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James Thomson

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Everything posted by James Thomson

  1. I have already quit the game because of the booring meta to grind reals. Only reason i got here is because CKA posted to come over and like / bump this topic. Make earning dubs and reals interesting again and ill come back.
  2. Just few examples how my suggestions have been accepted on forums: Let enemy ai (at least traders/pirates) spawn on all ports for easy and fun action anywhere, reasons to leave port even for 15-30min fight safely. - Reaction was NO. This will move too many players away from PvP action! We dont want this. Have easier AI back, not the stupid one but the easy one 2 years ago before the overhaul, and the big fleet missions that were super fun. - NO NO NO. Again too many drawn out of PvP. New AI is GREAT its good practice to PvP fight with all its buffs and bonuses! We want to keep it! Well.. Bring back small battle rooms? - Nope. No one will leave port! and again we have no PvP! These are the majority responses i have got. And there is many more. So it does feel alot like most here on forums wanted it to be like this.
  3. I have ranted so many times here about the game being not noob friendly, AI being stupidly strong and PvP being mostly ganking. Game offers zero fun and fast content. Its all hardcore pvp and rvr. That's what most of you wanted here on forums. Now you have it. Now its niche game that offers only butt clenching hard content or time consuming pvp/rvr that most people don't have time for. Moments i have fun in NA have decreased to very low. I only collect nice ships nowadays. when taking them out for kill missions now and then, im still afraid it might lead to sinking one of them. If im doing 1 wrong decision against npc it can lead to you sinking to the npc magic... So im not really tempted even doing that either as replacements are often hard to get for casual player like me. (ships that need dubs or cert) Quess i just quit.
  4. It has been asked thousands of times. They wont even fix the clan message of the day problems. Why would they fix ranks?
  5. Yes, if redeemable ships have PBs then should nation capital build ships have too. And Admirality ships. At this point bonuses being so OP. Every ships should have some. Redeemable ships already have superior advantage as being ship you can spawn anywhere, now them having PBs too i dont see why other ships shouldnt have em too.
  6. Just give captial region ports some random Port bonuses too.
  7. My advice, find another game that is newbie friendly. "NA is made for hardcore gamers only." Thats what admin has written.
  8. I bet some of them are the backers and stoc kowners so they get to change the game to their like. In before timers removed again. Honestly im just waitign that we are one ported again. Or Trux is farm fest. Oh joy so much fun game mechanics. ^^
  9. Pay the NPC to sail your ship to a port. And the actual ship would sail the sea. Thats what i want.
  10. Still my only wish is AI ships felt like they were the stats they are shown. And i dont like that AI is put up whit all the mods either. Sure we players can have the mods, but we need to resupply them quite often and most of the time are forced to grind AI to get dubloons and marks to buy them... So we need fight them whitout mods. Fighting super annoying AIs whit bad loot fitted with buffs and mods... > Quit game or sail whitout mods anyway. OR Do shit ton of econ > Sail pixel ships hours and hours for eco missions and possibly just get ganked > Quit game.
  11. Any day if they just sail the hello kittying ships they are in (fir/fir) whitout bonuses and buffs. Have same realods ect ect... Fir ships are like ironclads whit turrets atm.
  12. Yeah same action is also used on if you try to tag along with friendly NPC to safe port. Enemies attack the NPC then leave and it will not respawn. Then they attack you when you are kicked out the instance.
  13. Yep. Been ganked like this few times and never seen the AI before im tagged again.
  14. That is easily removed, just attack once and leave. *boof* NPC escort is gone. But having more of allied ship spawn around could help in that yes.
  15. Just let the AI spawn everywhere for god damn it. Realism is already broke with russians and other nations not belongin in here. Just do it for the sake of fun and gameplay!!!
  16. Or that yes, but im not saying you would not be able to still loot the regular way by sail for the wreck. Just adding few new ways to loot at least partly the far away wrecks that otherwise would be gone. And if the devs were cool assing loot spread acording to damage done. So you will only see your part of the loot.
  17. You would still be able to loot normally, but right now alot of loot just sinks because we cant get to them. So if end battle report window would be back you would be able to loot some of that sinken loot again, like generic loot items. Ofcourse the longboat could carry out the reparis too. But you would make yourself stationary for 30sec while performing this, and if you take enough damage the pick up would be interrupted. You would need ally to shield you while performing the pick up if there still was combat. Ofcourse you would still be able to loot normally sailing to the wreck, but i think that should be bonus. Better reward if you make to the wreck yourself should be in order, as small "longboat" can't carry it all back to the ship lets say. Idea: Longboat trade window would show all the loot, and you can pick up only certain weight of the goods! And if Devs wan't that something needs always be picked from wreck, still show the loot but has it greyd out in the window indicating you should sail over to pick it up. So a longboat could "scout" out wrecks you want to go for. I don't want it to effect combat too much i just wish that the fruit of your efforts dont go to waste. Like it pretty much goes right now in most of the fights. I just wish there was less time consuming method to gather up the loot in the battle instances and sharing it to the group.
  18. Yeah i dont even care of the fleet spawns anymore (i don't have alts) i know its always farmed by because its static locations. I first thought its great mechanic but when i learned its not moving in place i totally pushed away the whole thing. Seeing it pop in the game just annoyes me alot.
  19. Everyone knows how frustraitig it is when AI keeps doing its turning cycle to your stern making him usually die to upwind. And if you are in group there is many enemies around, you just dont have time to loot any enemies before they go too deep. I suggest you can "Retrieve" loot in battle by button sending "longboats" to the shipwreck (add drop down menu to choose shipwreck). This would lock your ship at place for lets say 30 Seconds? And after that loot from the ship you have selected, it will open in trade window for you. You would need to send the "longboat" to all the wrecks invidually in the battle. Ofcourse there should be a maximum range to this action. This way its also dangerous to stop ship and loot middle of the fight, and if you get hit by enemy the process would be interrupted. Now a few rules i would suggest to it. Looting items this way will only give you everything else but resources, so "loot items" only. To retrieve example 300 Teak logs you would still need to sail to that enemy ship for pick up. Also if you sail to the enemy ship yourself and then loot it and have not done the far away loot yet you could get EXTRA loot, would be nice pay for the effort. I would also love to see a loot log, so all in the group can see what is looted. I feel right now that you are not getting the reward from your kills because your loot is either colelcted by others or it sinks to the bottom. It would also be greatly appriciated if you could trade in battle. Or add some other way to share loot with group. Best option ofcourse would be that everyone has their invidual loot, like in many other games already one mob gives loot to all group players acording to their effort. I would like that, and with this method it would be fair game. No griefing and crying, also its more rewarding to group up when you get abit more loot when groupped this way. OR Just add Extra reward when picking up from shipwreck and loot rest in loot window at after battle report like it used to be. Add a trade option to that and be done with it. This is the old after battle windows, i kind of liked it. Just add the loot to the logs here and it new textures and it would work. Feel free to post your ideas, this is just my suggestion take what you want from it.
  20. Hi Devs, i want you to know i love the game. But im also quite harsh on giving criticism. I will turn the knife in wounds if i feel something is broken and be sarcastic about it too.

    But i do it because i love the game so much. I want that you notice that these things need attention. So i go all out on them to make you notice them.

    But its quite hard after 5 years still seeing same bugs and problems around. And great suggestions not beign noted or commented at all by you.

    That is currently the biggest problem for most of us, information.

    Patches, forum posts, UPDATED WEBPAGE, official guides and rules, video logs, tooltips ingame, conversations, ANYTHING!

    If you are doing this all alone, then you really need hire someone to do this all. But current secrecy is hurting your community alot. That is why it is toxic and even the good guys start to be sarcastic and doubtful. But i also think if you have done all this alone to the current point, that is amazing!

    Please! We want to get known of you who greated such a great game for us to enjoy, not to feel like some firm behind is using single account to just dictate the flow of thing like i think most feel right now.

    I love the game, i have 1500hours in it, i bought DLCs, and i have alot of friends here. Even if some things irritate me ALOT!

    Love Naval Action ❤️

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