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Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau

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Posts posted by Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau

  1. American revolution could be nice however we also want european format, Napoleon with its massive giga scale would be so awesome. You are appointed as marshal by Napoleon or by Coalation and you have to fight through 20+ years of massive wars on grander scale than the civil war.

    Fight in ice and snow outside of Moscow? Fight at deserts of Egypt outside of Giza? Endless possibilites, however I understand the massive effort of research needed to be undertaken.

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  2. I ain't no history buff, had to start over 1st bull run 5 times as Union on MG.

    Didn't win until tried to just let my troops march south and join the army coming from west. Pushed and took the hill. Was however completely surprised by Ewells divisions coming from North East where Ohioans came. Had to turn around and fight bloody battle. I won, I tried to use my allied AI armies as cannon fodder to preservere my own troops. Still my army got a little battered. One infantry brigade went from 1200 to 453 men.

    A sweet victory nevertheless!

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  3. 50 minutes ago, Don't Escrow Taxes said:

    This is more along the lines I am discussing.  I'm trying to figure out why my 3-star 24lb howitzer battery with 24 guns, commanded by a major general, is performing like crap.  Some interesting thoughts here especially with the higher chance of melee being triggered due to the size of the battery, i  had not considered that.   

    Well I supposed it's like it, more men in infantry, cav or skirmishers means bigger area of engagement. If you ever ran a small and a big cav groups at the same time, passing by fleeing groups, you notice the bigger group engaging the fleeing group and the smaller group don't when they both are in same vincinity.

  4. From my experience, grand batteries are at disadvantage in this game. I think dev's have tuned the game to be as historical as possible therefore having 5-6 gun batteries is very effective due to mobility, gunners each gun and survivalbility. In my first playthrough I had grand batteries and they were disappointing when compared to my smaller ones in newer playthroughs.

    It's a question of how you move your artillery during battles, do you just let them sit at the same spot during the battle? Or move them all the time to where they are needed to ensure effectiviness? Moving 24 gun squad takes longer time and is more apt to get into melee status if enemy unit's are reaching your unit. Also they perform less effectively due to command effectivness that plummets with higher number of guns and gunners the commander have to bark orders to.

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  5. You took too long time! I finished Shiloh as CSA yesterday on brig. gen difficulty. I would say that: Don't have long and prolonged firefights against Union. You need to be on advantage all the time.

    First phase is church; Here I sent skirmishers and one inf brigade to right side of map, fighting with the union skirms and troops just to keep them occupied. Always having my men in the woods to make sure they will last. During the time I marched with rest of my army undetected on left side preserving the stamina of my men. When at the river woods near the church far left, I order my men to run, all at the same time, over the river to quickly assault and capture the church. I do it even before Grant appears with reinforcements, thus ending battle prematurely!

    Second phase; the same tactic here with sending skirms to right to pull enemies and keep them occupied, left army preserves stamina until cap point is near and then all sudden charge. Ending battle prematurely.

    Third phase, the hornets nest. By doing circumventing tactics the union troops are trapped south of my CSA troops at church and second phsae. I leave skirms behind me to keep them occupied while main army surround hornet nest and make devastating firing into the nest. I keep my cannons very close and soon the unions will break and a few shatter. Then I capture the hornet nest prematurely at the same time as I move all my main army to the end of map north of hornet nest.

    Fourth and last phase, Pittsburgh landing. There's only artillery and ironclads protecting the landing, and my main troops quickly reach it as they are close being north of hornets nest. I dont give the enemy artillery a fuq and quickly swarms the fort routing the artillery. Then I place my troops as a wedge with point facing north in pittsburg landing, all in the woods. Awaiting Union reinforcement from north. Defend hard and use your generals to boost your men's morale and have artillery batteries very close to fire canisters and shells all the time. 

    I managed it with only 30% casualties.


    My Army setup pre-Shiloh: 1 Corp, 3 Divisions with 4 brigades each. 

    9 Infantry (you need backbone for strong and coeherent assalts and be able to depatch 4-5 skirmishers)

    1 Artillery

    1 Skirmisher with high grade snipers

    1 Mounted infantry

    How would I have done it better?

    I would have exchanged the skirmisher brigade with expensive rifles to another Mounted Infantry brigade as they excelled and was invaluable in the Shiloh grand battle.


  6. I would like the Great Nothern War, where you can pick between two different factions, Sweden or the Grand Alliance

    - Sweden


    - Russia

    -Polish-Lithauian Commonwealth





    Your goal would be to try inflict as much casualities upon the swedes as much you can, while Sweden proceeds its onslaught with its superior army that win over all the majors of Grand Alliance before finally, facing Russia at Poltava, with sick and frozen troops... getting defeated and routed. If you choose to play as Grand Alliance


    If as Sweden, try make quick victories and actually win against all of the Grand Alliance as of in history. It will be difficult but with the soldier king and his "Caroline" line infantry that put emphasis of marching near the enemy, fire a single devastating volley and charge with steel.



    Or if it is too much of a ultimate general as it spans over many countries and many battles, you could go with the campaign of Flanders, an exciting series of battles and tactics between the first coalation and the unproven and discouraged french republican army http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flanders_Campaign


    It all sets in a small county with multiple wins and losses on both sides, that in the end the french achieved victory despite facing alone multiple great powers.


    It is interesting history as France just passed to Republican with execution of Sol Invictus Louis and new terror goverment, most of the old army was deserted in fear of being executed. So they had to put emphasis on levee-en-masse to counter the massive threat on France.

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