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PIerrick de Badas

Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. Europeans will join the european server. Maybe not the ones that want to stay with the iwin nation witout ennemy but all the news ones that will comes ingame will join probably europe to avoid nightlfip too...
  2. We are not splitting but giving you the attention that we are interest in new server and looking forward about it. A danish declaration may follow about Eastern alliance on new serv.
  3. Puerto de espana was lost because we boycot the pb. Seeing you didn't care on attacking empty port 'maybe it was your goal?) we decide to change IRl and stop going to work and putting child on school
  4. On this day of the 20th March 1817, The honorable Sovereign Council of the new France, Composed by the following clans : [ACR] - Alliance des Corsaires Royaux [EdR] - Les Enfants du Roy [ER] - Escadre Royale [FDT] - Flotte de Défense Territoriale [FED] - Feydakin [GRF] - Garde Royale Française [INB] - Imperial Navy Bonaparta [MRF] - Marine Royale Française [OCG] - Online Center Gaming [SPQR] - Senatus Populusque Romanus [UGLY] - Les Affreux [ZF] - Zulu Family Declares : "We, the French clans, have decided by a common agreement, to sail into the new world called "PvP Europe" to give the best sailing conditions to our captains, especially being able to sleep at night. By this, we are waiting new informations from the developers about this new world ("Server switching" conditions and Port Battle windows) to keep our community united in this new adventure." This declaration has been signed by the following clan leaders or main officers : [ACR] - Major General La Fayette [EdR] - Kierrip de Badas [ER] - Groslulu77 [FDT] - Takatounikey [FED] - Eskiwit [GRF] - Moncalm [INB] - Alex Iron [MRF] - Edward Teatch [OCG] - Carcharodon [SPQR] - Candac & Wolf74 [UGLY] - Castel [ZF] - Zulu One
  5. Too easy to exploit. Everyone will use an alt to make trade and craft on PvP area...
  6. tbh you make the first move to negociate and we make the second move to answer and make it works. It didn't works so well btw...
  7. As Jeheil said, admins say many things like such is a lord or the crew depending on total population of the nation or new boarding and more. Some will happen, some not. Some soon, some in months. French community would prefer to play on a new server with fresh alliance and window to make officially what were trying to decide officiously. Window put as rules for the games and not as negociating stuff because negociating is existing between players and soon as thoses players leave the game new can come and break everything that were decide. So french community is in mood to switch and we will make an official declaration about it soon. Now that the devs say they will made 2 servers, does it mean that you have to not make any effort going in the right direction? I don't think so. On a global server withtout a part of the UE community or with it, you will be forced to balance the things at start and ask some society to switch side to help the balance on the game. I would not love to be forced to leave french as nation but on a global server there is no choice exept that. Why to not try? Sooner or later you will do it. Looking for that i start dreaming of a letter of the emperor!! Gogo Jeheil, you can make it, we are welcoming any new player ^^
  8. We decide to boycot nightlip starting with castring untill devs give us this holly decision to make a second server . Then it boost our morale and we're back to defend again but it's just a time and a moral burst that help us, not our ability to have 25 nightplayer on purpose
  9. My conclusion are not the same. I not complain to awake up to make a port battle. I complain for all the time when i can't awake up and that port are lost because we can't defend it. Defending a port is a choice when you are present. When you are not present it's because you didn't have the choice and it's when we complain. Loosing port we are not defending because of the nightlfips is the prolem not the ones we are able to defend
  10. Or could be vois to have rebooter serveur de n différent Time depending on localisation of server...
  11. moi je trouve ca cool, de temps en temps j'irai pve sans pression avec les nouveaux pour astiquer apprendre à les connaitre. Ca faitune zone sanctuaire si l'éco est à genou, bref ca me plait bien
  12. Suite à la création du serveur européen et de ses 10 h de fenetre de conquête, les joueurs de la nation françaises sont invités à voter en privé sur : http://navalaction-france.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=58&t=2642 pour faire part à la communauté FR de leur préférence quant au changement de serveur ou non. Les accès au forum privé sont font sur : http://navalaction-france.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1971&p=22457#p22457 Bien à vous
  13. I would like to point than thoses who don't speak english like the spanish population or the french population will not see the poll. So the sondage would be names: Who are the english speaking playing from
  14. i'm ig since 2015 LV so i encounter several wipe as well... I just speaking for most of people there not for the core testing it
  15. I think 2 full wipe in 6 months (if the game is gonna be launch in 6 month) is more than the community can handle
  16. A good sign on your good understanding about the problem about nightlfip would have been to not show to les cayes. You're show is just one more time a sign that you don't care on server time and on our sleep. Love your nightlfips against us when you can, you won't find us soon around...
  17. pourquoi ne pas laisser le gouverneur mettre un prix minimum d'enchere pour les parcelles et laisser ces dernieres se vendre entre joueurs avec une limite par exemple de 3 par joueurs? Plus le gouverneur touche de sous plus la ville a de sous et plus elle peut avoir des défenses 1 ou 2 forteresse 1 ou 2 tours. etc
  18. If all ship are grey, what to do with grade notes? Are they out of games?
  19. The idea to negociate would be : We try to succes to get artificial window by diplomacy that are ok for most of the population and to avoid the behaviors that kill both of our community (Negociations are on the go) If we succes to do so, it will help people to stick together in one server. If we failed, UE community have still the choice to flee on UE server and about Castrie yesterday, i awake up on 7.3am to put kid at school, go back home and slipp until 3pm...
  20. After Castrie PB, à first conversation began between Groslulu (FR), Anolytik (DN), Augustus (GB), Dave (dn for SP), pipomatix (FR us Time based), Christendom (US) and me. Swedish and dutch have had noone online to représent them. The discussion was quiet and constructive (Tx to admin's Damoclès sworld to help) . À second meeting ils shedulded tonight.
  21. eric: c'est toujours mieux que rien mais on aurait préféré une réponse d'en haut qu'une d'un community manager ... Et c'est quand "Bientôt"?
  22. Thanks you all to make things easier to negociate with quiet spirit. Les cayes is probably in this mood
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