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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. Errr help test the smaller stuff? Help keep bug finding? Talk about small minded people. "I have the top ship so I'm bored and don't want to do what I signed up for when I get the game".
  2. After watching a couple of WOWs videos I think they may have a good system. On the battleships they have a repair option. Which in that game repairs X number of hit points when used. Its also on a cooldown timer which increases as you use it. Its supposed to represent a repair crew going about its work. A similar system could be used here but instead of hit points being repaired it could be used to repair the ships as happens now. With what is repaired first being a tweekable option in the pre game menu for any ship. Obviously bigger ships can repair more due to bigger crews and more stuff being carried to repair things
  3. As long as there is an option to turn them off
  4. No mate. By all means make the progression different and the ships separate but I have a life so will be unable to spend much time in the open world. I am lucky if I get 3 hours a night on the PC. Which is split between gaming and other stuff. So for me the open world is something I may dabble with but will not be able to make much progression if sailing times are measured in hours. So for me the main thrust of this game will be the arena mode. If its taken out then I for one will lose interest in this game as I just don't have the time to do it justice. This is why I have never played games like Eve online and other time sink games. I just don't have the time to do them justice
  5. I couldn't agree more. I won't have enough time to make any sort of impression on an open world. If people are talking about sailing for hours to get anywhere then I have no interest in that. I just want to battle in sailing ships. I am hoping there will be different scenarios and maps available for the arena area. WOT keep me going for about 3 years by just having an arena mode and I dread to think how much I spent in WOT over the years. So to those who say this game will not work with an arena mode. I disagree as it will keep new players coming just to try the grind to the bigger stuff.
  6. Just make them a toggle. Then people like me who need all the help I can get can leave them on and the diehards can turn them off. After all its a game and its nice to know who you are shooting at and in some cases sinking.
  7. But there was a way to add a mod that made clan tags invisible. As there will undoubtedly be some hideous tags made up. Ditto with the crappy gold camo that sprouted up. It overrode my carefully selected camo's and made them look shite. Until a way was figured out to ignore them.
  8. As I said else where just make then visible to the user only. Then people can do what they want and I can stay with the flags and colours I like. The WOT system works fine for me. There are hundreds of user made camos and such like. I did download a lot to make the game look nice. But they just appeared on my PC. There was even a blank image for the clan tags as most of them spoilt the look of the game . Why do people want to inflict their ideas on others?
  9. I don't see how you can unload a cannon . I like this idea. but then I had already asked for this in my thread
  10. This is my Point exactly. I also find that once the action starts happening up close and personal then I can get disorientation as to which side I am looking out from and then start loading the wrong guns. I would also like some quick keys to jump to the guns as I have issues trying to get to the front or rear guns sometimes.
  11. Can we possibly have a way of queueing a few shots for the cannons. IE being able to say fire 2 loads of chain then switch to double. Or at least have it so that the next shots are able to be set up before the gun is fired.So as soon as they have fired they are loading the correct rounds you want. As I find the current system a bit clunky and needs it micromanagement in the middle of a battle which I don't always remember to do .
  12. Not me mate. I can't run at ultra at the moment. But I am of the opinion that my pc will do til it breaks. Then I will upgrade. I'm running on high and it looks fine. I have more important things to spend money on than my box in the corner of the room. Money spent on my PC is money not spent on my bikes.
  13. The problem for you is that things could totally change by the time the game goes live. I am trying to play the game to test it and don't honestly give a toss if I win or lose. Its a shame that some people seem to be in this test for themselves and not for the point of testing.
  14. I can't be 100% sure here and am prepared to take a wild guess . But are you a Yank mate? Because I don't think its quite clear enough for some to be sure
  15. I got called a loser in game last night. I was asked why I had thrown my ship away in close combat. I replied "why not". To which he replied think about the team. I replied it's an alpha so winning matters not at the moment. He then called me a loser. Some people seem to have forgotten it's a test and shouldn't be taken to seriously. Some people should also understand i am too old to worry about losing and will play the open release in the same way. Oh and calling me names just makes me laugh.
  16. I have had a couple of black screen of death incidents the last couple of nights. The game is still running but I just get a blank screen. I ended up resetting my pc to sort it. I would send a log but I can see f*** all. Sorry
  17. How about Master Bates and Roger the cabin boy? Are these ok as they seem in keeping with the time frame ?
  18. I find the target marker can get lost if their is a lot going on screen and I am not colour blind. Oh and as this is being brought up can you make the "all" chat a different colour as occasionally it gets lost in the clutter on screen. The team chat is fine in blue. But the "all" needs a bright colour as well to make it stand out. Or maybe put the chat in a box with a dark background
  19. Yes but the current system in no way simulates what you have just said. Its a twitch gaming mechanic for use with a rifle or the like. Not to simulate heavy guns being manhandled. It worked fine with aiming keys in RO when tanking. The elevation could be set and left ditto the side movement of the turret. Leaving the elevation set in now way takes into account the ship roll or sea movement. Its just so the guns are still at the elevation you left them. You will still need to account for the other ship and your own ship moving .
  20. I have to say any voices that happen when ever you pass an order rapidly start pissing me off after a few games. Leave the sounds on the ship as they are. I find them easy to understand and don't annoy me the way any voice would. if I hear a bell or a whistle i just look at the UI. but then I am glancing at it all the time anyway so will know that the next sound will be my guns loaded . Its in keeping with the game and the time frame the way it is.
  21. I think the whistle works fine as it is.
  22. Err no one is asking for this. They just want the guns to stay pointed where there are so they can then go back and not have to fart about moving them again. This is more "realistic" than the current system which has you using a FPS twitch mechanism to aim the guns. So you can constantly alter the range which is totally out of keeping with the time frame. Also we have a rudder which can be locked to full turning by using a key press. Yet people seem to think wanting the same for the guns is wrong.
  23. I have had this happen a couple of times since the patch. When I have sunk I can't use the escape key to exit the game. Is it just me? I have filed a report
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