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James Thomson

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Everything posted by James Thomson

  1. Haha. Fellow machinehead, theres no better way to wish get better!
  2. I remember the times when 150 was good ping, people complain too much about small lag. In some games i never could aim to the target because i knew he was 2-3 meters from where i saw him. Just need to get used to that. I would be happy if we all had same ping so all would be in same position, lets vote for avarage ping lock for everyone!
  3. Thank you Sir, for your kind words! This is exactly what we want our squadron to represent. And anyone considering joining us, dont be afraid to contact me. We try to make so that everyone can join by helping them change name if its unfitting and still retain all your gold, cargo and shps. We offer the service ofcourse only after you have applied or atleast had chat whit officer. I have Outposts in Kingston and Blackriver where these kind of transfers can be done.
  4. S! I had pleasure to sail whit fine captains of Ausez, seems we share same waters. Don't be afraid to ask us for help if needed.
  5. WIS! Its good to know old friends are sailing on the same waters! /Tiphat
  6. This would be the best option ofcourse, but then again some casual players would never have the experience.
  7. I dont see how this would restrict the usage of 1st and 2nd rates, theres like 10 Port battles a day so you have 10 chances to bring first rate to the battle. I agree on the 3rd rates being main force, their number could be higher. These numbers were anyway to give you just an idea. But i would love to see tha players need to have effort done to actually be able to bring those ships in the PB otherwise this is gonna turn in to PBs whit only 1-3rd rates.
  8. So i wan't to bring in my thought about the discussion floating around considering portbattles consisting only 3rd-1st rate ships, and also bring some usefullness to the frigates by capping the ammount of high rated ships that can enter portbattles. Also this would be historically more acurate than having fleet full of top rated ships... I would suggest that players need to first of all unlock the slots for top rated ships to be even used for portbattles, blockading the port, donating resources to the national admirality or some other actions maybe. By doing these things you would then slowly open up slots to bring top rated ships to the battle. Otherwise you would only be able to take frigates. And i would like this to be an effort that players cant fill easily! Also i would limit it to somewhat like this 1-2 First rates maximum per battle, 1-3 Second rates, 2-4 Third rates. And i would never allow the maximum numbers of top rates, but some balanced combination of my examples. Like in example only 6 top rated ships could be brought to the battle, then debending on what the team has done it would build a composition like this: 1*1st + 1*2nd + 4*3rd or 0*1st + 3*2nd + 3*rd. This just game in to my mind, don't rake me for my suggestion!
  9. Gunports and gun animations, this way traders would always have closed ports. Also pb to have limited slots for 3-1 rate ships example 1* First 2* second and 3* third. And that players would need to before battle need to achieve the slots for pb so the composition would vary. I mean not to achieve their own slot but also open the slots for top rate ships.
  10. Repair kits are necessary to use battle repair skills, im not sure if all of them need a kit to work but sail and hull repairs do. You can also use repair kit at OW after a battle to fix your ship up whitout visiting a port. Is that what you wanted to know Emond ?
  11. Locking FPS to 30 helped me too on my Radeon R 9 280. The GPU would overheat on OW and Battles. Now it runs game all ultra but FPS locked to 30.
  12. Yes! SGS is not tied to any region. We are global society. "We are a long serving group of friends from all over the world brought together by a love of games and history."
  13. Patronage and Recruitment Report 15th Feb There is no officer that is eligible for patronage promotion at this time. Retired officers have in increasing rate returned to the duty. New Patronage officers Henry Harwood Nick Mickelson John Keats James Thomson Secretary of Recruitment
  14. Gotta remember that not all jokes work for everyone. Specially when on Internet full of people trolling and being just mean to others. Add "joke" next time,you post sarcastic reply.
  15. Not much challenge in that, you should try pve yourself if you only enjoy capture prey that does not fight back.
  16. Registered users should now be able to take part in SGS forums public area.
  17. Ship prices will not be effected by the inflation so much, ship prices are high because the materials are way too hard to find. And those who find them sell them for ridiculous prices. I say mission gold has minor effect on ship prices compared to this economic meltdown.
  18. James Thomson


    What killed Potbs for most of us in SGS was the crossteaming whit alts, and the loss of any realism whit avatarcombat. (Crossteaming using Main national and alt pirates to blockade ports in mass example.) I wish it will not happen in NA so easily.
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