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Everything posted by SchurkjeBoefje

  1. There really are plenty of unique ship names to go around, though, without devolving into ridiculous made up names and repetition. - Locations: towns, cities, provinces, regions, rivers, mountains - Animals - Nation specific people and events - Abstract concepts such as Furious, Indomitable, Constitution etc etc etc. - Mythology - Female names - Religious references
  2. I think there's a way to avoid both HMS YOLOSWAGBBQ and the seven Trincomalees.
  3. I fully agree with your last sentence, my suggestion hinges perhaps more around what would be considered a player-owned ship and what wouldn't.
  4. The originals could still just be randomly assigned. A naval captain might simply get lucky and assigned command of a ship with a particularly famous history. It might even be a potential reward for a nation's most daring and capable captains
  5. I'd much much rather see the abiltiy to move around in our ships' interior than walk through a town. The latter would be a Herculean task to model as well, with all the different settlements in the world.
  6. There's still a lot of progress to be made on the entire game which affects all ships. Like sailing models, damage models, etc etc. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually in the open game, Santi would indeed be best used for that. Floating fort.
  7. If we get to freely name every ship we sail on, you can count on there being tons of copies of the most famous shipnames. Imo that's boring and not immersive at all, not to mention sadly lacking in creativity. I don't care about the names of the *classes* of the ships, I care about what they're actually named. I realize that for ease of mentioning one might still refer to the a specific ship as "a Consti" or "a Vic", denoting the ship is of that type, but that's something different than having 40 RN ships all named (HMS) Victory and having 35% of the fledgeling US Navy comprised of USS Constitutions. Not Consti-class vessels, but actually dozens of identically named ships. My ideal system would be: For a ship that's assigned to a player (naval posting, accepting a commission on behalf of a trading co., etc), a (semi?) random selection from a database of appropriate names for the shiptype. The player does not get to name this ship. This ship does not belong to the player, but to the nation/Admiralty or a trading company or another private owner. If it's not your ship, you don't get to name it. Period. Micro transactions for vanity giving the player a stake in name selection of a commissioned ship (representing some gravitas with the Admiralty or employers) could be implemented. For a ship that's 100% owned by the player, naming it becomes player's choice. Either a huge huge database or mod/community approved, but it's the players ship in the end so his or her prerogative. Not only would my system guarantee unique names and disable copy-pasta names, it could make the *actual* famous ships interesting sightings and maybe more desirable postings. A free-naming system for every deck under your virtual boots in game would get boring quickly as you spot your 8th unique HMS Victory or whatever. I guarafrickingtee that a lot of players don't have the creativity or self-modesty to not use the same bloody names over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. edit: These naming restrictions would be mostly in place sort of...'per nation'. Obviously many ships had sort of similar names. The USN might have a USS Revolution, there's no reason the French can't have a Révolution as well. Neither is there a reason why there can't be a privately owned American ship named Revolution when there's already an official USN equivalent. Not to mention that with the inclusion of British, American, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portugese, Russian, Swedish, Danish, Ottoman (Turks)..... there will be a LOT of languages to choose names from! There can be ten "Seagulls" in the game like this, but in 10 different nations and nearly 10 different languages alone! What my system mostly aims to avoid is 'official' duplicate ships like I mentioned. No 40 official RN ships called HMS Victory plz, no 75 USS Constitutions, no 30 Dutch Navy 7 Provinciëns etc.
  8. My problem is that catering too much to gameplay will eventually turn it into an arcadeyfest where the devs will have to manually rebalance things 'for the sake of gameplay'. I've had it up to here *holds hands above head* with developers (in general, not GL specifically) 'rebalancing'. Maybe it's just too optimistic to condense 200 years of naval technology into literally one arena, one timeperiod. Do it 'realistically' and the older ships will be crap, do it 'for balance' and well...once you start balancing, the end is always far away. What's the next thing to be balanced then? Manual balancing is a massively slippery slope. I agree that everyone sailing 'the latest and best' ship would not be conducive to varied gameplay, but the same can be said for 'manually rebalanced' ships with wildly varying looks but very similar performance 'because balance'. I don't want to see 1628 Vasa, a horribly flawed ship, have a fighting chance against a Vic or a Temeraire. That's idiotic imho. That's like making a tank game and wanting your Pz IV to perform like a T-54. Or your Spitfire to have F86 performance.
  9. Only some ships were the 'lead' ship of their class, I see absolutely no reason why every ship from a specific class needs to be named after the lead? No one did that. Ever. They may build the first of the Leda class and call it Leda, the second would have a different name. It could be "Diane", Leda-class frigate. Call the third "Ariadne". And so on and so on. If we're going to have 300 Constitutions in the game, like literally 300 ships named (USS) Constitution......just...so much meh. What's the fun in sailing a 'unique and historical ship' when there are 200 carbon copies of you afloat? Where's the fun if half the ships of a nation's navy all have the same goddamn name? If it were up to me, there'd only be one Consti-class frigate in US service *actually called* USS Constitution. Different names for the others. There are plenty of names to go around, no problem there. Maybe the historical ships like Consti, Victory, etc etc could be 'rewards' for the nations navy top captains, instead of being an easy to reach, immersive destroying copy-pasta name that 40% of teh playerbase wants.
  10. My probem with extensive personal ship naming (even for ships that aren't technically in the player's possession) is that unless a first come, first serve process is in place, we're going to see a hundred Victory's, a hundred and fifty Consitutions, etc etc etc. Those "unique" ships will suddenly not be unique anymore because any inspirationless bimbo from Denmark to the Seychelles wants to sail them.
  11. I chose 'other'. The system I would like to see ties in with different ways of obtaining a captaincy. 1.) Naval officers (captains) get assigned ships. As such, I would really like for naval ships to be named by the Admiralty. No player choice in here. Plenty of cool historical names to choose from and it would even allow a single ship in the gameworld to have a career captained by multiple players in succession. (i.e. player Bob plays Royal British Navy and gets assigned the HMS Dolphin 6th rate frigate. Bob does very well and a bit later he gets promoted to a bigger frigate, HMS Dolphin goes 'back into the RN ship pool' and 3 days later HMS Dolphin gets assigned to player Richard). 2.) Private captains accepting a commission on behalf of a trader or something else, again same thing. It's not *your* ship so she's named already. End of. 3.) Ships in private player ownership are free to be named by the player, usual filters for profanity and very immersionbreaking names apply. edit: Maybe players captaining assigned ships could be allowed to select an own name (maybe from a list, maybe human approved) for real money, like a vanity thing. It could represent good contacts at the Admiralty willing to pull some weight for you and change the name of your assigned vessel. TL;DR: I think it would be most fun if names were not playergiven for assigned ships, yet private ships can be of course named by the owning player.
  12. Yeah, that's a big negative about E:D. It doesn't feel logical at all. Having multiple ranks in the navies of warring factions, at the same time. Just ridiculous and very immersion breaking. Hope NA will follow a different route.
  13. Yeah, if you feel unsure about leading, just say you're still learning in chat and have someone else take command. Biggest ships don't necessarily always have to be leading either so it's all good. Just tell folks in chat that you're not gonna lead, pft, done, problem solved.
  14. Enjoy? Enjoy?! ENJOY?! Fuck off! Now i have to go shower because my armpits released about three gallons of anxiety sweat!
  15. I've heard people say CoD does p2p because it's an easy cash grab for the publishers/devs who can save money building and maintaining infrastructure. so fuck CoD
  16. Agreed. Piracy should be in the game and it should be somewhat viable, but curtailed by realistic and historical drawbacks. If that's properly executed, piracy will be a cool alternative aspect to Naval Action, instead of the main driving force for players naming themselves four hundred variations of Jack Sparrow who all want pirate Victory's. I say BS to that; that's wanting to have your cake and eat it too. Piracy is romanticised and overrated anyway, yet properly implemented piracy could be very fun, focusing on hit and run, stealth, hiding, hidden bases, different morale and income systems etc. I just hope the majority of the playerbase and the devs will accept the idea of not every playstyle or even faction/nation having access to the same stuff in name of balance.
  17. If the game shapes up to be all that it could be and more, I wouldn't mind paying a monthly fee on top of the initial purchase price. But if the game takes a wildly different course, things change. It really depends how the game will turn out.... Though no F2P and P2W elements, please. F2P attracts droves of dimwits who probably won't 'get it' what this game is supposed to be about and P2W is just the devil's stepchild alltogether.
  18. Have you guys thought about crew morale systems for pirate captains? There's some interesting stuff to explore.
  19. I wouldn't even mind to be pulled out of 'fast travel' and forced to handle a storm manually! Not to mention rounding the Horn....the Accursed One! (Agreed with everything OP said btw)
  20. I lolled pretty hard at the name. But I'd wanna see it filtered/changed just the same because mah immersionz.
  21. Spanish I think. Flag of Castile maybe. Has to do with their monarchy. At least I think that's what it is.
  22. It's an amazing simulation, though. Exciting times ahead for us gamers. If only we manage to stay alive for a few more decades!
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