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D. Federico de Gravina y N

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Posts posted by D. Federico de Gravina y N

  1. Erm...nope. I didn't say that either. I just stated that the French had both a more prominent role, and a stronger commitment to it. It was the foreign power that most supported the american independence. It also was the nation which most money spent on the effort (which ended up in the economic problem that ended up with the french revolution).

    That doesn't mean that the Spanish role was of little significance as the support was important indeed and made a difference. It just means that Spain played a lesser -direct- role than France did in the independence of the colonies, as military speaking they were more worried in regaining what was lost in the 7 year war than in actively supporting the american revolution. French military commitment towards the actual independence of the USA was much more direct (and costly. And unrewarding).

    chato, que soy español. No es cosa de hacernos quedar mal, o de minimizar nuestra contribución. Pero las cosas como son...los gabachos se metieron hasta el pescuezo, y en el conflicto en si. Nosotros fuimos a lo nuestro, en lo que es el esfuerzo militar de la independencia americana nos mojamos bien poquito...y bien hecho que estuvo y bien que nos fue, que es una de las pocas veces que las decisiones estrategicas globales de una guerra en España fueron tomadas con un poquito de inteligencia en lugar de con un exceso de pelotas :D.

    JAJAJAJ, Ok es cierto que los gabachos se lo curraron más, pero no debemos menospreciar el papel del Gobernador Bernando de Gálvez, y e apoyo clandestino a los americanos por medio de avituallamiento, así como la ayuda en la toma de Pensacola, y Saratoga. Es bueno saber que hay españoles por aquí, empezaba a preocuparme la superioridad británica en este foro :D  :D  :D


    JAJAJAJ , Ok it is true that the French worked more , but we should not underestimate the role of Governor Bernardo de Galvez , and will support the American underground through supplies, as well as help in  the conquest of Pensacola, and Saratoga. Good to know that there are Spanish here, beginning to worry the British superiority in this forum :D  :D  :D

  2. I have seen that the minimal graphics card requirements  for this game are Nvidia gtx 560, and the recommended are Nvidia Gtx 760.


    I want to know if this is true, because in other games like Crysis 3, the recommended graphics card requirements are  Nvidia Gtx 560, and Crysis is "hard" game, so why for this game the requirements are more?

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