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Posts posted by Spankybus

  1. Sorry if this is posted somewhere else, but I didn't find anything about it. Probably just missed it.


    Was involved in the initial testing, but not sure if that means I can test this as well. Had to go away for RL reasons but now have some time again. My steam version updated to a certain point but seems out of sorts now. Please advise. Thanks!

  2. PotBS...I spent more time in the forums of that game before it launched than I did in the game...years, even....way before SoE got involved. I made a few ships, which got me started as an artist. But the game gradually turned from the AoS simulation to an arcade-like speedboat game. Once the navigation map was added and explained, I knew it wasn't going to be the game for me. I kept making ships though...that was fun.

    Ships were too fast, sail evolutions were instantaneous...ships could sail straight into the wind without being blown back.

    My main regret was that I never got to sail my own ships lol I did see them in-game, which was cool. I just could grind my way to having the means to afford them.

    Liking the direction NA is going so far.

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  3. 1797 Constellation had a rounded stern? That would be interesting to see, do you have draughts?

    Or if you're referring to the hull form of the existing ship, she doesn't bear much resemblance to her original self.


    TBH I remember her being extensively rebuild near the civil war, but my understanding is that her restoration was to her 1797 specs.

  4. Random outburst, I would like to sail the 1797 USF Constellation, with her rounded stern. I love the constitution, but she isn't the only Belle from that particular ball.

    I think of the constitution as a 'Jerk' frigate. Whereas a jackass frigate is on the small side, the Jerk is exactly that...a Jerk. No Frigate captain could refuse to engage her in single combat and not be seen as shy...despite the fact that it is clearly an unfair match.

    I am curious where she will fall into the scheme of things in NA. Somewhere between a frigate and a 74...and I honestly think she could hold her own with a 74 given the right commander.

  5. I am leaning to simulation, but not so much that you'd actually have to have served time in a tall ship to know what you are doing.

    I'd like to have the option of deciding which sails to set, vs arbitrary speed settings...but people who prefer speed settings should have them and their sails trim automatically. Those who manually trim their sails might get an edge when matches with the same ship...or they might be at a disadvantage if they are setting their sails wrong...pressing her down, for example.

    Sail evolutions should take time and crack crews should have an advantage, same for gun play....3 broadsides in 5 minutes would be considered fast historically, but we might count that as slow by in-game standards...again, brand new crew full of landsmen.

    Guns can explode after prolongs engagements.

    Two deckers should not be able to open their lower ports in running seas or when heeling...they could on the high side.

    Supply's should matter to crew health and moral, which effects sail evolution and gunnery speed.

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