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James Thomson

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Everything posted by James Thomson

  1. Ask the @admin why they dont write tooltips, guides or update their site... Many things are incomplete and making people frustrated because they loose invested time to try and learn these things by testing these things out while they cost insane ammount of effort in ingame currency and time...
  2. What stops him to sink you after catching you again at OS?
  3. This. So much. Why isnt it option in first place developed anyway.
  4. Waited for years to get this fixed. I don't have high hopes.
  5. I think best reference is this: This guy did tremendeous effort on suggestions and now he is gone...
  6. What game you play? I have alot of broken Mechanics to reguest fix for!
  7. You can check SGS here : Casual friendly with twist of RP that is not necessarity and mixed play style!
  8. GB [SGS] Saint George Squadron PvP / RvR / Crafting / PvE / International We are active on all areas of play, but focused on RvR. We keep up the time periods royal navy traditions on our own forums in form of AAR, Promotions, War Stories, ect. You are not required to take part in the forums however. But it is recommended if you want the full enjoyment and experience of SGS officer. Discord is mandatory! We are also celebrating our 15 Years together this year! https://www.st-george-squadron.com
  9. There is whole bunch reporting and giving ideas who play pve server...
  10. I know they wanted to drive people to PvP denying enemy AI spanws on allied regions but when clan has base of ops somwhere and area gets all brittish there is literally no training targets left.
  11. Do you think Port bonus Snow VS Standard Snow fight will end different way when you both have 1k hours played? I talk about this needing a balance, and the books. This is waht most new steam flood players will first struggle. The new flood of players just want to try out the game, not join clans to get ship bonuses. I want balance so standard ships can have at least some chances against bonus ships. Ofcourse play time cannot be balanced and the more advanced player will have edge, but does he need to have even more edge? No he wont.
  12. If there was no advantages and all would be equal in stats, only skill would matter and no one would need to cry. This is how broken the current bonus on bonus on bonus system is. It makes people cry because they don't have these advantages anymore, BUT STILL ARE FORCED TO GRIND THEM AGAIN. Because they know these advantages are needed to be effective! If the advantages were not such grand, and you could effectively in standard Brig enjoy pvp at low level no one would need to cry out.
  13. Never test a game if you can't live whit possibility that all might be lost. Game might have not even launched and be just deleted of existense.
  14. This is good, but eventually the gap will be there again when Vets and Noobs are so uneven the noobs shall spend year before they can effectively pvp. 😕
  15. They don't give any realistic training or practise to PVP when NPC ship stats are overriden by "buffs". That is my opinion. I don't want fight against unrealistic magic ship parameters that don't apply to player ships, wood types or manuvering. Its not training anymore, its just struggle to overcome AIs buffs, i can do that but its not fun or make me any better against players when the ship parameters do not match.
  16. If devs really think this is the situation. I demand all AI are remowed from PvP. All missinos should be PvP related and no single battle is PvE. If PvE is not developed for PvP server then remove it completely.
  17. Yeah. Im sick of fighting enemies that dont sail the ships they feel to be.
  18. Why did they remove small battles anyway? They were great all liked em. Edit: Oh they were liked.
  19. Will there be events for current new players, like instant promotion to max rank so all can test the game fullest before the wipe ? This would be nice for the players that have just started. Just an idea.
  20. You have build a great game with sailing simulation of the 18th Century who no other can currently match. It's feast to be proud whit. I congratulate the whole Dev team and testers. Some tweaking and balance is still required to make the experience good for new people. So keep on at it and make it even greater game!
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