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Everything posted by LeBoiteux

  1. I don't think so. First to sail, sail, sail (Sea trials was a too small basin for our toys), also to explore this beautiful world, take pics ; then to randomly meet opponents (OW pvp/e as bots were agressive). Then came the trade and the craft.
  2. In our economic system, things can hardly be charged for some and free for others (apart from social assistance). Also can't it be exploited ? DLC owners as free distributor of DLC ships ? A player with an ALT with DLC in an enemy nation 'fight' against his friends of his nation and 'lose'. He 'fights' against friends of an enemy nation and oops... lose. And a friend of his in this enemy nation will do the same for his nation. My 2 cents. 🙂
  3. Abraham Duquesne vs Michiel de Ruyter in the Franco-Dutch War (Duquesne, a great Admiral with a storied carrier, who served Louis XIII, Louis XIV and the Swedish navy, also fighting against the Barbary pirates.)
  4. Another point of view : what may matter may not be the 1% of French naval officiers who were "beheaded" in the Revolution (and who were the "most experienced ones") nor the 10% who fought against it as royalists, but the 80% of the French naval officiers who fled abroad, mainly because they were aristocrats, did not believe in the values of the Revolution and just wanted to protect their family, themselves and their lifestyle (which is understandable). Thus, the problem may also come from the fact that, before the Revolution, most/all the officiers were aristocrats, thus officiers by privilege, not men of the people. By the bye, privileges are the reason why there was a Revolution in the first place...
  5. The gameplay of a casual gamer is not that of a hardcore gamer who happens to occasionally have little time to play. Different play style, needs and mind sets : A hardcore gamer will rationally plan to 'craft/haul one day and fight another day' (as you wrote) using the mechanics of the game at their best to rationalize his time. A player who occasionally plays does not know as well the game, the latest patches, the good spots, the good trading routes, etc. He will waste time in port, taking a quick mission, earning less money per hour, etc. During his one-hour play, he wants to easily do everything a bit (fight, customize his ship paint, choose his flag, take a quick trade mission...). Ship DLCs are vital for him for a quick and easy access to the game. But I know I speak to a (time) wall. because Eco mainly relies on the players sailing on 6-pders (Mercury...) ?
  6. Ship DLCs break the time wall for gamers with a limited amount of time, 1 ship per day per DLC. Hurray !!! I know some have always liked this time wall from the start.
  7. Stop wanting to nerf the ship DLCs (with common woods...). Just sink the guy in the DLC ship. You'll have pvp and : If he's a casual, he'll stop playing till the next day. If he has time and wants to keep on playing this very night, he will have to get his next ships by crafting or buying them in game.
  8. So what ? There can be several ship DLCs for the same 'Rate', such as the Pandora (9-pder) et L'Hermione (12-pder), both 5th rates. Le Requin is a 9-pder. There could be a lighter 6th rate DLC carrying 6-pders, such as L'Aurore.
  9. +1. Can we expect one of these days to have some of the in-game ships as DLCs, such as La Renommée or... La Renommée ? Would a 6th rate DLC be possible ?
  10. Simply following the current direction of the game and about the same timeframe, there are several interesting Spanish and French Admirals the players could embody and interesting campaigns they could play from a Spanish or French point of view. For example, during the American Revolutionary War, one could play as French Admiral de Grasse and command US/FR/SP troops and fleets on land and sea. Not to mention Admiral Suffren and the Anglo-French wars. And I guess the time frame could be expanded to earlier times and include other wars, nations and all the great Admirals (Ruyter and Dutch...). Really hoping this option will be considered by GL if the game is a success. 🙂
  11. Thx to @Malachi, I updated the post above with this detail of the stern of the French corvette Chevert, built in 1759 and renamed HMS Pomona after capture : The name of the ship (Chevert) comes from François de Chevert, a General of French King Louis XV, who was awarded by the Royal and Military Order of Saint Louis whose motto can be read on the stern of the ship : "Bellicae Virtutis Praemium" (Reward of wartime courage). The British plan maker made a little mistake in Latin, writing "Virtutius" on his plan.
  12. indeed like 6-pdr L'Aurore (22 guns, 1, 2) or La Panthère (both described by the French as 'Light frigates' at that time because Corvettes were even lighter : 4-pders). 🙂
  13. Does it mean we need 7/6th-rate ship DLCs ? I have a couple of well-documented ideas... 🙂
  14. 😁 Y a tant de blagues qui viennent à l'esprit. J'vais résister. C'est dur.
  15. It's great 9-pders (shallow frigates, niagara, LRQ...) can gather somewhere to fight each other. It's great shallow frigates can be used. Rates are just one classification. Another would be 4/6-pders (7th rates + 6th rates) + 9-pders = small ships. All in all, there must not be lots of ppl sailing all these ships. Shallows and deep waters are quite equivalent : 4/6-pders + 9-pders in shallows ; deep water frigates + Sols in deep waters Just my two cent 🙂 PS 1 : IMHO, OP's 2 types of shallows would be preferable than excluding shallow frigates from the shallows (ie cutting in half the 9-pders) PS 2 : I'm a fan of 7th-6th rates (and 9-pders).
  16. Une photo rare de notre @Surcouf (en habit d'époque) sur L'Hermione 🙂 :
  17. In kill missions against bots, variations in location and direction of the ships, in order not to have always the ships face to face and broad reach (wind from the left). To make it more natural like OW fights. Would add some interesting randomness IMHO, like in real fights when you could't always choose the starting point.
  18. Indeed. it works. Thx. Till relogging a couple of minutes ago, I've had the same issue : no pandora while having bought the game in 2014/5 directly from Game Labs. Now I have her.🙂 Will be able to try her !!!
  19. Cargo delivery missions with lighter loads (say 200-300) and smaller rewards, to be able to sail 6/5th rate warships to carry them.
  20. Bien sûr. Face à une loi qui a du mal à s'appliquer, le politique a trois options : l'abroger, la faire appliquer par la force (police, justice) ou laisser faire le temps de pouvoir l'imposer à nouveau. L'abrogation reste un geste fort qui a du sens, d'incitation.
  21. Tu t'éloignes du sujet (ce que pense la France de l'esclavage en 1803) pour débattre de l'interprétation de l'intention de Napoléon (!) quand il décide de revenir sur l'abolition de l'esclavage... Un sujet très pointu et très politique. Au passage, ton article va dans mon sens : "Le colonialisme contre-révolutionnaire de Bonaparte est difficilement contestable". Mon propos était plus simple et plus général : aux XVIIIe s., les philosophes des Lumières abolitionnistes (Voltaire...) et la Révolution française (loi du 4 février 1794 sur l'abolition de l'esclavage) sont des marqueurs nets d'un changement de mentalité sur l'esclavage au moins dans l'élite. Et une pensée pour les précurseurs comme le religieux Épiphane Dunod au XVIIe s. qui a notamment visité la Martinique et qui fut malmené pour avoir dénoncer l'esclavage, ce qui montre qu'on pouvait avoir conscience de la chose à l'époque.
  22. Suggestion for HMS Surprise : Give her the Vanilla paint scheme of in-game La Renommée :
  23. Les textes de lois sont une chose. Mas, bien malin est celui qui sait ce que le peuple pensait en 1803 en matière de morale et d'esclavage (surtout en des temps où les moyens de communication, de connaissances et d'éducation n'étaient pas ceux d'aujourd'hui) !!! Que savait et pensait un paysan savoyard de la traite exercée à partir de la côte Atlantique, lui qui ne savait pas lire et restait dans sa commune toute sa vie ? Quant à l'élite intellectuelle, je t'invite quand même à relire Condorcet, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Montaigne, Olympe de Gouges, Lamartine (...) et à prendre connaissance de tous ceux qui étaient contre l'esclavage. Ceux sont eux notamment qui sont à l'origine d'une loi que tu as oublié de citer : le 4 février 1794, la Convention abolit l'esclavage, après que la Constituante et l'Assemblée nationale ont accordé une série de droits limités aux esclaves et gens de couleur depuis 1791. Quant à l'élite commerçante des côtes maritimes (comme un Surcouf en fin de carrière), ce n'était pas une question de moralité, mais du business. C'est pour eux que Napoléon rétablit l'esclavage. Quant aux pauvres marins qui devaient s'engager pour gagner leur pain et celui de leur famille, les questions de moralité n'étaient sans doute pas leur priorité.
  24. For a lugger, there is the well documented Le Coureur (1776) that participated in the American Revolutionary War. As for having a new 7th-rate in game, I for one would vote for a small 3-masted one, such as a French corvette built in the middle of the 18th century, also well-documented (L'Amarante, La Sardoine...). Il like it to sail the 6th-rate (corvette) 3-masted Rattlesnake.
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