right. My rudder never sits centre....ever. Its either full left or full right.

  12. Evening Gents,


     Question: How are you controlling your rudder?


     I've noticed on some "YouTube" videos their rudder movement is smooth, and have seen "what looks like" locking it in place.

    Mine is just a never ending battle of tapping  A and D. Constantly tapping them while also trying to Aim and keep a straight line while firing. If I stop, my ship just wants to spin in a circle.   :huh: 


    Any help will be greatly appreciated!  

  13. I like that Allegretto very much (though I'm kinda overfed with it atm, since it is part of the War Thunder soundtrack ^^). Listening to Bach, Cello Suite No.1 now and then when playing NA.



    Nice one!

    Actually had this melody play at my wedding. Wife picked it out, another reason why I married her! 


    Anyways, thanks for the memories that I now connect to this very song.  ;)

  14. I'm a bit surprised aswell by the very serious consequences. But I can't say I'm dismayed about it. Maybe it's been too extreme a measure but I think a signal warning to let everyone know that criticism is welcome as long as is constructive, but that "I want it my way, or else" approaches will be met with dire measures is never bad. Sets the tone for future forums behavior, and if I have to be honest I'd rather have a forum where a relatively small slip will get you kicked than one where everything goes.

    Also it happens this early in development. The sooner the flag's up for everyone to understand that this forums aren't WoT's or WT's, the better. But that's my 0.02$s

    I agree 110% !!!

  15. Morning Gents,


     Just sitting here listening to Beethoven's 9th. And pondering the possibility of this game having a "Music Tuner" of sorts. Once this game is more in its "sandbox" stages. Sailing the mighty and vast sea's will take some time I imagine. So how nice would it be to have some periodic music to cruise too?   ;)

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