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Everything posted by LeBoiteux

  1. Merci pour l'info. Le 14e sabord, c'est encore un coup des anglais après capture, c'est sûr. N'ont-ils pas tendance à ajouter des canons aux navires français capturés (sur les gaillards...) ?
  2. NB : there were : - Le Vengeur (1756-1785) : an Indiaman built and used by the French East India Company, then sold to the French Navy in 1768 : 1300 tx and 64 guns https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_ship_Vengeur_(1765)#cite_note-FCDIVengeur-2 - Le Vengeur du Peuple, also called Le Marseillois (1766-1794), a 74-gun Sol that took part more actively in the American Revolutionary War and was more famous https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vengeur_du_Peuple
  3. A perk to choose who can attack you ? In that case, one must extent it to all cases : - A no-PvP perk for PvEers who don't want to be attacked by a player - A duel perk for 1v1 pvp fans : only the enemy who tags you and you duel with each other - A no-gank perk for fair-pvp fans : the number of attackers dragged into instance and their BR = about yours. - Etc. But is it possible to have à la carte instances ? I'd like to.
  4. That patch should be renamed "Jodgi's week"
  5. Great idea. From experience, NA wacky patches are fun to test. And I like duels.
  6. As stated above, NA timeframe : 1680-1820 The Ingermanland was built in 1715 and the Mercury in 1820
  7. Merci pour toutes ces infos, Surcouf. On est loin des 30 canons de 12 et 16 de 6 (ou peut-être de 9 ?) sur les gaillards de l'Hermione du serveur test. Alors Barbe, l'Hermione de NA : sera-t-elle plus proche d'une frégate de 32 ou d'une frégate de 46 canons ?
  8. For HMS Cerberus and La Renommée http://collections.rmg.co.uk/mediaLib/483/media-483247/large.jpg
  9. Greek paint scheme for Cerberus, Surprise, Cherubim
  10. +1. Indeed ! Primary use atm : to easily find icons in OW. Other than that atm : a nice cosmetic tool. Possible use sometime : finding hints on ships or landscapes.
  11. Black and Natural Wood Frigates (from the Cerberus on) An example with La Renommée
  12. A Venetian version of Ingermanland
  13. For Cerberus, Surprise and Frigates
  14. which could lead to a clan of a nation attacking another clan of the same nation to protect the nation they are at peace with... The question remains : is it a nation vs nation, a clan vs nation (if possible ?) or a clan vs clan game ? To me, nation vs nation is a good level for Politics. Clans can interfere in Politics by lobbying their members and other captains, in chat and forums. But their main goal is organizing combat/trade.
  15. Black and White Niagara and Surprise
  16. USS Rattlesnake as French La Bayadère 1811 original Rattlesnake La Bayadère Sources : http://mnm.webmuseo.com/ws/musee-national-marine/app/collection/record/8981?vc=ePkH4LF7lVbNbtswDH4Voy-w485Z22EbVqwY1l0LRWYSFrKkiVKWvv0-yrLiJr3sEIT8RFE0_6_H080yQT7e_E9-fLh20SoMvTwKj8NEI5thDH-9C2ZUZWrXdwQQYvZAD5Ro8GWiFL76Y6PuKIbc6E9MXvnBlJwIDUpB0RSwHB17Ah3QckHcPXwefJjQA11t8pggIwFgbzIHjzIc6fS8hmQwMZJz6_MVAtUkvJ9lf0OhsV1Jx6UdZFb7YECGJefjgbzQpDNgn0KJkLCJmvZZV-WppIUnGxwtjGMqp9t2o2F7Cvtk4oHpC_wYEiNduggdyRN8kDtSLfpJxrG0d_cQEeraKhO2L5RlIxIs4_WDav5B5YjwSH51i_RMR2xLLNCFcTI_on0scaz0BAhhlfv8i-zBq3nL5yxHjc3ncykxoqKkZkyZ9F-KSk4mqcA91ob-hJwteIMGhNagN-DCYLxxr0higqjAH7Od-Nqk3ngDkqseu4T7G7J5V9eIsF1AghXKXukXznQbnCOL6W92Oz6hAqh0yK0Z2whNiInyAX2vn50t6lDJvAS2OXWFyAVUlc6FpIuAPK0u98R5utJYk_Aafi8P11Jna9coBmpPRW0_uWT5VhKPcx5on9_YPwUXq8RRly41e0QTEIM9JyYktG3l65GtmK6yiRGNjDwA7QgpcJaHkEw5NebR5MRYeVmhtQ2PlCbj8d0IjaA7Zqx5lLA_MaB9QujmCkLDU2sHmIZf4CGUYctbx-hGmP9hthc5uBXdL1v_4N2uSHXZqIVPzzBTv5F3Si0bhA3pSDnXba4Pjn_n9DoH
  17. I meant something else than... caca However, nice ship despite her name.
  18. I thought spitfires spit something else during WWII.
  19. Strange name... "Caca" seems to mean the same thing in French and in Spanish.... Is it Caca + fuego (fire) ? Or does "Cacafuego" mean something ?
  20. I guess there are at least 3 possible explanations : - more killings of bots that day - fewer bots to kill that day - the routes taken by the bots have changed (+ bad luck, illicit substance... ) I can't say...
  21. Isn't the number of bots a finite number ? Meaning when you kill one, another one isn't automatically created ; meaning there are fewer and fewer bots during the day till maintenance and replenishment ?
  22. Frederik IV ? So this drawing should date from 1699-1730, right ? "27 may 1727" and 1729 are written on the report.
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